A ShutterBug Explores ~ Art for Fun and Face Off Friday

'Determined to live life with flair and laughter.

~ Maya Angelou 

Playful angels thinking about pumpkins and apples
on Cape Ann MA 

We are sharing a link with:

 Art for Fun and Face Off Friday~ 👀

Prayers for all. 💗


My sweet assistant ~ 💖

Carol and her assistant ~ 💕


  1. From Granny Annie...the little angels are always off to have fun! Love them.

  2. Beautiful painting. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  3. Sweet art and words 🥰
    Happy weekend 😘

  4. Very nice thoughts for the angels. They are fabulous. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  5. That is sweet. You are so talented. XO

  6. More sweet angels. I hope they're flying around and having a beautiful day!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)