So begins another blog week.

(please scroll down for the link you want)

'It long has been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.'
~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

It was a 'cotton candy' fog this week at times on Cape Ann MA.
Here you see an island in the middle of Gloucester Harbor. Its name is Ten Pound Island ~ Legend has it that it was bought from the 'Indians' for ten pounds.

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday link

'L' for Little Soccer Pros on Cape Ann MA ~

The young girl in the chair was playing a game on her iPad while her younger brother was playing soccer. They are my niece and nephew ~ Fun watching them play ~ Despite being only second graders many of them seem to know what it was all about.  More than I can say for myself. Even Zoe enjoyed watching the game despite the autumn like weather.

Sharing this with ABC Wednesday and the letter for the week is L ~ 

For 'Good Fences' because I forgot to link up last week.
This is a functional fence at a local Cape Ann MA restaurant on an outside dock where a friend and I had dinner.

Sharing with: Good Fences link

A haiku for you from Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart link.

Another 'etegami' type sketch/painting from my artist journal.

Sharing with both:

Paint Party Friday

Sunday Sketches from England

I am the only critter she has photographed on Cape Ann MA recently. Problem with back has held us up from walking as much. We are 'on the mend'. Gratefully.
Yet, I still don't quite like the camera.

Sharing with:

Saturday Critters and Camera Critters links

Colorful Autumn decorations seen at our local
farmers market on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday2

We are wishing you a most gentle week. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks, ^_^


  1. What wonderful art and images! The fish and the words are charming. I hope your sweet pup feels better soon.

    1. It is my back that is the pain ~ Zoe is fine ~ we walked on the beach again today ~ thanks for your concern ~ xox

    2. I'm glad Zoe is fine, I'm also glad you're feeling better.

  2. I love the container the pumpkins are in. A guitar case? Fish school art is fun.

  3. Hari OM
    Blessings and POTP for the achy back; waggles to Zoe; love the school fish! YAM xx

  4. Hello, I hope your back feels better soon. The fish etegami is wonderful. I love the view of the island in the first photo, beautiful scene. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  5. Lol … the school of fish is perfect for this time of year when all the kids in my neighborhood are back to classes, ready or not!

  6. Fall is coming - I love that mysterious island photograph. Feel better soon!

  7. Nice foggy view of Ten Pound Island. Fun art of fishes and school! Have a happy day!

  8. I'm sure fall is going to be spectacular in your neck of the woods.

  9. Glad to hear your back is mending. Cute shot of Harley!

  10. Good art and images! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Such beautiful views of the water. It is definitely feeling fall like up here lately. I hope your are feeling better and able to take your sweet dog for walks again. Have a good week.

  12. I love the use of the guitar case as an autumn decoration. Children playing soccer is very autumnal. Fun... Love your haiku and art work. Have a great week.

  13. What a cute container for the pumpkins! Autumn approaching...I think we're all ready! Hugs!

  14. I love the cotton candy fog picture! Colors in the sky are so pretty. And that's a lovely autumn decoration at the farmer's market. Have a wonderful new week!

  15. Always nice to visit your blog !!
    Great photos !!

  16. I love watching the Little guys play sports. Great action shots.

  17. LOVE your post and the photo of the lil soccer stars reminds me when my youngest daughter was 7 she was the only girl on her team!

    abcw team

  18. WOW that cotton candy fog is so cool. That's a great way to describe it too.


  19. love the photo of the guitar and pumpkins/squash, great way to store them :)

    have a good week :)

  20. The fog is beautiful (I usually don't like fog, but you make it seem beautiful -- maybe I need to rethink my prejudice against it). .... hope your back is better soon.... take care.

  21. Lovely shots! The autumn decor really caught my eye. Such vibrant colors. Have a beautiful week.

  22. Always fun to see children amuse theirselves isn't it

    Have a nice ABC-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-team)

  23. My daughter is playing soccer again!


  24. Love that little island with its lighthouse. Zoe will definitely keep you moving, hope your back improves (unfortunately I know a lot about back pain).

  25. Little soccer players are so cute, my youngest granddaughter started playing soccer in 1st grade, now 12 years old and still playing. I saw a darling pic the other day of little players during the game sitting down doing their own thing and not paying attention!!

  26. the water in that photo...is that a lake or does it lead to the ocean? very pretty :-)

  27. loved the cute fishies. and your adorable critter. :) thanks for the lovely views - and fence. :) that opening shot is stellar.

  28. I love that Haiku line, "Season change dancing" That is a beautiful way to describe autumn coming in! And a lovely autumn day for Little League!
    Great photos!
    Hugs to you both!

  29. Love, love the water photos!
    Happy Thursday!

  30. great set of photos...that looks like a wonderful setting for dinner! i hope your back is feeling better!

  31. 'Cotton candy' fog is a winner in my book.

  32. Such a delightful row of pictures. I would like to have dinner on that deck - it looks lovely. The first shot is my favorite - I like foggy images.

  33. Always a joy to visit with you. Perfect weather for watching the game. We live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains and we've had a lot of fog this past week. I love your "fence" photo where you and your friend enjoyed a meal. So peaceful and pretty. I love this season and I enjoyed your photos so very much. xo

  34. The little footballers are so cute in their brightly coloured soccer strips. My two gransons play football, they're mad about it.
    I love the picture of your lovely little dawgie, what is his/her name, so cute !
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  35. Hi Carol ! Thanks for your comment. A sad thing is that we will never know what the lady thought or did. I myself shall never be happy if nobody was interested in me. I like blogging for the contacts we have. I wish you a lovely weekend.

  36. What a neat place to eat where you can watch the boats on the water. Nice Haiku, Glad you are feeling better, you little friend looks so snuggly in that shot. Also loved the shot of the Island.

  37. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's quote is great. I often say "there are times when the simplest things are the best." Not sure where that came from but it applies to so many things. Loved your post and all the photos. I believe your niece and nephew would know more than me also. Great action shots. Zoe poses so beautifully. I also enjoyed your artwork, and all other photos I may not have mentioned. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week :)

  38. The cotton candy fog looks so beautiful! Autumn is also showing it's face here--so lovely to watch the tree leaves turn colors. My grandsons play soccer every weekend and we have been kept busy going to games. I hope the back troubles are healing well! Have a good weekend, Carol

  39. welcome to the weekend dear carol! always a warm and beautiful visit to be here with you on fridays. sending healing light your way! xo

  40. Oh, I love the texture of your etegami-fish journal page! Fun school of fish too!

  41. Hello Carol! Lovely stroll through your world, that island photo looks like something out of a faerie tale... Yes, the seasons are indeed changing, as your haiku and photos reveal... I am going to the school of life, since you asked! Have a restful, gentle weekend and cuddle with Zoe and I hope your back feels better soon! XO

  42. Enjoying the view of your cotton candy £10 island, is it for sale? I'm on the move.... Well wishes for your back...x

  43. From cotton candy fog to the seasons changing dance...bravo.

  44. Very interesting; your note about 'Ten Pound Island'

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  45. Our "fading" light exploded upon us in a final (I hope) triple digit event. Early Autumn is masquerading here.

  46. I wish you healing thoughts and snuggling doggie kisses.

  47. Your soccer photos gave me fond memories of the good old days when I'd watch my son for years play soccer. I am not sure what school I belong to but that's ok. :) I am a happy camper. Have a lovely week. ~~ Irene

  48. I just love where you live. So beautiful. Well your nephew and niece sure are blessed for you being their aunt! I remember way back when my boys playing soccer. Zoe doesn't look very happy. Is it his back that is out? I hope you both feel better very soon.

    Your fishes got me laughing! Too cute! Great Haiku and photos. Great post! Big hugs, Rasz

  49. Is that a lighthouse on Ten Pound Island? Ohhh, to live there.... I love your post today dear! Enjoy your weekend.

  50. The boys soccer team reminds me of when my son was this age and playing soccer.

  51. Hello Carol! I love your sweet Zoe. Wonderful post and photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  52. Hello Carol!:) Nice views across the water to Ten Pound island, from the deck of the restaurant, and the image with the Autumn Approaching Haiku. Love the very cute fish sketch, and the photo of your pooch Zoe. Get well soon!:)

  53. When ever I see your photography I have such wonderful reactions. This is stunning.

  54. Love the winter squash scene-clever idea to decorate the inside of a music case for a sign!

  55. What a lovely selection of photos from your beautiful corner of the world. I love the fish!

  56. Lovely poem, I always can depend on you for a boat, I love the soccer pic. I was an assistant coach on son's soccer team and I never did figure the game out. And I love the pics of your puppy dog.

  57. The unique New England coastal fog appears again and while not obliterating the island, we have to squint to be sure it's there...Soccer and 6-7 year olds is a uniques experience whether spectator or participant. art muse dog just knows how to relax :)

  58. A nice collection. I like the way the light makes the water and boat almost glow. - Margy

  59. The fog is beautiful and Zoe is so cute. I'm glad your back is getting better.

  60. Wishing you a gentle week also! Have a great day- love the photos!

  61. Lovely pictures, pumpkins means that autumn has arrived and you as only critter is enough ! You are so cute !

  62. I came looking for the shadow shot and was waylaid by the awesome etegami! Loved it! I love painting them.

  63. Lovely images and art, as always, Carol. Sorry to hear you've been dealing with back pain. I know that pain so well. Take care and I hope you feel 100% very soon. :)

  64. Your haiku captures the change of seasons beautifully, and those fishes are adorable. Happy belated ABC Wednesday and PPF!

  65. Wonderful and interesting photos! Zoe is such a cute dog!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)