Another blog week begins on Cape Ann MA.
We have had a rather foggy week and then a day
with temperatures in the 80's and then the next day
back to the high 40's. We are linked with
photographers, poets, sketchers and artists.
Topics range from our world, abc, thankful, fences 
and more. Come 'set a spell' and enjoy the views.

(Scroll down after you comment (thanks) ~ 
you will see the list of blogs we are linked with
this week.)

(I have also included a 'title' for each photo so
you will know the link it goes to.) 
Thanks for sharing your time with us.

'What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere
there it hides a well.' 
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Our World Tuesday ~ 

'A foggy day' in Cape Ann MA

It is not the lovely sunny weather but the fog has
its own beauty. It was fun to try and photograph.
Along with the fog, we have a fog horn to listen to
which some people don't like. It is a comforting sound
to me and then it becomes 'white noise' after awhile.

Ruby Tuesday Too ~ 

Twilight time on Cape Ann MA recently
with its rosy sunset creating a mystical quality
for the night.

ABC Wednesday ~ 'Q'
 Q is for Quirky,
quixotic, and makes for a real quagmire to 
decide what type of clothes one should wear for the weather
here on Cape Ann MA
Amazing fog made for great photos ~ but sure is a challenge.

Watery Wednesday ~ 
A wild surf on Cape Ann MA ~ nature is sure interesting here.
New England weather is true to the phrase 'if you don't like
the weather well, wait a minute ~ it will change.' 

Thankful Thursday ~ 
Thankful for some signs of Spring on Cape Ann MA. Yet the weather today feels like Winter and some of the flowers that bloomed were short lived due to the variability in the weather.
The Farmers Almanac from what I can understand is predicting a very warm and rainy Summer. ~ fun ~ yikes! 

Fences ~ 
Another fairly common sight on Cape Ann MA ~
wrought iron fences and piers with the wooden fence.
So double your pleasure with two fences for the price of one.
Enjoy ~ 

Sky Watch Friday ~ 

Skies on Cape Ann MA have been so varied this year.
Weather is so unpredictable. Yesterday it was 80
something degrees and right now it is cloudy and cold.
How is your weather?

Haiku My Heart ~ 
Haiku and a foggy Cape Ann MA Harbor Photo for you.

Paint Party Friday ~ 
Working on another mixed media collage ~ Will probably change this clay face, though, ~ Creation is composed of
paint, specialty paper, artist canvas and clay.

'A Critter in the House' ~

We are sharing our home with a woodpecker or maybe
more ~ Heard the noise and came out to take this photo.
Don't mind; but do wonder how much damage is being done
to the house. Once the 'nesting season' is over will have it
cleared out and blocked up ~ Any suggestions?

My 'favorite' Critter ~ 

A closeup of 'my best friend' ~ on Cape Ann MA
or anywhere.

 Shadow Shot Sunday 2
artmusedog in 'the shadows' and yawning on Cape Ann MA
before she had her hair groomed.

Sunday Sketches ~ 
Another ethereal angel 'watching over us' on
Cape Ann MA ~ (watercolor sketch)

Blogs we are linked with and sharing:

We are wishing you a peaceful week. 

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks ^_^

Zoe's Assistant ~ carol


  1. That first foggy photo got me. Wonderful!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh another thing we have in common... there is a foghorn just out of town here too! Not needed too often, but I quite like when it is sounded. There can be something... blanketing... about fog. Huggies to you and Zoe! YAM xx

  3. Love the shadow shot in that sun puddle!!! And your Ruby sky. Oh and there is nothing more pretty than fog. I do so love it.

  4. Yes, I too enjoy foggy atmosphere and can understand that, to an extent the sound of a fog horn might be comforting. Thank you for dropping by Carol

  5. I love those foggy shots - there's something so mysterious about it. Have a wonderful week!

  6. All beautiful photos - as usual! - but the fog is very special.

  7. Love your foggy photos, Carol! We had lots of snow this weekend but its already melted as the temperature went up quickly again. Woodpeckers can do a lot of damage, so once the babies fledge get that hole repaired. I'm not sure how to keep them away again next spring? Hope someone can give you a suggestion.

  8. Carol,your photos are beautiful.....we need all kinds of weather to love and experience. Great Haiku - and your Angel dog is lovely!

    Wishing you a happy week,

  9. I do love rosy sunsets. Thanks for sharing yours with Ruby Tuesday Too!

  10. Carol, enjoyed your ethereal angel. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Your foggy days are just lovely - as is your best furry friend.

  12. Fog has its own buauty indeed. Love your photos of foggy sceneries. Twilight makes such a beautiful scenery, too. Stunning photos!

  13. Beautiful collection of pictures. 'Fences' photo is #1 for me.

  14. Enjoyed the different views of the Cape this week especially the foggy ones.

  15. Love your misty moody photos. It's mostly bright sunshine here. And it would be a good idea to clean that out and repair it. If it's not damaged, maybe just some screen across the opening would deter them next time. Hugs!

  16. What a beautiful area, Carol. I love the fog, too, and your blossoms are gorgeous! Your "best friend" looks like a sweetie. Love that shot!

  17. I really enjoy the foggy pictures. I don't see that here in Nebraska like I did when I lived in Georgia.


  18. Your little friend is a doll! I love that first photo of the fog especially.

  19. Wonderful images of very nice variety.

  20. Gorgeous photo for Q.. the others are wonderful to ofcourse ;-)

  21. A wonderful series of photos!
    I love the fog photos and the Thankful Thursday one
    Have a great week!

  22. Beautiful foggy shots, and the combination of a fog horn would be very atmospheric. The temperature has shot up here this week with a lovely 21C today.

  23. make sure to get rid of all of the nest, repair the hole and depending on how determined the birds are, you might have to clad that area with metal. but you can try nets first. there are all kind of ways to try to keep them away but don't use anything lethal because depending on the laws there, you could get into trouble.

  24. oh and placing food they like away from the house, can sometimes work, but that can backfire if they think the place is a good place to stay because of the food :p

  25. I enjoyed them all, but my fave is the blossoms. It's such a great time of year.

  26. So who does the REAL work, you or the canine?! ;-)

  27. Lovely post! I am fond of foghorns.

  28. Beautiful photos! I hope the woodpeckers don't do too much damage. I had that problem years ago, but I can't remember what I did to deter them.

  29. Gorgeous scenes from your neck of the woods and I always love to see your pup! So sweet! Thanks for linking up this week and I hope to see you back again next week!

  30. I LOVE your Sunday sketch! And I love foggy shots!

  31. Lovely photos and art! Happy PPF :)

  32. Wonderful art and photos, I especially love the mist and sky ones, and your 4 legged friend always looks fantastic. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  33. We too have been having extremes. Low 40's then high 90's and we are still mucking out from all the wet. Your fog shots are ethereal and I can hear the fog horn through your words... I think we all need to harken to its call... have a beautiful weekend and touch that sweet Zoe's nose for me.

  34. Nice start on the mixed media for PPF!

  35. I hope you soon get unstuck from being run aground! Happy Friday!

  36. so lovely knowing spring, even cloaked in fog has reached your beautiful town. sending you love and light for a compassionate weekend.

  37. Thought Zoe was having a conversation with Aunt Jemima. :) Love your "guests".

  38. Many lovely things to see here. Such a sweet dog!
    Oh my.. a house pecker!

  39. I like the mixed media piece. I don't know that you need to change anything. Your photographs are awesome.

  40. What a fun mixed media piece! Lovely photos too. I don't know anything about how to handle it, but how sweet of you to wait until after the nesting season is done.

  41. Wonderful job photographing fog Carol -- I don't usually love it (I like things to be clear!) but you make it so beautiful and ethereal -- next time I experience a foggy day I will try harder to see the beauty in it.

  42. Stair-Expurey's quote knocks me out.

  43. As always Lots of fun and random playfulness here.

  44. Love your critter pictures..so adorable.. All the best with the one lodged in your house!! Have to google search that one!! Great canvas too..and love your angel this week too!

    Hugs Giggles

  45. Very beautiful series and the fog images make feel cold! Cute painting and I liked the haiku as well.

    Happy Weekend Carol

  46. My discernment often runs aground through the fog...I call them senior moments! Lovely image and mixed media art...like the face! Happy Saturday...x

  47. I like fog.
    There lies mysteries.
    Many many mysteries.
    Alice is there, Indiana Jones, and many more too.

  48. Wonderful photos, love the fog! How special to have a woodpecker living with you!

  49. Hi Carol-
    Your photo of the fog is fantastic.
    Great snaps as usual!!
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  50. the fog is beautiful on cape ann!!! the woodpecker looks quite comfortable, you're on the right track with your clean up afterwards thoughts!!! i would definitely block that area up!!

  51. Love the way the sunlight is pouring through the door on Artmusedog!

  52. Beautiful trees, Cool fog shots, Nice fences and of course adorable Zoe.

  53. Love your foggy images, they are quite mystical.

  54. beautiful angel for SS, love the pinks!

  55. Love those shots of the fog. And a fog horn is one of my favorite sounds in the whole world.

  56. It is so wonderful that you have such a beautiful angel watching over you.

  57. love the mixed media creation! About the woodpeckers, your State wildlife agency might have some advice. Otherwise, Cornell has a good bird website that might help.

  58. Love the mixed media creation! I don't recall ever seeing this kind of work from you? Enjoy!

  59. Have a nice Sunday Carol

    much love...

  60. Running aground isn't the end of the world, fortunately!

  61. Oh, I'm in love with your artmusedog))))
    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  62. You do have to cope with some extreme weather in your beautiful Cape. That fog is amazing, if you're going to get 1/10th of the heat we have been getting in Asia then you're in for a hot summer! Our rains have not started yet! Hugs to you and Art Muse dog.
    Wren x

  63. That Thankful Thursday is particularly lovely. I am thankful you shared these beautiful images!

  64. Beautiful photos, Carol! New England weather sounds a bit like the Aussie Melbourne weather. They say it can have four seasons in one day.

    I don't think I've ever heard a fog horn used in real life but I have liked it when I've heard it in movies.

    I'm glad you are letting the woodpecker stay until after nesting season. It would be such a shame to move them out now.

    Zoe is adorable, as always.

    Sweet Angel sketch!

    Have a lovely week ~ :)

  65. lovely post, so many pretty things!

  66. Hello, I love the foggy scene and pretty sky captures. It is awful the woodie chose your home for their nest. Cute shot though. Your sweet furbaby is always adorable. I was away for two weeks and I am so sorry to be late commenting and visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)