A ShutterBug Explores ~ Paint Party Friday

'Good habits are worth being fanatical about.
~ John Irving

Another symbol of hope for everyone now.

A flower blooms on a Cape Ann MA painted beach rock.
(We are still walking but not leaving rocks yet
for people to find ~ still a bit unsafe) We have not yet
reached the peak of the Virus. 

We are linking with: Paint Party Friday.

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. Oh, another lovely rock! The daisy hugs that rock perfectly! You have inspired me to pick up a few when I see them. I hope to clean them and try my hand at painting them someday!

  2. Wish you guys ever touch the peak of covid 19. Pretty rock bloom!

  3. What a lovely Daisy Carol! I love the painted stone! i was on a conversation with my boss yesterday and she did say how numbers are high around their state. She lives in RI. Please stay safe and indoors as much as you can Carol! Happy Weekend!

  4. Your flower is beautiful. Happy PPF, have a great weekend and stay safe. Hugs, Valerie

  5. I would just LOVE to find one of these. They are lovely. Happy PPF

  6. A beautiful rock. I have suspended my rock leaving and finding activities as well as geocaching for similar reasons. The risk may be slight, but why take it. Also, I am an illegal sign acquisition volunteer for the city and I have suspended that as well.

    Stay safe!!

  7. I love the flower, perfect for Spring. I thought you were leaving them on the beach, but it makes sense to wait. Stay safe and healthy.

  8. I would still love to find one of your painted rocks in the future.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. See you on Monday. Big hug to you and lots of lovies to Ms. Zoe. ♥

  9. Such a beautiful rock. Daisies are my favorite flowers (and I agree that they're very hopeful).

  10. So beautiful Carol. Thank you for leaving a rock for us all here...

  11. well i would love to find that if i was out walking - beautiful rock.

  12. I love this sign of hope, Carol. Thanks for sharing.

  13. delightful painting Carol! You will have lots of painted rocks to leave and make many happy once the Covid -19 ends. keep well, and happy PPF!

  14. I love this symbol and it is a wonderful thing to share. Thank you.

  15. I love this daisy. I can't wait to see them in the garden.

  16. We can *all* enjoy your wonderful painted rocks through your photos ...even those of us who will never be lucky enough to be where we might find them in person after this pandemic is over. ...


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)