A Shutterbug explores the surrounding areas of Cape Ann MA each week with her camera and her assistant. We do look for 'the magic'and sometimes it appears when we are seemingly not looking. What a gift! What treasures nature offers! 

~ (Posting for the week to save on my eyes as they are giving me problems. Thanks for understanding)

(scroll down for link you want)

'Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings,as you fall.'
~ Ray Bradbury

Tuesday ~ 
Coast Guard ship on 'maneuvers' in Cape Ann MA Harbor 

Sharing with Our World Tuesday link

Wednesday ~ 
I for Ice on Cape Ann MA ~ Not sure what season we are in from day to day ~ 

Sharing with ABCWednesday ~ I ~ link

Wednesday ~ 
She always 'Warms My Heart' and she loves to be 'off leash' on the beach on 
Cape Ann MA ~ When it is beach season we won't be allowed.

Sharing with Warm My Heart Wednesday link

Small but important fence by river for bridge tenders on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Good Fences

Pink sky and 'moon over Cape Ann MA' harbor ~

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday link

Haiku for you and for Haiku My Heart 

Sharing with Haiku My Heart link

SATURDAY ~ 2 photos ~ Duck and 'Ms. Zoe'(see below) 
Ducks on Cape Ann MA in the chilly waters of winter.

Wouldn't you love to know what she is thinking? ~ 'When's my next treat?' probably.

Sharing with:

Sketch for:

Sunday Sketches

On the beach on Cape Ann MA last weekend and snow this weekend ~ Spring come soon!
Slight variation on a previous shadow photo.
Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday

We are wishing you delight in each day ~ xxx

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks, ^_^


  1. Hari OM
    A delightful blend of the bright and the beautiful - you haiku really spoke to me today! Blessings, YAM xx

  2. You neck of the woods is always pretty. I always wwanted to visit that part of the country.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  3. Love the shot of your canine companion on the beach - they do so love the freeeedom of the shores, don't they! Thanks for sharing & visiting.

  4. That little dog of your always makes me smile. And I enjoyed the haiku, as always.

  5. That's a beautiful series of photos for the week, and I love your haiku. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. Just lovely! I love that red sky.

  7. Always something of interest around the Cape that your sharp eyes pick out for us.

  8. Great shadow on the last image....love the pink sky and the color reflection....and yes, I too would enjoy times on the beach to run free. Such a sweet sweet photo of your furbaby.

  9. Your little bundle of fluff is so cute! I've been looking for one too!

  10. My brother was a career Coast Guardsman. That photo brought his memory back to me. He died very young. He loved his work. I hope you are feeling well. Give your little mate a pat for me. I know she is loving this warmer weather.

  11. you are surrounded by so much beauty, and how lucky to be right by the beach and water. Love seeing Zoe enjoy it too. Lovely haiku. The pink skyline and reflection in the water is breathtaking! Love the sketch too. Have a great week and hope it'll be a warm one like here in PA.

  12. It's just the same here - yesterday was bright and sunny, and very warm in the sun. Today is damp and overcast. Roll on spring. At least you can take advantage of dogs being allowed on the beach before the warmer months come. Wishing you a happy week.

  13. Hello, your sky shots are stunning. Beautiful colors and moon capture. The views of the water, boat and ducks are lovely. Your sweet dog is always a favorite of mine. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  14. I love that small fence for good fences this week...and your sketch of course! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  15. Really a perfect time for you on the beach and especially for Art Muse Dog -- decent weather and no leash! What could be better. It's too bad they couldn't set aside one small area as a dog friendly beach even during the summer season.
    Beautiful haiku, a good one for a Yoga meditation.

  16. I've begun sketching in my journal. I cheat, draw first in pencil and then in ink. We have Canadian Coast Guard stationed in our hometown of Powell River, BC. We often see them out front from our condo practicing. - Margy

  17. My day is a little brighter!

  18. I especially liked the soft lighting in the photo of Artmuse on the beach. The sky full of fire in your "fences" shot and the portrait of that beautiful pensive puppy are simply splendid!

  19. definitely NOT walkable ice!


  20. Ice... not my favorite item of Mother Nature...but nevertheless, you'r photo;s are stunning ... thankfully there's no ice... spring is almost starting and the sun is shining, with 6degrees celcius ... Nice weather to be outdoors

    Have a nice ABC-Day / - Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  21. Mum used to keep ducks, and at the creek at the back of our house, they did their dive under tricks. we used to see which duck will come up for air first.

  22. I laughed at your "not sure what season we are in". Neither am I we got snow last week. I love sunsets over water, gorgeous.

  23. Brrr, it looks cold up there. We are fairly warm, 70's, even in this awful rain, wind, and storms. Almost a week's worth.
    Art looks like she's tired from the beach walk and would like to hide before she has to go out in the cold again.
    I don't know if dogs are allowed on our beaches or not. Likely they are, I don't remember any signs and there are signs where cars are not allowed.

  24. Great shots. I like the ice. And the puppy always Warms The Heart. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  25. Dear Carol & Artmuse, you have shared the most beautiful skies & waters & your sweet self on the beach! Precious moments & a joy to behold!

  26. Hi Carol
    What a stunning group of photos!
    The houses on the shoreline look so pretty.
    Is your little dog a Sydney Silky - she's so sweet.
    Love the shadow shot image too!
    Thank you for visiting my blog - wishing you a happy weekend in your neck of the woods too!

  27. One day the Spring will arrive and the ice will vanish. I promise. Meanwhile that is one beautiful sunrise.

  28. If I took my dog off the leash I'm afraid she'd be gone. She's the most stubborn dog I've ever had. If I want to go right...she wants to go left. If she sees another dog she goes crazy. We've even tried obedience school. She's the sweetest dog inside, but outside... Your dog looks so sweet. I bet she never gives you any trouble.

  29. absolutely loved the fence shot and that beautiful colorful sky.

  30. Oh, my, I loved Thursday and Friday...and some others really appealed to me, too.

  31. Hi Carol, Great fence shot. Love it. Always enjoy seeing your sweet little dog. Have a nice weekend ahead!!

  32. My two favorites here today. The lovely fence scene and your little cutie on the beach.

  33. Lovely fence and stunning sky shots. Love your cute dog pose too!

  34. Oh how I love traveling through your week of images... the colors of that sunset that frame that fence, the patches of ice, the warmth of the sun on the beach... it is all so beautiful Carol. I so appreciate the message of your haiku... and I need to remember to trust that my wings will unfold... you and that sweet muse have a great weekend! XO

  35. Hello!:) Lovely shared post,with a breathtaking fence shot, and beautiful doggie images. Have a great weekend,...spring is almost here!:))

  36. The "Good Fences" shot is more than awesome. It is perfect fire in the sky and fire in the water. Awesome! As is your haiku, which is needed to quiet the mind after the imagination that photo brings. That is probably what Ms. A.M. Dog is thinking, too. :)

  37. A quiet mind allows for so many possibilities.

  38. Your photos look relaxing. My favorite is the Thursday one - so beautiful.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  39. May you always have a quiet, listening mind...

  40. Wonderful haiku!!! I will listen! Thank you and wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  41. Beautiful shadow play! Lovely haiku. :)

  42. Love your dog :-)) Happy weekend!

  43. My mind thinks the Coast Guard ship goes Toot! Toot! but that doesn't seem like the right sound. I like your sketch. It looks like a neat adventure going on.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  44. Wonderful post with lots of great images. I love that moon shot!

  45. Good morning, I love your sweet furbaby! Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  46. Your Shadow Shot is gorgeous, but your Warm My Heart Wednesday stole my heart...but you already knew that. Would you tell me what kind of a dog that sweetheart is? Jack is not doing well, and once he is gone I want a baby just like yours. Yep, my heart has been stolen. Hope you have a nice weekend. Love you.

  47. A delightful array of pages for the week! I loved them all, especially your shadow shot and the Coast Guard Ship. (My nephew is a Coastie!

  48. It's starting to look like spring! Love that bright sunset. I really do enjoy all the seascapes you share. It's so different from my world. Hope you have a great week.

  49. oh wow Thursday's skies - awesome!

  50. What amazing shots !
    Thank you for your lovely comment on ~ My little old world ~ I appreciate so much, following you with joy ❥ !
    Enjoy your weekend

  51. oh!!! i so luv Wednesday's shot of artmuse dog

    much love...

  52. Gorgeous skies! I always love seeing your cute companion. Have a great week ahead, Carol!

  53. Such beauty in the rest of the post (that beauty which was not up yet when I commented before). Even the pictures I already saw are of course worth a second look. I always feel calmer and happier after a visit to your domain!

  54. Lovely series of photos.... the weather really does keep us guessing.
    Your little one looks happy on the beach.....always good fun and easy digging!

    Enjoy your week,

  55. Beautiful scene for SS! Lovely photos too Carol.

  56. Lovely photos! Of course your little assistant loves to run free at the beach (just as mine) :)

  57. Lots of fun; so much sensitivity, orange or blue skies, between seasons :)... under the moon...
    Wonderful lyrics for soul and for sure, " love to know what she is thinking"... probably it is about the next treat.... :)
    Best regards in the new week!

  58. Fab sketch,love the little dog too ;)
    Donna xxx

  59. Such beautiful photos and what a sweet sketch, I love the pup! :)

  60. That shadow looks like Paul Bunyan! Your photos make me want to go on vacation.

  61. Brrr to the ice caps! And, OMG-that shadow on the beach looks like a monster!

  62. When one has to spell the word "beach"...Our two dog children love being off the leash on Jekyll! In the heat of summer, Mulligan goes fishing in the surf. He's never caught anything, though. Lizzie has to greet every walker she sees. She thinks everyone just loves dogs!! Such a sweet photo you took!!

  63. Lovely photos, as always! Nice sketch too. So sorry you are having trouble with your eyes at the moment. I hope it's only temporary. Enjoy your week. :)

  64. great photos :D hope your eyes are not bugging you at the moment

  65. I think your little cutie must warm the heart of everyone she encounters on that gorgeous beach!

    Thanks for linking to week 17.


  66. I wanted to ask what's going on with your eyes? That must be really frightening.

    Hugs and prayers.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)