A ShutterBug Explores ~ SkyWatch Friday

'He who wonders discovers that this in itself
is wonder.'
~ M.S. Escher

A mixed bag of clouds, blue sky and sunset in Cape Ann MA skies.

We are linking with: SkyWatch Friday

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. Pretty clouds over the water during the sunset. Hope the weather is warming up there. We are having hot weather already--88 degrees today!

  2. Hari OM
    Mother of pearl puffs! YAM xx

  3. Oh so pretty! We had some smashing skies for our sunset this evening, which came after a rainbow. Coming to a post near you soon! Have a sunny weekend!

  4. What a peaceful image. I sure needed it this morning.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  5. Beautiful skywatch shot this week! The colors are wonderful. Have a great weekend!

  6. I like that Escher quote. The cloud on the right looks like it's enjoying a lovely soar in the evening sky.

  7. Such a dreamy sky...what a sight to see just before falling asleep.
    Thanks for sharing.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)