Another blog week begins on Cape Ann MA ~
Enjoy the photography, haiku and art and the
links to other bloggers. So glad to have you
stop by ~ Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

(scroll down to link you want.)

'Talent is nurtured in solitude, character
is formed in the stormy billows of the world.'
~ Johan Wolfgang von Goethe~

Our World Tuesday ~ 
The rocky coast of Cape Ann MA ~
is to me one of the landscapes that make
 New England so beautiful.

ABC Wednesday ~ Letter is 'W'

'W' for Waves ~ Beach Waves on Cape Ann MA ~
 always refreshing.

Small Town Life ~ 
Grateful for 'new life' ~ handsome little boy
at family party for a college graduate.
I always see new babies, children as 'little miracles'
and am grateful for those little miracles that give hope
for the future.

Sky Watch Friday ~ 
Another creative sky on Cape Ann MA
due to the fog settling in.

Haiku My Heart ~ 
A haiku for you from Cape Ann MA

Paint Party Friday ~ 
A abstract work in progress ~ with molding paste, water spray
inks, pebbles, sand on masonite ~ 

Saturday Critters and Camera Critters ~ 
'A Critter of a sort' ~ on Cape Ann MA
A partner to our other metal frog ~ I love the colors.

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ 
'Shadows and reflections at twilight' on Cape Ann MA

Sunday Sketches ~ 
An attempt at angels flying ~
 'Angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly.'
A lesson I am still learning.

Best for Last ~ 

Blogs we are linking with:

We are wishing you a gentle loving week. ^_^

Your posted comments add delight to the blog.
thanks ~ ^_^

'Tis herself'



  1. Hari OM
    G'day Zoe-dog! That abstract piece is shaping up nicely... the scenery always beautiful... again breath deepens... Blessings, YAM xx

  2. I am all for rocky coastline.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  3. I so agree with the first picture and caption. I love that NE coast line. Beautiful photos all. I like your flying angels too. Sweet. Have a great week...

  4. Another week of fine photos - I always love seeing your New England scenery. It certainly is beautiful!

  5. a plethora of eye candy Carol! Love the Goethe quote as well as your haiku. Love coming here and seeing the water each week-esp. when I can't see it in person.
    Your abstract wip is fab looking already and am looking forward to seeing the completed piece. Sweet, darling Zoe-I feel as if I "know" her:) Have a wonderful week!

  6. I always look forward to see where your creative energy takes you. And I appreciate your photos of your puppy dog.

  7. Fantastic images. Very nice variety.

  8. Yours is such a beautiful place to live, to be, inspires peace and love, have a happy week.

  9. Did someone get a new haircut, she looks freshly groomed. One of the pups I sit for got a Bichon puffy cut and I think it's cute but just too warm for it. Baby girl looks comfy and adorable here. Love the ocean shots, you are so lucky to have such beautiful scenery.

  10. Beautiful nature photos and great the other too!

  11. I've got to get me to an ocean soon. That frog is a character and the baby is sweet.

  12. oh yes the best for last... adorable. I am intrigued with the art piece... how interesting. Sending your link to my frog loving friend also an artist. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  13. Lots of joy in all aspects and bright colors; amazing blue of the sky on friday, amazing waves of the sea, touching words and so lovely little Zoe! *-*
    A great, sunny and inspired new week! Alexa

  14. Wow, the abstract art is a piece of cosmic wonder bubbling on a board. Very interesting work!

  15. Wonderful waves.... we have them here also... always love to watch them, they're always different...

    Have a ♥-warming welcome ABC-day / week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
    Preview Round 21, starting july 12th

  16. Hi Carol, quite a varid set of photos, and all very interesting, and through your photos I'm begining to realise you have a very contrasting coast line , beautiful.
    Take care, Gordon.

  17. Love the metal frog, I can imagine it making a clanking sound if it came to life. A nice day at the beach.

  18. Friday morning here right now, have a good weekend :-)

  19. I love your skywatch shot, Carol! Really pretty shades of blue.

  20. Hello Carol! Your beautiful photos of the shore and waves of Cape Ann really draw me in! How lovely!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  21. Love your post which is full of wonders of nature, childhood and your creativity. I'm waiting for seeing your abstract work ready. Thank you for sharing the awesome photos and the sweet best of last:)
    Happy PPF XX

  22. Wonderful photos and art. Babies are indeed miracles. Love the angels, they remind me a bit of the angel series from Paul Klee. Happy PPF to both of you, hugs, Valerie

  23. Beautiful baby! Lovely abstract coming along for PPF!

  24. If Goethe was right... then I have a lot of character! Beautiful seeing the clear sky and colors of your world Carol. I too like that little metal frog and can imagine him hopping on your deck withh Zoe in hot pursuit! May your dear angels help us manage such change and receive he miracles of this life. Thank you for these gifts Carol, have a beautiful weekend! Xo

  25. Loving your abstract W.I.P. It looks like a tidepool.

  26. It is indeed beautiful where you are. The haiku is wonderful and I love your abstract. The best for last is indeed charming.

  27. Love the sweet baby boy! I too think of little ones as miracles...they are so perfect. Your painting reminds me of the universe! And I love that rocky coast!

  28. Lovely documentation of life!

  29. Hello, the rocky shoreline is beautiful. I love the pretty sky captures and the water views. Looks so peaceful. The metal frog is cute. The little boy is adorable. Your Zoe is a sweet furbaby. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and weekend!

  30. I loved your photos and the artwork in progress. I live in a seaside town, very close to the sea.I am in love with the sea, ocean and sun. Happy weekend and PPF :)

  31. My visit here, worth full; photos and verse, your skills of both.

  32. That is a beautiful child! And I love all the water photos
    Have a great week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  33. I love your art and I am drawn to the beautiful ocean.
    The little one knows how to pose for sure (I mean the furbaby) :)
    Great snaps and lovely angels, Carol.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  34. Great work and such lovely photos. Greetings!

  35. Everything is beautiful but my favorite is the abstract. That just captures me.

  36. I like the famous shades of blue in your photos and wish, I could be by the waves (all water is so far away from here) and what a funny colorful frog!
    Have a good new week

  37. I enjoy ALL your photos every week! Have a great day!

  38. As usual lovely series of photos covering a week events at blog! Love the metal colourful frog and your haiku quote. Kids always always enjoy watchable

  39. The molding paste work in progress is impressive!

  40. Sigh...I just love a nice rocky coastline. So much more interesting than a sandy beach. Have a lovely week exploring your corner of the world.

  41. A great mix of imagery and thoughts :)

  42. So many nice things to see here! I love you PPF contribution!

  43. Ah, the serenity of your shadow shot! Thank you, Carol.

  44. Whoops - you missed a linkup which I'd love you to join~


  45. I love the art, so interesting with lots of good things, pebbles, Sand, inks on masonite. . .Beautiful. Blessings, Janet


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)