And so another blog week begins on Cape Ann MA
with links to photographers, poets and artists. 
Posting for the week to save on my eyes ~ thanks.

'It is not the strength of the body that counts, but
the strength of the spirit.' 
~ JRR Tolkien

Tuesday ~ Our World Tuesday
'Twilight' in our world of  Cape Ann MA.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday link.

Wednesday ~ ABC Wednesday ~ Letter F
'F' for Fair Weather sailing on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with ABC Wednesday and the letter is F

Thursday ~ Good Fences
A seawall on Cape Ann MA ~
a type of fence or barrier for the
powerful ocean.

Sharing with Good Fences Thursday link

Friday ~ Haiku My Heart
A photo of a Cape Ann MA beach with a haiku for you.

Sharing with: Rebecca's Haiku My Heart link

Friday ~ Paint Party Friday
An etegami from my Artist's Journal
and a quote borrowed from a tv movie series Kung Fu
with David Carradine. Anyone remember this
wonderful series???

Sharing with: Paint Party Friday link

 Saturday ~ Saturday Critters and Camera Critters ~ 
For the 'bird lovers' ~ this dove visited just about everyday
last week ~ cooing for her mate on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with:

Camera Critters and Saturday Critters links

Saturday ~ Camera Critters and Saturday Critters ~
My 'favorite critter' peaking over the couch at me as we have
a new furniture arrangement. 

Sharing with:

Saturday Critters and Camera Critters links

Sunday on Saturday ~ Shadow Shots 2
The heat and humidity have been so oppressive here
that I don't have lots of unique photos at the moment.

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 

Sunday ~ Sunday Sketches from England
In keeping with my philosophy of 'keep it simple' ~ another
etegami from my artist journal.

Sharing with Sunday Sketches from England

We are wishing you a marvelous weather week. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. Thanks.


  1. It is amazing how a few well-placed lines can result in a grasshopper with personality! I do remember David Carradine and the wonderful series and try not to think of his dramatic end.

  2. Hello Carol, wonderful views of Cape Ann. Great shadow shot and a cute shot of the dove. Your furbaby is always looking adorable. I look forward to seeing your etegami artwork, love the grasshopper and the journey home. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. Hari OM
    You have done well, Grasshopper... (I LOVED that show!!!)... keeping it simple is one of my mottos also. The twilight shot is lovely... Have a super week. YAM xx

  4. I love your sketches always, and your puppy dog and the big ship and the sailboat. Have a great week.

  5. Some beautiful water scenes, and, as always your lovely pooch. Happy week ahead. xx

  6. Such pretty photos. I don't remember the show, but the grasshopper quote is part of popular culture. My martial arts instructor uses it regularly, and I even hear it in the office!

  7. I love it when I see boats out there on the water enjoying the scenery :-)

  8. Such beautiful views of Cape Ann !!
    Great photos !!

  9. A nice twilight picture Carol. Love the peek-a-boo too.

  10. The temperature in your country is abaout the same as overhere: hot, oppressive,tiring and not inspiring. But you have been very creative!! I enjoyed seeing your photos.Thanks!

  11. Beautiful and fascinating photos, as always. I love your haiku - the sea is a great teacher when we take time to be still.

    Thank you and enjoy your week,

  12. I love the twilight view of Cape Ann MA! How nice you got a dove visitor. There are dove couples coming by our backyard area frequently. They are very cute :-)
    Enjoy your new week!

  13. What a fun shadow shot and amazing sailboats! Makes me want to get away...to the sea! Hugs!

  14. Love all of your beautiful photos ♥ I dream of living by the ocean but know that I never will unless my kids and their families move there. :)
    Have a blessed week!

  15. I'm sorry that the heat and humidity limits your time outside to take photos. Just got back from a weeklong visit to Florida and I know the feeling.


  16. Love that twilight photo. I thought I recognized the grasshopper quote but needed your info to remind me of that great series.

  17. A fine boat for fair weather sailing. The grasshoppers are in fine 'song' at the moment. One of my favourite sounds of summer.

  18. nice choise for this weeks letter... wishing you ' fair weather' every day on water and on land and when flying above both

    Have a nice ABC-W-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  19. The weather does look FAIRLY nice!


  20. I love the coo of the dove. And I also love your grasshopper quote. Complete with illustration!

  21. I like how you do your posts for the week and include all your memes. Your photos are great, as are your illustrations. Hope your day is a great one :)

  22. your simple is so elegant!!!! that's a fine sea wall there!!!!

  23. Hello Carol!:) Love your Cape Ann seascapes and vessels, and the necessary seawall barrier is a good choice for Good Fences. I remember the quote, and used to watch the series "Kung Fu" on TV with the kids when they were young. Gosh that was a long time ago!:) Nice peek a boo, and Turtle Dove shots. Lovely Post!:)

  24. What a special visit all week from the dove! I always love seeing your views over the sea with boats.
    Best wishes to you both!

  25. love the seawall and the dove, too. nice nighttime sea shot.

  26. A wonderful series! Love the sketch too.

  27. It's so nice to see and visit old familiar faces from the Haiku circle... I haven't joined for ages and I feel at home right away! I moved houses and live near the sea (North sea) now, so your haiku today speaks even more to me! The sketches are great too (yes, I remember Kung Fu, one of my fave series when I was young!) Have a great weekend, hug from Holland

  28. nice grasshopper for PPF! I do vaguely remember that series.

  29. Hello dear Carol... so much to soak up here... the quote by my favorite author... yes, I loved the kung fu series, and you are doing well grasshopper! As I read your haiku, I could hear those waves!!!! Love all your photos, critters especially, and your etagami... have a lovely weekend and I hope it cools for you! XO

  30. Change is necessary. Lovely haiku, Carol.

  31. A wonderful week's share Carol. Your etegami are inspiring, I need to research this form and then try it

    Have a good weekend

    much love...

  32. Oh, the smooth lines of you work, especially that grasshopper!

  33. I hope all the tidings you receive today are only good!

  34. Lovely photos as always dear Carol. Great haiku as well. We all need to learn to roll with the changes.

  35. After all these years, I still haven't got it through my head that the only constant in this world is change!

  36. Admiring the truth in your haiku. Lovely pictures! Specially liked that seawall. :)

  37. Awesome photos. You were a brave woman to be out in that heat and humidity we had (I'm writing from NH). Looks like the perfect place to be in summer. :) Happy PPF-Erika

  38. I always try to find a favorite but you have outdone yourself this time and I cannot choose, although the dove came close.

  39. Hello Carol! You do live in a gorgeous place. I love the shot of your sweet pup and the pretty dove! Pretty haiku and view of the water. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  40. Such a wonderful week you had,beautiful shots,I always wonder if the dove lost her mate when they coo like that,they mate forever,I have seen them standing along the road cooing with their mate dead on the highway,hopefully hers was alive nearby,have a great weekend,phyllis

  41. Your favourite critter is one of my favourite critters too, love your little dog. Great images and lovely paintings!
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  42. your haiku and ocean wave photograph speak straight to my heart. thank you carol for always offering a safe harbor of love and light.

  43. Always nice to visit your lovely photos and adorable doggy! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  44. You are a talented photographer! A joy to visit you via Sat.'s Critters.

  45. Lovely journey theme for Sunday Sketches today!

  46. I smell the Atlantic salt in your wonderful post!

  47. Your etegamis are lovely and your haiku is wonderful as well. I enjoy seeing your photos very much as well.

  48. That water and the beautiful tall ship are divine. Still, I remember my ride on one while in Provincetown one summer. It was such a thrill. Your dove looks so happy on his perch and that shadow...it is amazing. Loved seeing Zoe again, and your etegamis this week are great. You have mastered the "simplicity rule" where I still have a long ways to go. My one of Bud's AT boots that now hold flowers is going to get made into a picture and framed for his room. Those boots lasted 10 years of hiking to finish the trail. Have a nice week. Hugs...genie

  49. I really like the Seawall, Also the pretty dove on the fence and the Sail Boat. - A very nice and enjoyable post.

  50. YOU have done well Carol!! Your etagamis fascinate me; I just love the simplicity and this haiku speaks to me (I want to frame it or put it on the cover of a journal). Enjoy the rest of your beautiful summer and hope your favorite critter (whom we all love) gets used to the new arrangement of her home.

  51. Another great post, Carol! I love all the pics, especially the grasshopper. I used to love watching the Kung Fu series so many years ago. :)

  52. I love listening to the waves against the shore. Your journal pages are wonderful.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)