Another blog week begins on Cape Ann MA
Sharing photography, haiku and art with other creative bloggers from around the world.
Come join us and travel the world. 

'You're off to great places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting! so....
Get on your way.'

~ Theodore Seuss Geisel

Tuesday ~ 
Things are looking up ~ Spring soon on Cape Ann MA?

Fishing boat heading out of harbor and a smaller boat heading to port.

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday

Wednesday ~ I ~ for ABC Wednesday
I am here ~ where's my food? I think I have the right place?
Cape Ann MA??? ~ I like the food here.

Sharing with: ABC Wednesday ~ letter is I

Wednesday ~ 
A classic seagull of Cape Ann MA
come to visit on deck and looking for food too.

Sharing with:  Outdoor Wednesday 

Thursday ~ 

Through the fence: eiderdown ducks and other ducks of which I am not certain what kind on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with:  Fences Around the World

Friday on Thursday ~ 
Sun going down on Cape Ann MA

Wonder if you see a figure in the sun?

Sharing with: SkyWatch Friday

BE Meme ~ Be all you can be today, now.

Friday ~ 

Haiku for you from Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Friday ~ 

Angel of Delight

Sharing with: Paint Party Friday

Saturday ~ 
A 'puffed out' dove ~ keeping warm and looking for food.
on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Eileen's Saturday Critters

Sunday on Saturday ~ 
Shadow over 'her highness' concentrating on something.

Sharing with: Shadow Shot Sunday2

Sunday ~ 

Angel of Comfort

Sharing with: Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

We are wishing you peace in each day. xox

Your posted comments add delight to our day. thanks.


  1. what a great way to begin your wonderful post with that quote-yes!! The scenery is an absolute delight along with your adorable angels-including Zoe. Happy week to you <3

  2. Beautiful. I agree with the previous comment...I always love your scenery. And I particularly love oceans and boats and all things salty. Living here on the Canadian prairie, I enjoy seeing your ocean, birds, and boats.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I like the fishing boat shot. I wish I could see them here.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  4. lovely, in the 1st photo the building in the background of the shot is that a house? a restaurant or something else? looks intriguing

    1. Yes , the building in the background is someone's house ~

  5. A nice series of shots, and it certainly looks warmer than the last couple of weeks!

  6. Wonderful collection of moments in your week. Your dog looks very sweet.

  7. Another beautiful post. I love the poem about the wall. I saw on facebook today a meme about not building a wall, build a deck and invite everybody over for a party. I kind of liked that.

  8. Love that you led with a quote from Dr. Seuss. Beautiful, peaceful glimpses into your week.

  9. Hari om
    From one who is finally home from wanderings! Always joy when visiting you, Carol... but today's offerings seem to be even more special! The ducks are all eider, male and female (the chestnut coloured ones); and yes, Purusha is in the sun 😃 huggies, YAM xx

  10. Lovely shots. Certainly looks spring-like.

  11. Naturally, I favor all the bird images you've shared with us this week. AND love the two boats in the harbor. You just can't beat sea life.

    Oh and it goes without saying the last photo is a keeper!!!!

  12. I like the Haiku line “think clearly today” and your angel drawings, of course. The angels always look so free, airy and clear. They would make great greeting cards!

  13. The sun figure looks like a snowman to me. I am sure you are ready for no more snow. Love seeing the flotilla of eider ducks. A lot of male and females gathered. I have only seen them a couple of times while in Maine. HRH is intently looking at something. Maybe she sees some of your angels flitting about.

  14. Hi Carol. Love your photos, the seagull is elegant in its stance on the fence rail, with the Cape behind. Your angels are a comforting sight! Have a wonderful week. Suzanne

  15. I love the photo of ducks through the fence! And blue ocean is so beautiful. Feels more spring :-)
    Have a wonderful week! xo

  16. I love the cute little bird looking for his meal. All of the photos are terrific.

  17. I DO see a figure in the sun. You could paint wings on it and have an angel! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

  18. I DO see a figure in the sun. You could paint wings on it and have an angel! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

  19. Seagulls looking for food are classic here too (Kolobrzeg, Poland). They are always hungry! I like the picture anyway. Also I love wall photo and Friday haiku.

  20. Beautiful images, Carol. I'm sure its getting warmer out there.
    Have a lovely week. :)

  21. and I am here, you know where ... food is missing though ;-)

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  22. Beautiful pictures :)
    Have a nice day

  23. That little bird remembered you all winter long -- he couldn't wait to come check out your feeders as soon as he got back from his winter travels ))). It does look like Spring is on the way. Love your scenery and your angels ... and your poetry .... And of course t he answer to your haiku is 'being cruel' --- to people and to the environment.

  24. What a fun week taken through your lens.

  25. Some fabulous shots, thankyou.


  26. Those birds and the red boat and the ocean, they are great photos. Your angel are so lovely and dreamy as always. Have a good day!

  27. I love the marching ducks behind the fence!

  28. awesome photos captured the themes well! nice painting... love the through the fence image

  29. Great variety of fences. Love both the m & F Eider through the fence aand the Ppigeon on th.e fence as wel as your dog

  30. I do see a figure in the sun! Could it be the Buddha? (I have an overactive imagination!)

  31. Yes, I see the "man-in-the-sun"! I like the old wall shot, too.

  32. All very nice pictures ! Perfect for the memes !

  33. Hello, Carol. beautiful post, lovely skies and scenery. I see a man in the sun. The birds and Eiders are wonderful sightings. Cute shadow dog. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  34. Your photos are inspiring as well as the quote.
    I always love your cute angel paintings.
    Happy PPF xx

  35. obscene border wall
    keeps us in, keeps others out
    pandering to hate

  36. I think walls are on a lot of people's minds these days. I like how Robert Frost begins his poem, "Mending Wall":

    Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
    That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
    And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
    And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.

  37. Loving all your photos, especially the wall and the red boat. Can't wait for Spring to see what you post. I know it will be amazing! Have a great day!

  38. Beautiful angel of delight for PPF!

  39. The 'puffed out' dove is adorable, it could bounce its way along the top of your deck.

  40. What sweet bird photos and I love your angels! Your pup is always so adorable too.

  41. Love all the birds, but especially the seagull. I used to see them all the time when I lived in Brooklyn, but no longer see them here as I am far from an ocean. Have a wonderful week, Carol!

  42. Thank you for stopping by and posting in my just BE meme. Like I said, I am hoping to start the ripple of the practice of just BE'ing in whatever form that looks like to you. Happy weekend!!

  43. thinking clearly and choosing love! xo

  44. Beautiful collection of photos and the two angels---we need them!

  45. Great view of the fishing boat and love the different skies.

  46. love looking at all your peaceful photos

  47. Good morning Carol, I enjoyed seeing your pretty birds and your sweet Zoe. The angel sketches are lovely. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  48. Beautiful photo of 'Her Highness' and I like the birds, too!
    The figure in the sky - could it be a snowman melting?
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  49. Another beautiful Friday and Sunday.

  50. Your wall haiku is timely and thought provoking, Have a nice weekend

    much love...

  51. So the week goes :) I think her highness is absolutely adorable!

  52. Hi Carol! Things are definitely looking more spring like on Cape Ann! Sweet Zoe seems to be looking for more spring delights too!
    Lovely gull and fluffed up pigeon photos!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  53. as always-such lovely photos and paintings

  54. I love your haiku on the "Wall." Your watercolor series of angels is wonderful. Blessings!

  55. Artmusedog looks as attractive as ever, even with shadows!

  56. Wonderful haiku, photos and art! Love your sweet little pup!! Have a great week :)

  57. Hello! I never tire of your lovely photos. You have a strong sense of place and I often am transported.

  58. It's been too long since I've been able to hop by your blog! Your photos are wonderful.

  59. What sweet little angels, I just love them! Happy PPF and Sunday Sketches!

  60. The sun looks like a snowman. I like the sweet birds. Haiku too.

  61. So much beauty!! lots of sunny aspects like in Spring... Blue skies, lots of critters, angels and interesting aspects captured at the shore of the sea! lovely and positive post@pictures, as always! :)
    Have a very good&inspired new week! Best regards! Alexa

  62. Our pets do expect the royal treatment. That's for sure!

  63. You certainly live in a beautiful place. I hope I will be able to visit Cape Ann soon. Cheers from NYC

  64. The clouds are beautiful. The Angel so appropriate. I always enjoy your art and your photography in my fave part of the world. Blessings, Janet

  65. Carol, your angels continue to be oh so darling. How precious! And LOVE your doggy...just way too cute!!! :)

  66. Loved seeing the Junco bird photo and your angels continue to warm the heart.
    I'm late in visiting everyone for March 12 sunday sketches. Thanks for your visit last week.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)