A ShutterBug Explores ~ Happy Tuesday and Our World Tuesday


'The only way to have a friend is to be one.'

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a happy doggie on deck on Cape Ann MA ~
She is happy there is no snow on the deck.
Not to mention Mom is happy to see clear sky in her world.
Although we did get more snow this weekend ~ sigh.

We are sharing with 2 blogs:

Happy Tuesday


Our World Tuesday.

I love your comments. Thank You.



    Angel ~ my rescue  yorkie ~ love her ~ Xox

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. What a view your doggie has!! I am glad you got a respite from winter.

  2. Every season has its time, clear season will come soon.

  3. Hooray for a snow-free deck and a happy pup!

  4. That is a most beautiful photo and I know you two ladies are beside yourself with glee of blue skies and seeing ground
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What a view you have and having Angel in that view is even better. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Carol. Love and hugs to you and Angel. ♥

  6. awesome blue sky! I bet that made both you and Angel smile!

  7. Nice quote and beautiful photo. XO

  8. Gorgeous view, and yes so nice to have the snow melt away. Our yard is still covered but hopeful that much will melt Thursday when we are supposed to reach 60 degrees:) I'm still watching for the first robin to appear.

  9. The could definitely be my happy place with such a wonderful view!

  10. What a view!

    <a href="https://calrat.blogspot.com:>Worth A Thousand Words</a>

  11. Pretty skies and calm waters.
    That sure looks like a beautiful day! :)

  12. Lovely capture from the deck and cute doggie walk!

  13. Gorgeous. The view, and the little pupster ...


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)