A ShutterBug Explores ~ ShadowShot Sunday2

'Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.'
~ Barbara Walters

A feather seen on Cape Ann MA recently.

We are linking with: ShadowShot Sunday2.

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. Oh, that would be pretty popular here!

  2. A singular feather causing one to reflect on the reason! A mystery. Thank you! Have a wonderful week!

  3. That is a lovely find! My Goro would probably go crazy over it :-)

  4. I always enjoy finding a feather. I especially enjoy it when one comes floating through the air into my palm. :)

  5. love the quote! deep breaths ....i love finding feathers when i'm out hiking. Happy Monday to you.

  6. A very nice shot Carol :)

    All the best Jan


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)