A ShutterBug Explores ~ Happy Tuesday

'Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry,
the philosophy which does not laugh,
and the greatness which does not bow before children.'
~Khalil Gibran

Happy 'feathered friends' on Cape Ann MA

(we have had snow and snow again with ice ~ not fun ~ but birds are happy to be fed)

 We are sharing with: Happy Tuesday.

I love your comments. Thank You.



    Angel ~ my rescue  yorkie ~ love her ~ Xox

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. So precious. They always make me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Carol. Love and hugs to you and Angel. ♥

  2. I like that feeder....geeeeez will the snow ever end?
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Nice quote and beautiful photo. XO

  4. Ahhh I love watching the birds! We have had a lot of woodpeckers this winter!

  5. Lovely photo and sweet little tweeter (and yes, that is a very handsome feeder as well!)

  6. Happy Tuesday!
    It is nice to see more sunshine.

  7. The birds certainly don't seem to mind the wintry weather- I guess so long as people like you and I keep them well fed:)

  8. Great quote, and nice feeding of birds!

  9. at least the extra food will help keep them warm 😀


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)