Here we are ~ another week on Cape Ann MA.
A chance to share the beauty ~ despite the varied
weather. Hope you enjoy the views.

(scroll down for link you want.)

'An animals eyes have the power to speak
a great language.' ~ Martin Buber

Our World Tuesday ~ 

As you can see this is another foggy day on Cape Ann MA.
Few pleasure boats are yet in the water and summer is
very slow to arrive this year. ~ Made for a unique sky, though.
A bit of 'our world' here.

ABC Wednesday ~ letter is V

'V' ~ Veritas ~ the truth will out as America is strong
and we will rise above what is happening.
I have great respect for the Office of President but more respect for the people of the United States and the truth
will out ~ hopefully soon.

It's A Small Town Life ~ 

Encouraged by Lea a kindred spirit and haiku poet,
I went to my labyrinth and lit a candle for inspiration
for myself and all. Come into the light with your gifts.
So thankful for many loves, my doggie, creating, house, family
friends, car, my health; but more than just things I am grateful
for being me with all my talents and foibles.
What are you grateful for today?

Sky Watch Friday on Thursday ~ 
Many days on Cape Ann MA have ended with a lovely sky.
Yet more days than nought we have had a weather pattern
of cold, rain, wind and fog. Tis New England

Haiku My Heart ~ 

A beautiful bloom on Cape Ann MA ~ 


held tight all winter
lying dormant beneath earth
slow to come to light

At times we are all like this budding
flower ~ needing support to overcome
the shyness to share the light.
Others are bold and have no care for others
I would rather be the gentle budding one
slowly, sincerely, simply ~ me.

Paint Party Friday ~ 

A Collage that may never be to my liking ~
Here it is ~ created with specialty paper, lumiere paints and clay.

Saturday Critters and Camera Critters ~
No flowers yet in the planter ~ too cold on Cape Ann MA
So we have metal bunnies ~ I have the Mom and Dad too
 ~ I love them.

Shadow Shot Sunday 2 ~ 
Sun brought shadows ~ now back to
rain, fog, wind and cold on Cape Ann MA

Sunday Sketches ~ 
Angels are back on Cape Ann MA
free hand watercolor sketch

Best for Last ~ Sweet 
'Rrrrrr' ~ weather still 'raw' on Cape Ann MA

Blogs we are linking with:

We are wishing you a happy week. ^_^

Your posted comments are a delight to us, thanks.

'boss dog'



  1. I hope the truth does come out. Sometimes I wonder. I look forward to seeing your doggie close the series. And by the way, I do write for the local newspaper and post those stories on my blog after they come out (along with my informal writing, poetry and photography).

  2. I always enjoy your assortment of pics to meet the linky needs for a week and as the lady above says, I love the final doggie shot.

  3. In spite of the weather, you have captured some beautiful shots. Those of us on the east coast need some sustained sunshine!

  4. Wonderful post, and photos. Greetings.

  5. Hari OM
    Some different views this week - or ought that to be 'perspective'?.. much needed refreshment. Hugs and Love, YAM xx

  6. I love that first foggy photo - there's a magic to sea and mist. And of course your critter is as cute as ever!

  7. Love the quote you began your post with Carol. Always a pleasure seeing views of the harbor and boats no matter what the weather. Lovely haiku and angel painting. And I love the bunnies too:) Saving best for last-she is one very lucky one to have you for her mum. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  8. Great photo of the flag and a beautiful idea to light a candle for inspiration! Enjoy your week sweet lady!

  9. Lovely shots and of course - your dog is adorable!

  10. Loving the candle and inspiring quote. I enjoy scented candles myself, mostly gentle vanilla - just lovely.

  11. I love that dirst picture Carol - the foggy view. And of course the metal bunnies. I want some. Have a wonderful week of improving weather.

  12. The fog ties the land to the sea.
    Thank you for lighting a candle for all. Your little altar looks nice.
    I am thankful for family and friends; Good health; plenty.
    Metal rabbits are the best kind to have in the garden.
    Those sweet eyes of your Muse say a lot.

  13. I echo your feelings about the current government. Watching it all unfold from west coast of Canada!

    abcw team

  14. I also prefer American people and not this living joke sitting on the top ! Your little doggie is adorable !

  15. I totally can imagine your worries and hope along with you that all will come right very soon.

    Have a voicefilled ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y (team ABC-W)
    preview round 21 starting july 12th

  16. Hi! I like your first photo very much. Your sketch is very lovely. I like your Haiku too. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Beautiful photos! I love your candle. It's wonderful to have so much to be grateful for. I'm grateful for my kitties, home, health, and many more :-)

  18. Hey Artmuse Dog, bet you don't mind the cold and fog, I'd trade that for heat and humidity for sure. That cold rain and wind can be a drag though. Beautiful shots of the cape. I've been listening to the hearings all morning and amazed at how they are refusing to answer the most basic questions. Not sure truth stands a chance these days.

  19. cute metal bunnies :) the collage looks good, what do you not like about it?

  20. The first foggy view towards the lighthouse is so special!
    I enjoyed your haiku so much!
    Hugs to Miss Zoe and hope you have a lovely weekend!

  21. Love the skies and the bunnies seem to be looking out for warmer weather. We are having a lot of high winds, Zoe would not look as adorably coiffured after a walk in these. Have a great week under whatever skies.

  22. I enjoyed your views this week and I always like to see your pup! Thanks for linking up today!

  23. Your metal bunnies are so cute!

  24. Love the pictures though don't enjoy gloomy skies

  25. A very beautiful sky shot you captured this week!!

  26. Another wonderful post. I loved "V for veritas" I am having to talk a lot with my 19 year old son with autism. He is convinced that our President is going to ruin the country and I tell him that the country is bigger than #45. I tell him that the truth about him is coming out and that even his supporters will turn on him soon enough.

    Thank you for you continuing positive, loving life posts. I love them.

  27. Hello Carol, these are all lovley images. The first view is gorgeous, lovely sky shots. The metal bunnies are cute. I love your angel sketch. I am thankful to be able to enjoy your talent. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  28. Gorgeous art and photos, love the beautiful skies. And your four footed friend is as lovely as always. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  29. I too patiently wait for the truth to be know and new beginnings for us all.

  30. I do like your collage for PPF, lovely seaside theme.

  31. dear gentle budding one,
    thank you for being you and spreading your beautiful light! it is always a comfort to be here with you as we unfold one compassionate day at a time. xo

  32. A lovely post! and your PPF art work is great, what a fun combination!

  33. Lovely post. Awesome photos, cute painting, adorable bunnies, lovely sketch and most sweet 'boss dog.
    Happy PPF xx

  34. Dear Carol, your alter of inspiration and gratitude fills my heart... I am grateful for life, for being here and seeing the world through your lens and what matters to your heart... I love that collage and the bunnies and the angels you share... I hope for some sunshine and the kiss of flowers yet to bloom. You and sweet Zoe have a wonderful weekend my dear bloglandia friend. XOXOXO

  35. Lovely images, Carol .I enjoyed all. Have a lovely weekend.

  36. What a beautiful painting and artmuse_dog is so cute. I also love the blues in the first photo and of course the bunnies...

  37. very nice the Art Works and photos!
    I love the sea!!!!
    Happy weekend

  38. Hello, Carol! I just love your sweet furbaby Zoe! Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday! Wishing you a happy weekend!

  39. I always enjoy your photos...and your art! And of course your furbaby...such a sweet one!

  40. Wonderful photos, Carol. I hope you are enjoying the weekend. I love the metal bunnies - so whimsical!

  41. Isn't it so beautiful, your dogs of course, lovely bunch of fur Carol.

  42. The blooms know better than to come out when it's cold!

  43. What would we do without blossoms to brighten our days?

  44. ...I sure do like your foggy day!

  45. I always love who you save for last- such a cutie! Great photos- have a nice weekend!

  46. i think fog adds such a beautiful element to pictures...and to the view!! i like your piece for the paint party, it is fun and whimsical!!!!

  47. Like your bloom. The rain has brought the Caladiums jutting out above from their bulbs below

    Have a nice Sunday Carol

    Much love...

  48. Your photos are so beautiful, my favorite this week is the foggy view. Your little grotto is wonderful, and you have inspired me to add one to my garden!

  49. Beautiful Cape Ann views...Lovely post!

  50. Were you out on a walk when you took your shadow shot?

  51. OMG Carol! That's a load of them! All lovely and beautiful! Loved your haiku. :)

  52. These are all so wonderful! Your little pup is just adorable!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)