Another blog week begins on Cape Ann MA.
We are hoping that Spring will arrive early.
There are signs ~ crocus popping up ~ though in New England, one never knows~ 
Enjoy your stay before the weather changes.
Glad to see you here. Thanks.

(scroll down please for link you want, thanks.)

'I have learned that to be with those I like
is enough.' ~ Walt Whitman

Tuesday ~ 
One of the last, hopefully, snow scenes on
Cape Ann MA this year

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday

Wednesday ~ 
Hovering clouds over Cape Ann MA 
a frequent sight this winter

Sharing with ABC Wednesday ~ H

Wednesday ~ 
Another Cape Ann MA beach in the snow ~

Sharing with: Outdoor Wednesday

Thursday ~ 
Ocean pounding against sea wall (fence of a sort)
on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Good Fences Around the World

Friday on Thursday ~ 
Sky filled with clouds ~ storm coming
again on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: SkyWatch 

Friday ~ 
Haiku for you and Haiku My Heart

(winter's dressed the tree branches
divinely kissed by snowflakes
a passing snow storm)

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart 

Friday ~ 
Angel of Strength
on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Paint Party Friday

Saturday ~ 
Guess who on Cape Ann MA?
she is playing with me and the camera
with her 'poses' ~ tongue looks bigger than she is

Sharing with: Eileen's Saturday Critters
and Camera Critters

Sunday on Saturday ~ 
Me and my shadow after walking beach on
Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday2

Sunday ~ 
Angel of Perseverance

Sharing with Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

We are wishing you the best each day.

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. ^_^


  1. As always, I enjoyed your "week", Carol...the sea crashing against the wall seemed to come to life!...:)JP

  2. It looks quite stormy in your part of the world. Our snowiest season is just beginning, although so far it's been a mild and sunny winter (we keep getting red flag warnings rather than winter storm warnings).

  3. what a beautiful angel series of art you have going Carol. Love the haiku this week along with your wintry beach photos. I could more easily deal with winter by the sea than anywhere else...
    And I selfishly like to think that Zoe is giving me a kiss on the cheek from afar:)

  4. I love your puppy dog, tongue and all, the shot of the rough sea is sublime. Your snow looks cold and I always love your art and haiku.

    Have a great week and I hope Spring comes soon for you!!

  5. Summer seems keen to hang around a while yet here - although the mornings are noticeably darker already.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: Glad you liked visited and enjoyed my wordy blog. SM

  6. Something must be lip-smackin' good!! Sweet.

    It seems so unusual for having snow on the beaches. But oh so pretty.

  7. Your angels are an absolute treat to see! Just when I thought it was over and there was not a white speck or flake anywhere, it suddenly snowed again in my neck of the woods. I think we are all ready for spring.

  8. The first snow scene is really beautiful!
    Hope you have a great week!

  9. It's definitely still winter in your world. Have a wonderful week.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. I am ready to welcome spring too! Funny since today I heard some of California's ski resort are going to be open till summer because of the record amounts of snow they have received. Your dog is so sweet! #WordlessWednesday

  11. Lovely shot for ABC Wednesday. THe water looks molten. They are all beautiful....some sweet, too.

  12. I simply loved the shadow shot though I'm here from ABCW:)
    The hovering clouds look so dramatic..!
    Amazingly beautiful pictures:)

  13. Beautiful winter....thank you for the angels ..l including Zoe.

  14. I have enjoyed your stream of photos. I hope your area thaws and a bit of spring warms the air. Have a good rest of the week.

  15. I am so ready for spring here too and today is the first day of March and beginning of the meteorological spring. I know we'll have more snow this month and April can be nasty as well but at least we know the weather will be getting warmer soon. I like your watercolour angels. Have a happy month of March. Pam

  16. We've had 70 degree weather in Nebraska, and then it got below freezing with a snow. We've had our record high days for sure.

    It looks pretty where you're at. We have no water here, except for rivers. I don't live by one. I wish I did.


  17. Hi Carol,
    it seems to be a stormy weather in your corner.
    Your dog is so cute.
    Best, Synnöve

  18. Beautiful sceneries! I love Zoe's cute tongue picture :-)

  19. here's hoping Spring isn't too far away for you, it's just started to get cooler here and it's very nice.

  20. wonderful clouds...so different every time.
    Wonderful other photos as wel.

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  21. One way for Zoe to keep her nose wet:) Lovely snow views. It has just dumped a whole load of snow here but missed us so the daffodils are flowering nicely.

  22. Those waves pounding the shoreline look very dangerous but were great to photograph. That assistant of yours is a riot!

  23. Hi Carol!

    I love your wintery looking scenes! We've had less than normal snow this year and I miss its beauty. I hope spring will brings us the snow we need so we don't have fire danger in summer.

    Art Muse dog does ahve a long tongue---so cute!

    Love your pretty angels. I always loved my Gardian Angel prayer when I was a young girl.

    Have a Happy week!

  24. the water photos are gorgeous, really show how powerful the water can be when it wants to

  25. Such weird weather! Record highs last week!

  26. Hello Carol & hugs to Miss Zoe! Wonderful snowy scenes around Cape Ann & what power in those stormy waves! I'm sure that was like thunder!
    I enjoyed your haiku very much!
    Best wishes!

  27. I love your angel, and your drawing, too!!! :-)

  28. I like your haiku very much. All photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  29. I love the shot of the clouds hovering above the ocean (but it does look cold there)!

  30. I love your snowy scenery shots. Over here its a mixture of sunny and rainy days. Do give cutie Zoe a hug from me!

  31. dearest,
    loving winters last reverie! spring is calling out to us all and will surely reveal her colourful promises soon! stay warm and enjoy a lovely weekend my friend. xo

  32. Well, Ms. A.M. Dog is certainly being a ham today!

  33. Love your angel of strength for PPF! And I hope that IS the last snow photo in your first pic!

  34. How darling your pup is! I love your haiku and your art is lovely too. The photographs are also beautiful.

  35. I hope your latest storm is gone by the time I finishing typing this note to you!

  36. You have the most gorgeous and inspirational sites to take photographs of. Blessings!

  37. Such dramatic Cape Ann photos - spectacular Carol!
    Loving your sweet Angels again and of course that cutie with the cheeky pose :D)

  38. Winter and snow. Not quite ready to leave yet.

  39. Sweet angels Carol, I love Thursdays photos it's so powerful and gorgeous! Actually so are all the snow photos too...and that kissable Zoe always has my heart!!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. I LOVE that winter shot...I find such beauty in winter :)

  41. Ahh such a cute little critter!

  42. Your seas look rough Carol. But I'm pleased to hear the crocus are on the way. Our are just out now. Springlike!

  43. Thanks Carol for snow white pictures, and your dog, lovely.

  44. Dropping in from Saturday's Critters. What an adorable face on that sweet puppy!

  45. Hi Carol-
    Looks like Art Muse is very happy licking her lips after a delicious treat. Priceless shot!
    Your sketches not only beautiful, I also like that they carry positive messages.
    The big waves hitting the sea wall is beautiful in its own way.
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  46. Hello, Carol! Your snowy scene and pretty. But, it looks so cold there. Your little Miss Zoe is adorable, always cute poses. I love your angel sketches, very pretty. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day and the weekend!

  47. I see that Artmusedog is shadowing you again! Have a wonder-filled weekend, Carol!

  48. Wonderful, cold-looking shots! Cute Art-Muse Dog!

  49. Angel comes on Friday, and leaves.
    She comes again on Sunday, in a different identity.

  50. I came for the ocean even thought it's cold. Like looking through my computer window.

  51. a lovely series of photos...love all the angels.

    ps....I also would like you to please consider joining me on Fridays for my just BE meme. I started this past Friday, I'm asking people to post a photo of something from the week that made them take pause, to be in the moment...to just BE. Hope to see you there. robin.

  52. wonderful angel of perseverance today!

  53. always a treat to see your angels and photos! Happy Sunday sketches.

  54. You had a busy week. Our summer just won't stop. Very hot every day even though it is supposed to be autumn. Hope your spring comes soon and our autumn.

  55. I've been gone so long I'd forgotten what I was missing. Your posts are always so grand! Have a grand week!

  56. so funny - I never expected snow at Cape Anne. I have learnt something today! I hope the spring warms you soon. We are hanging onto summer here.

  57. Such lovely photos! What a beautiful area you live in, Carol. Zoe is so cute and your Angels are a delight.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)