A ShutterBug Explores ~ Thankful Thursdays

'Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.'

~ Albert Einstein

Summer time on Cape Ann MA.

What am I thankful for:

~ Everything ~ It is all part of life
~ This awesome view of a cruise ship leaving the harbor
~ Our country recovering from Covid
~ Sunshine and rain
~ Birds and their visiting our feeders
~ Nature in all its glory
~ Our family and friends
~ Our blog land friends and their support

We are sharing with: Brian's Thankful Thursdays.

 I love your comments. Thank You.



    Angel ~ my rescue  yorkie ~ love her ~ Xox

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. Those are wonderful thankfuls and what a pretty cruise ship. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Many of us, especially me, have lots to be thankful for.

    I love the shot of the small cruise ship.

  3. It's good to see things happening again. Beautiful cruise ship too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Carol. Love and hugs to you both. ♥

  4. Such a beautiful place. Wonderful things to be thankful for too. XO

  5. What a great view! Nice thankfuls too friends Purrs

  6. So much summer fun! There is always something for which to be thankful.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)