A ShutterBug Explores ~ Awww Mondays

'Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life
without one is a life diminished.'

~ Dean Koontz

More storms predicted tonight (Sunday)
and Monday here on Cape Ann MA

 We are sharing a link with:


My sweet assistant ~ 💖 

Carol and her assistant ~ 💕 


  1. We are excited to have the sun for the first time in over a week!

  2. Great quote. I am surprised by the author of the quote though. :) XO

  3. What a wonderful quote......I know you two are counting the days to spring...I think about 50ish maybe.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Koonz is right! Life without a dog or a cat is not a real life. out of my 79 years, the only no dog years, were my first 7 and 3 in 1980to 83. so 10 years without a pup. sorry about the storm, hope you are not being blasted. I did not watch the news this morning. we are on the down pendulum weather swing and back from HOT to cold today and 7 days out. not your kind of cold, but colder than normal for us

  5. We have had many wonderful dogs in our life. When the last one passed on we decided that would be it. Yes, we miss having a dog but it is where we are in life right now. I love seeing your cutie.

  6. Spring is coming. I keep telling myself that. We're having another storm coming on Wednesday.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Carol. Love and hugs to you both. ♥

  7. Inside, safe and warm is a good thing. Y'all take care up there!

  8. Having a dog inside with you makes the storms easier to live with.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)