Another blog week begins on Cape Ann with links
and photos for photography around the world, colorful 
photos, thankful photos, fences, skies, artists, haiku ~ Enjoy.
If you want to link up, to a particular blog and join in the links that I follow are listed below.
Thanks. Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

(Scroll down to the photo you want as you scroll
down to comment form ~ thanks.)

'A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.'
~ Proverb

Our World Tuesday photo ~ 
A very windy and cold day on Cape Ann MA
You can see the white caps and surf churning up
at the beach just below our street.

Ruby Tuesday Too photo ~ 
Lots of Red on Cape Ann MA ~ mooring floats ~
are there waiting for boating season along with
boat storage building and a holiday tree.

ABC Wednesday photo ~ 

'P' ~ for Precious ~ pretty and petite
on Cape Ann MA 

Watery Wednesday  photo ~ 

You can see in this photo how gray and dreary ~ yet
beautiful Cape Ann MA has been lately.
Looking forward to Spring soon.

A Small Town Life ~ thankful photo

Thankful for nature and this gorgeous tree beginning
to blossom and some green grass
 on Cape Ann MA and a reminder of
more to come.

Fences ~ photo
Stone walls ~ fences are seen rather frequently on
Cape Ann MA ~ This happened to be a sunny day.

Sky Watch Friday ~ photo ~ begins on Thursday

More strange skies on Cape Ann MA ~
cold, wet weather back again.

Rebecca's Haiku My Heart Friday ~ Haiga

A haiku from Cape Ann MA for you.

Paint Party Friday Photo ~ 

A mixed media collage ~ a 'work in progress'
using paint, specialty paper, torn paper and clay on artist canvas. Photo is rather overexposed but hope you like the collage work in progress.

My favorite 'critter' ~ for Critters link

'Artmusedog' on Cape Ann MA
with one of her favorite toys.
'Yep, she caught me again on camera.
I don't know if I like being her assistant
posing too frequently and now she has
me on a diet which means less treats.'

Shadow Shot Sunday photo ~ 

Without the sun there are no shadows.
Cape Ann MA has been having winter like weather
cold and rainy ~ I happened out purposely on
this sunny day to capture some photos.

An ethereal angel on 'my shoulder' ~ on Cape Ann MA
She didn't change much from last week ~ She decided 
she liked herself just the way she was especially 
with a little of nature's colors in the background. 

We are wishing you a lovely week ~ xox

Your posted comments are a treasured to us, thanks,

ArtMusedog's owner ~ Carol


  1. Lots of nice pics this week Carol. I favor the stone wall and the blooming tree. Fun to see your different parties and the pic for the party.

  2. The ocean churning just below your street? How lovely and lucky to have such a scene just a few steps and a glance away. :)

  3. A nice series of photos despite your grey weather.

  4. Hari OM
    I like her just the way she is too.
    WHAT? Diet??? Oh Zoe, I hope you don't become a shadow of your formal self!!!
    "Working with what is..." ...words I can use this week... Blessings YAM xx

  5. The Christmas tree on the boat made my day.

  6. Good Morning Dearest Carol
    and happy day to you !

    Thanks most sincerely for sharing such loveness, beauty and love with us !

    Wishing you the best of weeks,
    I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come,
    with heartfelt gratitude

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  7. Love the design of those stone walls and your little assistant is ever so adorable.

  8. Lovely sky and such a cute dog!

  9. We are having similar weather Carol. Cold northerly winds (in late April) and even hints of snow. Best place is on the rug in front of a warm fire.

  10. I would love a stone fence. One of my favorites that you have shown. Isn't that promise of spring uplifting! Have a great week.

  11. Great photos! The tree on the boat is adorable. Love the photo of pink blossom. It looks like a beautiful painting!
    Have a wonderful week!!

  12. Your Precious, Petite Pet Posed so Perky for that Photo!!

  13. Love the shots of your "precious." You'll appreciate my post today then!

    abcw team

  14. I love seeing the boats out on the water! And your collage art is very beautiful! The Spring tree is pretty and of course you have the best 'critter' every week! Hugs!

  15. I love precious critter pictures! So cute! Skywatch Friday photo is beautiful.

  16. precious being the most perfect fitting word ;-)

  17. Hello Carol, you live in a beautiful part of our world. Thanks for your visit and comment. Your little pup is very precious looking!

  18. Hi Carol. Your Ruby Tuesday photo is the greatest. Although it is cold, the scene presents a serene feel with the red hooded person in the small lone boat.

    Very nice collage. Your choice of colors compliment each other well with the clay image. Hugs to Artmuse. Suzanne

  19. tad early for a xmas tree :p

    zoe looks very cute and alert :) lots of interesting textures in the mixed media piece :)

  20. Hello, lovely sky shots. The floating tree is cute. I always love seeing your Artmuse doggie. The angel is lovely. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  21. ...there's a lot of pretty things in your neck of the woods.

  22. It seems winter is very loathe to leave us in the Northern Hemisphere! But sucha lovely spring sight to see the pink cherry blossom tree!
    And always heartwarming to see Artmuse!
    Best wishes!

  23. Your photos are beautiful !!
    I really love the first view !!

  24. I came for Thankful Thursday but I sure enjoyed them all.

  25. Beautiful post.. love it..

    Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com

  26. I love your little dog! Such a sweet face! Beautiful pics this week. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend!

  27. we have stone walls too, a lot from the volcanic rocks from the volcanoes that erupted.

  28. Love your art and photos, and your little Cutie is always worth a photo . Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

  29. I'm wanting to bundle up to read your posts! The light and moods of your photos are intriguing this week and make me want to explore these places that are beginning to turn to warmer days. Your assistant sure has the look... I wonder just who is the boss? Love seeing your collage in progress! Have a great weekend Carol!

  30. Gosh mom, less treats? How could you do that? Love your collage.

  31. your haiku is tender and full of promise. thank you for sharing your journey so passionately with us. today-i wish you great peace.

  32. There's a real art to working with what is...and I suspect you know that!

  33. Beautiful photos and a really cute dog.

  34. Loved the little Christmas tree it reminded me of the boat in port here that had all their lights festooned on it for the holiday layup in December. You will do well to resist those liquid eyes begging for treats.

  35. I love the mixed media piece and the angel is lovely. Artmusedog is indeed so precious, she is a joy to see.

  36. Hi Carol, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Took me a while to do a return visit, but I am finally here.
    Love your photos, especially the one of your dog.
    Hope it warms up a bit where you are and you can enjoy a nice sunny spring weekend!

  37. Really lovely mixed media piece, gorgeous photos and I love that precious critter!!

    Hugs Giggles

  38. Wonderful expressive pics! Trusting you will have more green grass soon!

  39. Very nice set of images.
    Happy weekend!

  40. Hello Carol, thank so much for linking up your sweet ArtMuse Doggie. She is adorable. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  41. Love your dog :-)) Happy weekend!

  42. Beautiful photos! I love you cute dog :)

    Happy Weekend!

  43. Now do as you're told Carol. If Zoe says "no treats",you must both stick to it.

  44. Hi Carol-
    Really neat photos, angel and Mixed Media art.
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  45. Love all your photos- I imagine you live in such a beautiful place on the water- I would love that. Of course, my favorite pics are always of artmuse- such a cutie pie!

  46. Carol, wonderful Spring captures, especially the flowering tree. Thanks for sharing.

  47. Hi Carol Thank you for regularly visiting my blog. I loved your post today with all the link-up memes. And of course, I love Artmuse Doggie. Have a great day. Jo

  48. Enjoy your sunshine while you can, Carol! Love that old stone wall with shadows.

  49. Your photos are all so beautiful this week Carol ♥♥♥ Love your art too. That Mixed media will be fantastic when your finished with it. Our weather has been much the same here. Colder and very wet no sun foretasted until Monday or maybe even Tuesday. My little Yorkie has been put on a diet too and she just glares at me when the treat are broken into tiny pieces and she only get one small piece at a time. They such personalities don't they :)

  50. You are a few weeks behind us in weather and I'm glad the weather is changing. I love your mixed media collage. And of course your puppy dog, and the boats. I love your pics of boats.

  51. Beautiful photos! Your dog is so cute.

  52. What a lovely post and beautiful artwork.
    Enjoy springtime

  53. Your world looks like ours (NJ) did about three, four weeks ago. Then all of a sudden within three days the world started looking green again, finally.
    Especially love your Skywatch Friday photo and your mixed media piece WIP.

  54. Great photos. You live in a beautiful place. Have a beautiful day!

  55. I hope we all have an angel watching over our shoulders.

  56. Your puppy steals the spotlight! :-)

  57. It's wonderful again to scroll along your weekly pictures. I love the thankful photo very much. And you little cute doggy as well :)

  58. we've had very cold and very, very hot - a roller coaster of weather!! i love your cute puppy, the light of your life i assume!!!

    your first image was a favorite of mine!!

  59. Who is the pretty Redhead in the boat? :)

  60. Thanks for dropping by my Sunday Standard this week Carol.
    Luv the PPF collage in progress

    Much love...


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)