'The heart that gives, gathers.' 
~ Tao Te Ching

I is for Island in Fog

This was the day before the Parade of Sail which got postponed
due to the inclement weather. Below you will see the actual day of the event was more like Summer.
Island Activity ~ Parade of Sail on Cape Ann MA

Ah, one of my  favorites ~ the single photo of this lovely
schooner at full sail, heading out beyond the breakwater
for the Mayor's Race.

Two schooners photographed in the harbor. It was not easy
to photograph individual schooners as there were so many
other boats around. I did manage to capture a few.

Another favorite the red sails on this schooner.
There were many smaller boats out to see the event.

My favorite smaller schooner ~ I love the unique sails
on this one ~ They are all beautiful.

Now the schooners are heading out beyond the breakwater
 for the Mayor's Race. Too much traffic to get out there.
Viewing would be much better from a boat. I did enjoy the view
from our deck located in a beautiful spot.
The Mayor Race ends the Parade of Sail on Cape Ann MA.

Linking with ABC Wednesday 

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^
and will comment back.

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. What fun! Sometimes we get the tall ships here but the crowds are so awful it makes it not fun for me. But I'd love to be able to sit somewhere shady and comfy to watch them go past! Lucky you! *smile*

    abcw team

  2. Very good selection of pics. Looks like a busy place.
    Happy ABCW!

  3. Beautiful photo's... it must be wonderful to live near the sea

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  4. Such beauty on the water, very lovey photos and the scenery is incredible. Greetings to you.

  5. What a beautiful day eventually! Your photos are just wonderful of the schooners!
    Enjoy today!

  6. What a lovely view with beautiful schooners on sparkling water! They look so elegant! I love white sail but the red one is very eye catching and gorgeous!

  7. This would have been fabulous to see in person. I haven't seen red sails before. It gives a unique look to the schooner. The one you like best reminds me of a chinese boat with sails. It might be the small square sail at the aft (?).

  8. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Splendid capture over the boats and sparkling water! Looks wonderful activity

  10. Carol, Sailing is a great activity. The schooners are magnificent. Thanks for sharing.

  11. oh how utterly beautiful! Love the red sails. Lucky you to have a great view of the water from your deck...something I dream to have one day.

  12. Love the quote at the top! I could sit and watch the boats all day!

  13. great to see the weather cooperated and you got to see the boats sailing :D

  14. Schooner. Such a neat word, to say and look at. I'm flash backing to grammar school days and the pictures of schooners in our history books. I've never seen one in person. At least I don't think so.

  15. The island in the fog photo looked like the weather was probably cold. I think I'd really enjoy that parade of sail and the race.

  16. What gorgeous photos! What a treat it would have been to see all those lovely ships sailing!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)