So begins another week on Cape Ann MA
We have had very humid, hot weather which was not conducive to photographing or much of anything but keeping cool ~ then we went to
cool temperatures and jackets. Hope you enjoy
the creative array of photos, creations and haiku.

(scroll down for photo link you want)

'If the world seems cold to you,
kindle fires to warm it.'
~ Lucy Larcom

Our World Tuesday ~ 
The new hotel on Cape Ann MA at twilight ~ opened end of last summer and is quite lovely and even has a roof top pool.

Ruby Tuesday Too ~ 
Can you find the 'red' in our furperson's toys?
Think she has enough to play with on Cape Ann MA?

ABC Wednesday ~ letter is T ~ 
T for ABC Wednesday ~  is 'Table Top' ~ with trailing branches from my medicine plant.

Watery Wednesday ~ 

One of the working boats heading out of the harbor
on Cape Ann MA

Thankful Thursday (a simple life)
Thankful for many things on Cape Ann MA , our town, our house, location, yard, family and friends ~ but especially for my newly groomed Yorkie ~ Who still does not like camera.

Good Fences around the World ~ 
New Boulevard fence on Cape Ann MA
along with the gorgeous array of flowers along the area.

Sky Watch Friday ~ 
One of nicer skies lately on Cape Ann MA

Haiku My Heart ~ 
A haiku for you and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Paint Party Friday ~ 
A watercolor of 'her highness' ~ 

Saturday Critters and Camera Critters ~ 
The mourning doves must have a nest nearby ~ they have
been visiting our deck on Cape Ann MA and I just love them. Some people think they are just pigeons but even pigeons are special to me.

Shadow Shot Sunday
MS. Zoe surrounded by shadows
thanks to the sunlight at last on Cape Ann MA

Sunday Sketches
A Spring Time Angel  from Cape Ann MA for you.

The 'Best for Last' ~ 

Ever thankful for my sweet yorkie ~ taking a nap
Blogs we are linking with:

We are wishing you a lovely week. ^_^

Your posted comments are a treasure. Thanks.



  1. Hari OM
    As ever, I arrive to wander on your side for a few moments and leave refreshed! Blessed week to you. YAM xx

  2. I would like to stay in that hotel.

  3. So soothing a visit here. Cape Ann is yet another addition to my (always wishful and dreaming) bucket list! Zoe looks darling with the haircut although I'm sure she still needs her sweater at times with this fickle weather. Very thought provoking haiku. Love your sweet and soft watercolor pieces too. Have a lovely week Carol!

  4. It's definitely looking like spring in your part of the world.

  5. Carol, I just love my infrequent visits to your blog, the gentle boats, Art muse dog on paper and in reality and at the mo, we are clearly sharing the same humid weather even though we are continents apart!
    With love from a fellow sweaty betty!
    Wren x

  6. You got a great shot of your little Muse after her trim. I understand about a dog not wanting her picture made. Annie is the same way. That looks like one fancy hotel. Love seeing the water pictures. Sun enhances all spaces even if it makes it difficult to get good pictures. Your haiku sounds so lonesome. Hugs... Have a great week.

  7. Cape Ann looks a beautifull place, and I love your Yorkie, we have two Westies.
    Take care, Gordon.

  8. Your highness glows with a golden aura and and looks rightly royal in your lovely watercolor.

  9. Beautiful haiku,I think it also fits with your ethereal angel! And of course your special fur angel looks looks so cute with her new hairdo.

    Have a lovely week,

  10. Such a beautiful place. You definitely had a great time there.
    Have a nice week!

  11. Dearest Carol,
    you live in such a wonderful world, with your fur baby always side by side with you, you're truly fortunate to have your Muse's love !

    Thanking you so, so much for sharing such shots which speak without words, I'm sending my dearest love to you

    XOXO Dany

  12. A lovely series of photos!
    My favorites are Sky Watch Friday and Thankful Thursday
    Hope you are having a great week!

  13. Cape Ann is such a pretty place, Carol. You are indeed fortunate. Your Art Muse does not look camera shy--he always has a sweet twinkle in his eyes!

  14. Your collection is wonderful and your furry friend is my favorite.

  15. Zoe looks gorgeous, what a great job they did, such a soft look. You make me want a permanent pet. I love the long shot of the hotel, is it as fun as it looks? I bet people here would love a little of that weather you're suffering through, not me though, I'll take cool and gloomy over hot and muggy any day.

  16. Wonderful plant, what does is for your health?

    Have a nice ABC-day / week
    Melody (team ABC-W)
    Preview Round 21 starting july 12th :

  17. a dog can never have too many toys :D

    sky has 3 huge plastic boxes of toys lol

  18. Today your Haiku really spoke to me. I often wonder that about myself. The Spring flower planting near the path is so nice -- I really miss typical spring flowers down here in the subtropics.

  19. Hey pretty puppy, you've got a special 'mom', just listen to her haiku, insightful and true....
    Have a happy week, Carol.

  20. The hotel looks very lovely. How nice it would be to relax at pool overlooking Cape Ann Ma :-)
    Love the watercolor painting of Zoe!

  21. Hello Carol and Ms Zoe, who is looking especially pretty and cute!
    Lovely sky views and the new boulevard must be so nice to take a stroll along!
    Best wishes to you!

  22. Hello, the hotel does look nice. Great views of the water. Your furbaby looks adorable after her grooming, but she always is a cutie. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  23. Zoe is so very precious! If I had a dog...I would want one like her! And she's so pretty after grooming! Love the good fences today too! Hugs!

  24. Love your Sky Watch photo. Glad you're getting something besides snow and rain!

  25. love your fence picture and zoe, what a cutie!!!

  26. Zoe is so cute! I love all of your photos, especially the mourning dove.

  27. Great photos, as always and I just love seeing your Yorkie. Always reminds me of the one I had growing up. Such great companion dogs. Thanks for linking up today!

  28. Oh, the yorkie is so so cute! And I love the dove and your haiku!

  29. Your Skywatch photo looks very peaceful and silent. Amazing!

  30. Love all pictures of your highness and the painting is also very nice !!

  31. Beautiful photos, art and words, and I always love seeing your four legged friend. She has quite a few toys, that's true. Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

  32. Beautiful watercolour of your sweet one!

  33. I hope that big hotel does not take away the hominess (is that a word?) of Cape Ann. Love the sketch of the princess. xo

  34. Lovely photos and paintings!
    Happy PPF ❤

  35. Great series. I like the view of the hotel and the lovely sky. Pretty fence and beautiful painting of Zoe. Have a great weekend!

  36. Even if there are days when you are only a shadow of yourself, I'm glad that you end up finding yourself again!

  37. As always Art muse dog is amusing. Your other words and photographs lovely as well this beautiful Friday morning.

  38. What a powerful haiku. I also love the paintings, Zoe is adorable always!

  39. Hi Carol! What a beautiful post. Beautiful words, beautiful photography and your beautiful life! Thank you for all your sharing! Hugz, Rasz

  40. Such a great selection pf photos this week Carol ♥ Your art is really sweet and the sweetest of all is you Yorkie ♥ Have a great week and thanks for sharing your world.

  41. PPF water colour is my favourite this week

    Happy PPF Carol

    much love...

  42. Hello dear Carol, does your little Zoe put her toys back in her toy-pen after she has taken them out? 😉

    This weeks haiku went straight to my heart... I have been asking myself the same thing.

    Someday... I would love to stay at that gorgeous hotel and meet you and Zoe for a walk. Until then, I so appreciate the beauty you share with us each week! Thank you so. Have a beautiful weekend!

  43. Such a lot of beauty and joy! Most I like the sky and the watercolour-portrait of her ghighness...and the shadowshot... and the doves I likke too, they are rare in our town. I'm always glad to see one.
    By the way: every friday I'm hosting a meme "Weekend Green" on my other blog
    It's always open until next thursday. You're invited to link up your weekly post.
    Enjoy your weekend

  44. Hello, I love your sweet Yorkie. Pretty dove. Lovely artwork and poem, you are talented. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  45. I like your plant plot. Looks like lovely days on Cape Ann and Zoe suitably chilled out.

  46. Beautiful series of photos.
    I love you Yorkie
    Best regards, Irma

  47. Hello Carol!:) Your blog is a peaceful place to visit with your beautiful introspective Haiku, watercolours, and seascapes. Sweet Zoe is looking exceptionally lovely after grooming. She may not love being photographed, but the camera loves her. Have a great weekend.:)

  48. All lovely shots, and especially of miss Zoe!

  49. your medicine plant, is it a kind of aloe vera? We have a plant here that is blooming now.

  50. So it's not just Colorado having the crazy weather? From snow to sunburn in one week! Love your soft watercolor paintings! Happy PPF and Sunday Sketches!

  51. Sweet springtime angel, happy SS!

  52. I so enjoyed seeing your watercolor painting of your sweet dog!

  53. Thanks for another lovely peek into your world.

  54. Another fabulous post, Carol!

    I have a Jack Russell X who hates when a camera is pointing at him. It makes it hard to get a decent photo of him as he usually exits the scene the minute he realises. haha I love your sketch of 'Her Highness' — recognised her instantly. Nice work for Sunday Sketches.

    Have a lovely week ~ :)

  55. Lovely series of the week! Nice view on the new hotel, working boat and flowers… but my fav is shadows around Zoe and she’s very cute :)

  56. I like your watercolor dog. Subtle and pretty!

  57. Lovely set of photos, but yorkie is adorable!
    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  58. Wonderful photos. I love the WIPs, especially of "your highness". LOL :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)