So begins another week on Cape Ann MA with our blog
sharing with photographers, haiku poets, artists and more; while
we await a big snowstorm in March that begins on Tuesday.
Send Spring to us soon. Thanks.

(scroll down for link you want. thanks.)

'Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it well will have neighbors.'

~ Confucius

Tuesday ~ 
Cold looking water and rocks glistening in the sun on
Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday

Wednesday ~ 
For ABC Wednesday ~ Letter is J ~

A view of a 'jetty' on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with ABC Wednesday

Wednesday ~ 
The beauty of a tree in Winter on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Outdoor Wednesday

Thursday ~ 
A very cold March here on Cape Ann MA and by the time you
read this we are suppose to have had a foot of snow ~

Sharing with: Fences Around the World

Friday ~ 
Sun going down on a chilly evening on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Sky Watch Friday

and BE ~ 

Be more and do less.

Friday ~ Haiku

Haiku for you and

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Friday ~ 
A work in progress ~ A 'lil angel to warm your day.

Sharing with Paint Party Friday

Saturday ~ 
Cold and Cape Ann and the doves are trying to keep warm.
Love this photo as the dove (some people call them pigeons) but I prefer  Mourning Dove and love their cooing. This
dove seemed to be looking directly at me.

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday Critters

Saturday ~ 
Recent 'snow showers' on Cape Ann MA  brought out the
birds for food ~ Here the little bird is 'tucked' in to planter
where I put some food.

Sharing with Camera Critters

Sunday on Saturday ~ 

It has been 'frigid' on Cape Ann MA and everything looks so
gray and cold. Now expecting a Nor'ester on Tuesday with
more snow ~ It is March ~ where is Spring???

Sharing with:

 Shadow Shot Sunday 2 

Sunday ~ 
A 'work in progress' ~ Angel of Light

Sharing with: Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

We are wishing you the best for the week. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us.
thanks ~ ^_^


  1. The dove is so adorable. Have a colds-free week.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  2. Such a beautiful series of photos...Love the angel drawings and the jetty!

  3. Lovely photos! We are having some unusually cold weather here in north Florida this week. Not as cold as you are though!

  4. Cold but pretty - it reminds me of the North Shore on Long Island where I lived many years ago. Good luck with your storm, I wish we'd get at least one good snow this winter!

  5. Hari OM
    Yes, it looks chilly! That sunset is all too familiar on this side of the pond... low and silvery; tho' for the past three days, haven't seen the hills, never mind the sun, so thick the fog! It's always a joy to see it from your side... Happy week to you! YAM xx

  6. what glorious photos-you have such a good eye Carol! Lovely angels. i was wondering what they were calling for up your way. here we are looking at anything from 12" to over 24-yikes!! yes, what happened to our warmer days with the promise of Spring? Stay warm, and I'm sure you'll have Zoe all bundled up too:)

  7. Stay warm. We are a little seasonally cool here but it looks like you are going to have a blizzard.
    I love doves myself. The cooing is wonderful.

  8. Wonderful scenes as always Carol. I especially liked the tree in monochrome today. AND the sky and dove.

    Of course it goes without saying the sweet fur baby and your sketches are eye catching. :o)

  9. Stunning sceneries! And the dove is very cute :-) We have Mourning Doves around here, too.
    I imagine your area is covered with snow now. Stay warm and safe!

  10. I feel like that Mourning Dove looks...cold. Indeed where did our normally warmer month of March go?? February seemed to have sucked all the warm air from March. I hope you have power and have no ill affects from the blizzard. Hang on to your hat.

  11. Lovely shots, especially that chilly sunset.

  12. The puffed up dove gives a good sense of the cold! Hopefully, the warmth of spring will wrap winter in a big hug sooner rather than later.

  13. I had a fund conversation with my granddaughter. She saw a mourning dove in the afternoon and suggested it should be an afternoon dove!

  14. Lovely photos, do you ever go exploring around the rocks?

  15. From the photos your weather does look so much better than last week Carol. I think it is truly warming up so I hope you don't get that snow storm that is taking place down in New York It was on Sky news.

  16. Love your photos...we've had an Arctic style winter this year on the west coast (Vancouver Canada) and we're all anxious for spring to make an appearance. We see crocuses sprouting but then we get a dump of snow! SNOW???? In MARCH??? Hurry up springtime!

    abcw team

  17. def a dove but they use to be called pigeons, so that is probably why people still do

  18. A great series of photos! The Dove is my favorite!
    Have a wonderful week!

  19. I would love to spend a day in Cape Ann, MA, with my camera. Blessings!

  20. Lovely photo's and a lovely choice for j too

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  21. Pictures with water I like the most. Even cold water :)

  22. I was just looking at your lovely photos and thinking how quickly the snow had gone, happy days for you, and then of course the killer line about expected foot of snow. Yikes. Wishing you a warmer week to come.

  23. Hi! I like your sun setting photo and Haiku photo. Your Haiku is very interesting. The photo of snowflakes is very fascinating Thanks for sharing.

  24. You are a champion to keep up your spirits during the cloudy grey days and the approaching winter storms in March. YEA! You are the BEST! I liked the sunset image very much.

  25. Hello Carol, it does look frigid in Cape Ann but you took such beautiful shots of the ocean and trees and birds and warmed my heart with your lovely haiku!
    Best wishes!

  26. When that cold-looking sun goes down, it will be time to snuggle up close to the fire!

  27. Lovely photos of ocean and leafless trees. That is a cute dove.

  28. Sweet angels! And I love the image of the sun going down.

  29. Winter is at time reluctant to let go of its grip, but never fear, spring will come as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow morning. Have a happy weekend, Carol.

  30. Love seeing all the scenes in one week! I am glad the store proved to be much milder than they had expected.

  31. Your angel warms me, and I love the mourning dove.

  32. Happy St Patrick's Day to you, Carol. Thank you for your visit and I, too, love your angels!!! Have a grand day!

  33. I'm sure you are thrilled to have rising temperatures. Thanks for your haiku!

  34. Your angels are precious, your photos are gorgeous and I especially love that beautiful dove~

    Happy PPF!!!

  35. What lovely photographs, I especially love the dove. Your angel is full of charm as is your haiku.

  36. Loved the puffed up dove, and seeing ground without snow. Perhaps one day, spring will finally come. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  37. Some pretty shots! I like the opening shot of the rocky beach, and the Skywatch Friday sky. Beautiful!!

  38. Yes. The fluffy mourning dove is wonderful and the angels so sweet.

  39. Your photos are so beautiful!!! I do love the Dove too and your sketches are so sweet ♥

  40. Love your photos they capture the essence of your days! Adorable angel! I especially love your shadow photo!

    Hugs Giggles

  41. A little angel to melt the one foot snow.

  42. Those stones on the beach, not nice to walk on.

  43. Hi Carol, Oh yes, it does look cold in your photos. It has even been cold here in Georgia for the last week. I love watching and listening to the mourning doves. They are so soothing to hear outside my window. I wish you a very nice weekend. xoxo

  44. Sweet! BTW we are living Marin. Nice to have room to breathe and wonderful cool weather. Happy Spring to YOU <3

  45. I hope your Spring arrived Carol. The remains of Stella arrived here with three days of rain. Bah - no good. We need sunsshine too. Have a good week.

  46. Such a beautiful serie of photos !! I love your Angel !!
    Happy weekend !

  47. I do like that tree in black and white. Very nice.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  48. Very nice pictures and designs, I love the little dove, looking like a balloon, lol !

  49. Hello, I always enjoy seeing your beautiful views of Cape Ann. The second photo is one of my favorites. Your art sketches are lovely, beautiful angels. Love the sweet dove. Great collection of photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  50. Hi Carol-
    Superb post with birds, sketches.
    The B&W photo of the tree is truly beautiful.
    Thank you for visiting me.
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  51. It looks like you escaped the worst of the snow, but lovely winter shots nonetheless.

  52. Such sweet angel sketches! Happy Spring. :D

  53. I can't tell if the tide is coming in or out or whether I'm coming or going. Don't run over that tree!

  54. Hello, That dove!!! Are they pigeons? I also call them Mourning Doves. They mate for life. One year a pair built a nest right outside my kitchen door. I don't think they knew how much traffic there would be. Unfortunately, they did not return the following year.
    ~~ Irene

  55. Go away winter! I like 'jetty' picture, because it gives warmth to my heart :) ok, ok, winter tree picture is beautiful too.

  56. You need to finish that one angel to keep you warm. (I know I'm reading this late -- I hope you and the pup and the angels all stayed cozy through the storm.) I do love your scenery -- but it does look too cold for March.

  57. spring is a fickle lover this year my friend! stay warm and know the dreams of flowers become more real with every passing day! xo


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)