A Shutterbug explores the surrounding areas of Cape Ann MA each week with her camera and her assistant. We do look for 'the magic'and sometimes
 it appears when we are seemingly not looking. 
What a gift! What treasures nature offers!

(Scroll down for link you want)

'Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves. All things are bound together...all things connect.'

~ Chief Seattle

Tuesday ~ Our World Tuesday link ~ 
Moon at twilight over Cape Ann MA harbor

Sharing with Our World Tuesday link

Wednesday ~ ABC Wednesday link ~ 
Looney Birds at end of our driveway on Cape Ann MA
There are no flowers in the pot because last Spring what I planted in the flower pot some 'critter' ate them ~ Hence the 'looney' birds for L for ABC Wednesday.

Sharing with ABC Wednesday link

Thursday Good Fences link ~ 
Stone wall fence and gate found on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Good Fences link

Friday ~ Sky Watch link
Latest full moon on Cape Ann MA 
Sharing with Sky Watch Friday link

Friday link ~ Haiku My Heart
Haiku for you and Haiku My Heart

Sharing with Haiku My Heart link

Saturday link ~ Saturday Critters 
'Nope ~ don't want my picture taken anymore!' she said.

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday Critters link

Saturday/Sunday ~ Shadow Shot Sunday link
Despite the cold spring ice cream place on Cape Ann MA is open and showing some late afternoon shadows.

Sharing with: ShadowShot Sunday link

Sunday ~ link ~ Sunday Sketches
A little late with my Easter basket sketch but medical problems consuming my time ~

Sharing with Sunday Sketches link

We are wishing you magic in each day. xox

Your posted comments add to my motivation to blog. Thanks ^_^


  1. Hoping for medical problems to be quickly resolved and admiring your colorful basket of eggs!

  2. Hari OM
    Gorgeous spring sharings!!! Blessings, YAM xx

  3. Twilight is a perfect time for some excellent photos. I hope the medical problems are a temporary inconvenience.

  4. I love your photos and sketch, Carol.
    Sending you positive vibes for great health.
    Have a Happy Week!!
    Peace :)
    PS. How about a little bribe to Art Muse, so she poses? :)

  5. Oh I love the stone wall and the gate/door. Very nice.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. I hope you get better soon. Great post - your opening quote is very true and yet as a society we pretend it isn't true.

  7. Flowers definitely want to bloom and are having a hard time in some places. Love the arched gateway - and your looney birds!
    Little one looking cute as always!

    Enjoy your week,

  8. Such a mysterious sky with that veiled sun.
    Thank you so much for your perceptive and kind comment.

  9. I like that first Moon shot!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Hello, your moon shots are gorgeous. I love your sketch of the Easter basket. The Looney birds are cute and I always love to see your furbaby.
    Have a happy day and week ahead!

  11. gorgeous photos -but poor Zoe-yes, she does look like she just wants to be left alone:):) Fab illustration of the Easter basket. Sorry to hear you are not well. Sending thoughts and wishes to be well again!

  12. That gate photo makes me wish I could see the garden behind that fence and gate. It looks like a dream. Love your haiku. It sure describes spring here. I hope your medical problems are cured soon.

  13. The first shot looks like my hometown. And the door is intriguing.

  14. I can eat ice cream all year around but it has to be inside in winter. Beautiful moon shots and I think your looney birds are cute. Have a great week.

  15. She's adorable even when she doesn't want to pose for you. I love the loony birds. Have a great week, Carol!

  16. Ha! Love those looney birds for ABC WEdnesday!

  17. Lovely little Looney birds.Thank you, Carol!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  18. love the birds

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

  19. The birds may be loony, but they may be keeping you sane!


  20. Now those really are son Looney birds. I Love them. Hope they chase all the plant hungry critters away.

  21. I am sure those looney birds would fight any critters off. Love those wings. Hope you are feeling better.

  22. beautiful wall and gate! i like your loony birds, too!

  23. Ah, I love that entrance!!! And also the WEdnesday photo. :-))

  24. I absolutely LOVE the stone wall fence with the wooden gate!
    Have a lovely Thursday!

  25. Cute looney birds and pretty stone fence and gate. I hope you are feeling better now.

  26. Hello Carol!:) I like the simple wooden gate, and arched stone entrance. Your Loony birds are such fun, your moon shot is super!:)
    Have a great weekend.:)

  27. the moon captures are especially beautiful....and your sketch, very nicely done!!!

  28. A lovely quote from Chief Seattle, such wise words and a lovely haiku also. Beautiful photos. The moon shot at twilight is stunning and your other moon shot is amazing, love the soft light. Your Loony Birds are so cute and that old stone gate, goodness, I wonder if it has one of those lovely old stone homes to match on the other side. It really is lovely! Your pup is a little doll, love seeing her in your posts. Nice shot of the ice-cream shop front. I like your sketch of the eggs in the Easter basket. Hope you are feeling better now. Have a great weekend :)

  29. Good Afternoon. Thank you so much for visiting Theo and me! We love your sweet dog and Theo can understand her not wanting her photo taken! lol Your photos are so very nice. I love that rock wall/gate, especially. The Loony birds are very whimsical. I hope you are feeling better and that you two have a good afternoon.

  30. Love the gate...so 'Old World' looking.
    And the moon over the cape....wow.

  31. Good evening Carol & I do hope you are doing well. Lovely , lovely photos over Cape Ann & a beautiful arched gateway. That looks like a nice spot for an ice cream break!
    I enjoyed your haiku & Easter egg basket.

  32. Great gate and stone wall.
    Lovely moon photos
    Yep I'd say the furry one is protesting the picture taking.
    Feel better soon. Your Easter drawing was very nice.

  33. those looney birds are cute and my ozzy gets tired of photos too haha...that ice cream shop looks good and i love the stone wall/gate!

  34. Nice fence and gate. Interesting clouds in the first shot, and I love those Looney birds!

  35. ok I really like the stone wall and gate, and your little dog looks like he was in mid sneeze, so cute :-)

  36. Spring is, indeed, taking its time. I especially like the photo of the gate. There is something so enticing about a closed gate. Have a grand weekend, dear friend!

  37. What a beautiful capture of full moon! May spring be there soon.

  38. Oh, the flowers will get their chance to bloom soon--soon!

  39. May Spring blooms start finding you everywhere dear Carol! I was captured by all of your photos, wanting to walk through that gate beneath the full moon, and touch that pastel night sky! Hope all is well and that your time opens up for more of what delights your heart. XO

  40. First of all, be well! I hope the medical problems are getting solved.

    AMD is cute shutting her eyes against that intrusive camera lens. (She looks so cute in pictures, I don't know why she's camera shy!)

    Spring certainly is coming to your area (eventually) ... at least the ice cream store owner thinks so ;>)!

    Your skies and shores are always beautiful in any season, although I'm sure you do get tired of winter.

  41. Sending thoughts of beautiful blooms your way. Happy Spring.

  42. I'm hoping to visit Cape Ann this Spring. I enjoyed your blog so much for several years now. Nice job again.
    JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

  43. That first photos is really breathtaking!

  44. Wish you a more rapidly approaching Spring time and bright, unveiled sunrises.

  45. What a beautiful haiku… and that full moon, wow!

  46. I love that awesome stone wall and gate photograph you took, as well as that beautiful haiku your wrote. Muse Dog's photo and your captioned made me smile. Blessings, my friend!

  47. Love the looney birds! I posted a full moon too.

  48. I love the images of the moon. Beautiful! That gate and stone fence is awesome! Very old fashioned.

  49. Cloudy days don't last forever the sun is sure to break through, flowers will nod in delight as will we....x

  50. Hope the medical problems go away very soon.

    And we enjoy each of these beautiful days.

  51. Hello Carol, I always enjoy seeing your cute pup! The looney birds are great critters too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  52. what a lovely week of visuals !! Thank you !!

  53. Hi Y'all!

    Nature creates magic unimagined by man or beast.

    Y'all come on back,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  54. love the first image! your dog is too cute! have a beautiful weekend!

  55. Love the arch and gate shot.Hope yuo are feeling a bibt better now.

  56. love your Easter basket for SS Carol! Love your fence photo too.

  57. dear carol,
    i hope your days will be filled with flowers, warm sun and improved health. sending all these gifts and many hugs! xo

  58. I am impressed with your eggs and easter basket watercolor! Love the patterns and colors.

  59. Shadows at the ice cream shop! I'm glad to see that there are still places in our country where little shops can hold their own, supported by the locals.

  60. What a lovely fence and wonderful haiku! The sketch is very sweet as is artmuse dog!

  61. such a beautiful Easter basket and the post was such a joy to read and I admire your photos!!

  62. Cape Ann looks like a beautiful place. The fence is very intriguing. Makes you want to see what's behind it. Hope you feel well again soon.

  63. Lovely post, Carol! My favourite pic would be the gate and stone wall. :)

    Sending more healing vibes your way. xo

  64. Lovely basket drawing and your dog is so cute! That expression and caption together are perfect!

  65. What lovely moon shots.

  66. Great nice pictures :-)
    The colors in the picture 5 are the same as I have in my curtains for the sliding doors. Beautiful Colours !

    Greetings, Helma

  67. hope the medical problems were/are not something serious

    ooh ice cream, cold here too but would be nice to have lol

  68. Betcha it was bunnies ate the Looney Bird flowers. :)


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)