A ShutterBug Explores ~ Thankful Thursdays

 'Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways 

to kneel and kiss the ground.'

~ Rumi 

Only place to be on a hot humid day.


~ for livng near the ocean
~ for having air conditioning inside our home
~ for sea breezes when they come on a hot humid day
~ for being able to sit on our deck to read
~ for having someone to clean my house
~ for my sweet fur person companion 

~ for family and friends ~ 💖

~ for blog land friends ~ 💗

We are sharing a link with:

Thankful Thursdays ~ 👀

Prayers for all. 💗


My sweet assistant ~ 💖

Carol and her assistant ~ 💕


  1. Beautiful photo and intriguing schooner. I think the last time I was on a boat--don't remember what kind--was in high school for something school-related. I think we were supposed to have a parent come along but my father was working and my mother doesn't like boats, so my grandfather went. Only thing I remember is them telling us that some people needed to move to the other side of the boat because there was too much weight on one side with everyone on that one side looking at something.

  2. Morning Carol and Mr. Z
    What lovely thankfuls to which I add I'm thankful you have that beautiful deck facing the ocean
    Hugs x 2

  3. Love that photo and your view. Most wonderful thankfuls too. .Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Near a salty breeze is the perfect place to be on a hot, humid day. How I miss the beach!

  5. I am thankful for the a/c too. :) XO


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)