Happy 4th of July to the USA
also known as Independence Day.
Have a safe and happy one. ^_^

(scroll down for the link you want)

'It is no use to go back to yesterday
because I was a different person then.'
Lewis Carroll

Our World Tuesday ~ 

Our World on Cape Ann Ma is celebrating the 4th of July
Happy Independence Day to the dear USA

Ruby Tuesday ~ 

Window Display on Cape Ann MA
for the 4th of July ~ Independence Day in the USA

ABC Wednesday ~ Letter is Z 

Beautiful Cape Ann MA before a summer storm.

Z is for zeitgeist ~ general intellectual, moral and cultural
state of an era.

I wonder what is happening with this changing
era ~ can be a bit puzzling at times.

A Simple Town Life ~ grateful

Grateful for nature's awesome palette and living in the
USA with freedom, family and friends and most important
my little Yorkie ~ What are you grateful for today?

Sky Watch Friday ~ 

An awesome Cape Ann MA sky ~ 

Haiku My Heart
A Cape Ann Ma haiku for you and Haiku My Heart ~ 

Paint Party Friday ~ 
More free hand watercolor angels on Cape Ann MA

Saturday Critter and Camera Critters ~ 
'Zoe' under the table for shade on Cape Ann MA
at the Manchester Mystery Book  Club 

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ 

More a reflection than a shadow on Cape Ann MA 
Hey, I just like the effect 

Sunday Sketches ~ 
Happy Independence Day in the USA
from this Cape Ann MA angel 

Blogs we are linking with:

 Your posted comments are a treasure ~ thanks

Wishing you a safe and happy Independence
Day in the USA. ^_^

'boss dog'



  1. Hari OM
    HAPPY FOURTH!!! My, but these are some mighty fine shots this week... I particularly love the 'pre-storm' moorings scene; and Zoe, of course. Always love Zoe!!! Blessings, YAM xx

  2. Dear Carol-
    Happy 4th of July!
    All your photos are grand.
    I particularly enjoyed the calm before the storm photo and Zoe's picture.
    Have a Happy Week!
    Peace :)

  3. I love your patriotic angels, your haiku, and I love your spirit. I hope the fireworks don't bother your dog too much. Ours hate the Fourth of July.

  4. Oh what really beautiful photos and art again! Can't pick a fave although I do love the "reflection" and the stormy sea-which really draws me in. Fab patriotic displays too. And I do adore your angel art-and your angel Zoe:) Happy 4th to you and yours!

  5. Beautiful sky shots! Have a safe Independence Day.

  6. Happy 4th!
    Hope you are having a great week!

  7. Happy Independence Day to you too Carol. I hope you and your little muse enjoy the festivities. I love that picture of the before the storm. It says so much. These times are confusing. It shows how one person can make a difference, good or bad. We need all of our angels to help take care of life right now. Namaste.

  8. Happy 4th of July :)

    Zoe looks so cute :)

  9. Love the shadow (reflection) photo!
    Some great 4th of July decorations. I hope you enjoyed the holiday. xo

  10. Not that long ago, I wrote that I was NOT a very zeitgeisty person. No, it is not a word!


  11. I can relate to your thoughts about the present and the future... we all have our doubts and wishes, especially in difficult and worrying times.

    Wishing you a wonderful ABC-day / -week and hopefully till next week when I may welcome you in te new home of ABC-Wednesday on http://abcwednesday.com !

    Melody (abcw-team)

  12. They sure are strange and unsettling times, nice to have your calm and beautiful pictures with a haiku to show what is important.

  13. I hope you had a lovely 4th of July day, it's raining here in NZ but hopefully it's nice and warm there for you.

  14. Hello, pretty views of Cape Ann. I like the reflections and window displays. Pretty sky shots and your Zoe is always adorable. I hope you had a happy 4th of July. Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  15. I love the nature Haiku this week.

  16. Beautiful photos! I love that shot of the harbor with the dark clouds overhead.

  17. The colors of your sky in all kinds of weather are amazing. When I come to your site, I find myself feeling calmer looking at your photos of your home. Thank you.

  18. Lots of beautiful shots. thanks for visiting my blog. Janey

  19. Wonderful art and words again. Love the reflections photo and your little treasure finding a shady place! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  20. What a lovely haiku and wonderful angels. The photos are so beautiful too, the one before the summer storm is so gorgeous.

  21. Beautiful photos! I love the harbour before the storm photo, very nice indeed.
    Have a wonderful week.

  22. Haha, coming back.
    For your angels.

  23. Hello Carol, nature is beautiful. Lovely views of the water and sky. I am a fan of your artwork and angels. Love your sweet Zoe too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  24. Good to find some shade in this heat! Love the shadow shot photo too! Enjoy your weekend...stay cool! Hugs!

  25. Lovely Independence Angel for SS!

  26. Hi Carol.... looks like you and Zoe had a good Holiday -- nature feeds my spirit these days ...always love the beauty of Cape Ann. And the angels!

  27. Hi kindred...what a beautiful post and tribute..stunning photos! I love your haiku..pure peacefulness shines from your poetic soul! I am always smitten with your little pup..so adorable! Wonderful art!
    Thanks for shining your magic!
    Happy Sunday Sketches #12

  28. I hope little Zoe found some shade. Gorgeous Cape Anne pre storm shot! Oliver had to decide between shade and playing with his birthday toys today and managed to do both. I guess he wanted his pool because he ended up resting with one paw in the water dish.

  29. Hello Carol!:) My, what gorgeous sky shots, especially like the moody one, and I like the Teddy picnic, and shop window display. Adorable Zoe is as photogenic as ever. I hope you had a happy 4th of July.:)

  30. Your comment came through just fine.

  31. I enjoyed your eye candy this week! The storm photo is my all time favorite of yours. Thanks so much for continuing to inspire me!
    ~~ Irene

  32. I love your Shadow Shot Sunday. . .I could see a picture/painting and that is the background. Your pictures show the most absolutely beautiful place (and I have been there) I can think of. Blessings, Janet


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)