A ShutterBug Explores ~ SkyWatch Friday

'A life without a dog is a mistake.'

~ Carl Zuckmayer 

Skies like this freguently seen lately 
on Cape Ann MA

We are sharing a link with:


My sweet assistant ~ 💖 

Carol and her assistant ~ 💕 


  1. Gray skies have their own silvery beauty and isn't it grand when the clouds break up and you can the blue sky!

  2. There was nothing buy fog and a white sky here in Vermont today.

  3. So similar to what we have at present, grey and very cloudy and rainy.
    I visited you via Skywatch Friday - 18 January 2024 Edition
    My link: 14. This is a personal invite to come and join us at #WordlessWednesday (words also welcome) Wednesday - Saturday. Link under BLOGGING.

  4. Gray and fog and drizzle and rain seems to be the order of the day for many of us, including here. It does not, however, preclude beauty as your photo shows.

  5. Oh those grim grey skies. Personally, I can't wait for winter to end.

  6. A dramatic and foreboding sky. I hope you are warm enough. xx


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)