Welcome to Cape Ann MA where the weather
is ever changing no matter the season.
Hope you enjoy the views, the links and
come back ~ Love to 'see you.'
Happy Week to you.

(scroll down for links and comments, thanks)

'Silence is a source of great strength.'
Lao Tzu

Our World Tuesday ~ 
Our world on Cape Ann MA this week has involved the very first Tulip Festival on Stacey Boulevard ~ the actual celebration day got rained out but people have been enjoying it whenever the sun is out or not raining. It is really quite beautiful.
Zoe likes the new cushy grass.

Ruby Tuesday and ABC Wednesday ~ 
'R' ~ for Red and Yellow Tulips all part of Cape Ann MA's
Tulip Festival ~ thanks to our Mayor and volunteers.

Watery Wednesday and Fences Around the World

New fences, stonewall and path on Cape Ann MA
finally completed ~ It is so delightful to walk and so
beautiful too ~ We certainly live in a beautiful place.

Thankful Thursday ~ (at Small Town Life)

Thankful for what the birds planted in our yard ~
These beautiful tulips ~ so delightful to the eye
when we begin our morning walk before breakfast.

Sky Watch Friday ~ 
Sky and weather, once again, on Cape Ann MA has been so varied, thought this was beautiful despite the on and off rain
we kept having with only a day or two of sun. That weather
pattern is on again for this week. Enough for one to
develop 'Seasonal Affective Disorder'.

Haiku My Heart ~ 

A haiku for you from Cape Ann MA 

Paint Party Friday ~ 

Still working on paper collage on artist canvas with paint and clay other ephemera ~ every so slowly 

Critter ~ A 'feathered friend' 
A 'feathered friend' enjoying the budding trees on
Cape Ann MA ~ It is still a bit chilly but signs of Spring
showing up everywhere ~ 

Another 'feathered friend' critter ~ 

This is one of the doves that came to visit on our deck.
I don't know if their feathers were all ruffled because
of the wind or they were both preening and romancing.

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ 
'Tulips in the shadows' on Cape Ann MA

With the brand new Tulip Festival in Gloucester this area
has taken a back seat ~ to me, though, it holds a special place in my heart. 

Sunday Sketches ~ 
An 'emerging angel' on  Cape Ann MA

'The Best for Last'

My little cutie ~ with her new grooming ~
best friend and a delight in my life.

We are wishing you a wonderful week ~ ^_^

Your posted comments are a treasure. thanks.

'Boss Doggie'



  1. Oh isn't the Spring absolutely wonderful! Gorgeous greens and blooms.Beautiful haiku. Looking forward to your already impressive mixed media canvas along with your angel illustration. Hugs to you, and your BFF Zoe :)

  2. The expression on your little pet muse reminds me that she, like your drawings, is at times quite angelic.

  3. I love all the flowers in your world - that's something we don't have as much where I live.

  4. Beautiful post. I love your tulips, and your tulips, and especially your accidental volunteer tulips. I also love the soft colors in your sky photo. And especially your little puppy dog.

  5. Beautiful flowers and they make such a lovely display beside the road. I especially like the photo you posted for 'skywatch'. and the little cutie is definitely the best till last!

  6. Very beutiful and pretty flowers.

  7. Very well captured pics and great captions too.Loved your collection.

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  8. Dearest Carol,
    your posts are always such a joy to my heart, they fill it to overflowing, thank you for sharing such a Beauty with us, and thank you to you BOSS DOGGIE too, of course !

    Wishing you the best of weeks
    I'm sending blessings across the many miles

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world – (Dany)

  9. Hari OM
    Looking smart Zoe! But oh those tulips, definitely one of those flowers which looks best en masse... have a fab week! YAM xx

  10. So much going on here. Love the tulip displays. It is such fun to find a surprise popping up and spring is often the time to find them. Your little angel is sweet. Like the promise of spring about to emerge. I think the lack of sun during spring is worse than in winter. It seems that the mind expects dark and dreary during winter but during spring we want, need, that sun to encourage our winter weary souls to emerge.

  11. Beautiful tulips....what I'd like to have seen is the birds planting the tulip bulbs [If I understand correctly what you posted about the birds planting them for your 1st thing to see in the morning when you go walking.]

  12. You do live in a beautiful place indeed! Those tulips are so pretty! Tulip is one of my favorite flowers. How I wish I could visit there and enjoy the views of tulips and ocean.
    Zoe is looking very pretty as always! Have a great week!

  13. __ Again, from Cape Cod to Cape Ann, nifty posts. _m

  14. How lovely the tulips are and the bird's feathers are so pretty. Your mixed media piece is wonderful as is your painting.

  15. Red and yellow make beautiful flowers!!!

  16. the sky in that sky watch photo is amazing, so pretty :)

    gorgeous tulips, the photo would make a nice painting :)

    *pets* Zoe :) the new hair cut looks good and will be great if you get hot weather

  17. Lots of wonderful things to see here, Carol. Hope your week is going well!

  18. Beautiful tulip colours and love the walkway by the water. Love your little one's new grooming style too. Adorable.

  19. Hi Carol, I always enjoy your posts of your pretty area of Cape Ann. This boulevard of tulips along the waterfront is beautiful. Have a wonderful day. Pam

  20. wonderful photo's ...thankfully you have them and share them with us

  21. Love your dove photo, the feathers look like a dress, it could almost be strutting its stuff on the boardwalk. How nice to have a tulip festival, such showy flowers.
    Hope the sun shine for you this week.

  22. Those tulips are so colorful and pretty, Carol. I love tulips but they can't be grown where I live as the deer eat them right away. They leave daffodils alone, however. The little dove looked cold, but his fluffy feathers were keeping him warm. Zoe looks very handsome with hisnew coat and grooming. Have a wonderful week!

  23. oh dear you have cutest puppy ever!
    tulips are elegant beauties.
    dove on your deck is so pretty.
    loved the angle so much,best wishes for your next art venture my friend

  24. ...your Sky Watch Friday sky is wonderful.

  25. Beautiful photos, the dove picture is the geatest of them all.
    Send you a little sunshine

  26. A wonderful series! 'Shadow Shot Sunday' is my favorite - so pretty!

  27. The new fence and wall along the walkway is a great job and a real pleasure to walk I'm sure!
    The tulips are glorious too, so Cape Ann is really brightening up for spring!
    Miss Zoe looks so cute!
    Best wishes!

  28. oh a tulip festival - how lovely - so many colours :-)

  29. I love that photo of the dove! That is a nice view over the fence too.

  30. I love seeing your flowers. Spring has sprung! Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  31. Your photographs are excellent. Love that one of the sky, it looks sort of threatening.

  32. Beautiful art and photo. That dove is so precious! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  33. Illusions and laughter sometimes go together, don't they? Happy Haiku Friday to you!

  34. Beautiful tulips and the paper collage is coming along nicely!

  35. The Tulips were so pretty and colorful. A bummer that the celebraton got rained out. - That is a nice looking fence and pathway, you do live in a lovely area. - Enjoyed your Haiku and art work. I thought Zoe looked mighty spiffy there.

  36. Such a panoply of memes you're playing along with. A visual tour.

  37. So much to enjoy this week, Carol. I especially liked the volunteer flowers, on the pathway, thanks to the birdies.

  38. Stunning photos of Spring...love them!! Also that adorable Zoe and wonderful artwork are a joy to see too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  39. Those red tulips are lovely! And of course, your doggie is truly the best. I love the new haircut!

  40. Hello dear Carol! Oh my! The tulips! I just can not believe the color and what it must be like to be there in person! And... the little tulip spot that you still love, I love it too. It is precious indeed. Your stormy skies are pulsing with energy, you captured it well in your haiku. Please tell Zoe that she looks so smart in her new grooming. I can just imagine her prancing about, especially on that new walkway. Thank you Carol for gracing my life with such riches. Wishing you both a wonderful weekend. XO

  41. I do so love your sweet pup! You live in a beautiful place, and the tulips are gorgeous.

  42. The tulips make me happy and the sky shot sweeps me off my feet!

  43. My goodness - your posts are so full of such fun things. Love the tulips - and the paint - and the haiku - just love it all.

  44. Beautiful landscapes, and birds, excellent shooting Carol.

  45. Luv the tulips

    What a great week's sharing

    much love...

  46. Beautiful tulips and walking trail! Lovely art work and a sweet dog!

  47. Lovely photos as always! Have a fabulous Sunday!

  48. The tulips and shadows form a beautiful natural collage.

  49. Hi Carol
    as usual I just love your post. (I get them by email) My Milo-baby sends puppy kisses to you and your dog for mother's day!

  50. A beautiful emerging angel for SS!

  51. What a beautiful week on Cape Ann. I loved it all.... tulips bring lovely memories for me (none here in Florida) ; yours are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing everything.

  52. Beautiful tulips! Love the skies and seascape. That path along the shore looks wonderful!

  53. Your Sky Watch Friday shot is fantastic. What a beautiful sky, it looks like a painting.

  54. Hello, your best friend is my favorite. So cute! Love the tulips and the pretty water views!

    I am still running a little behind visiting my critter links! Thanks so much for linking up, have a great new week ahead!

  55. Oh, gosh, those beautiful tulips! Thanks for the breath of fresh air! Happy PPF.
    ~~ Irene

  56. Love the shots of that ruffled dove, and of course, your "best for last " is always my favorite too!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)