A ShutterBug Explores ~ Art for Fun and Face Off Friday

'Girl' in watercolors and pen and ink 

 from Cape Ann MA 

A haiga from Cape Ann MA 

We are sharing a link with:

 Art for Fun and Face Off Friday ~ πŸ‘€

Prayers for all. πŸ’—


My sweet assistant ~ πŸ’–

Carol and her assistant ~ πŸ’•


  1. Very cute! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  2. Morning Carol and Ziggy
    I love the little girl and your verse. OMDs we have had some most frigid weather for Dixie.
    Finally the cold snap is moving on. We might have a few days in the 60's next week.
    Hugs to you both

  3. CAROL, Thanks for linking your sweet little girl and haiga to AFFF today


  4. She is adorable, and I am glad after this cold week you have added flowers and made this piece not anything like this January weather. Have a super weekend . hugs-Erika

  5. pretty painting...

    stay warm ...... take care

  6. Adorable sweet heartπŸ’œaND beautiful poem.
    Happy weekend ❤️🧚

  7. Very pretty. You are so talented. XO

  8. Nice art and I enjoyed reading your words too :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Ohhh I just love your characters. They are so sweet and bring happiness. Thank you for sharing with FFO.

  10. This little girl just looks like she wants to go home with someone. Love your poem too. Thank you for sharing with FFO.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)