A Shutterbug explores the surrounding areas of Cape Ann MA each week with her camera and her assistant, most times. We do look for 'the magic' and sometimes it appears when we are seemingly not looking. What a gift! What treasures nature offers!
Winter may pose some different type photos.

(Note : scroll down for links that you want.)

'This new day is too dear with its hopes and invitations to
waste a moment on the yesterdays.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday ~ 

Have begun an 'Artist Journal' challenge and hope to do at least one sketch a week.
It is a learning process for me. With a strong rain storm yesterday, the bird feeders
dancing in the wind woke up my 'mojo' and turned a possible dreary day into a
'Christmas' like day.

Sharing with Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

SATURDAY ~ Saturday Critters and Camera Critters ~

My favorite 'critter' in her various poses enjoying her food ~ She was not 'snarling' at me
She was chewing her food as she will be 8 this month and Yorkie's are not know for great teeth.

Sharing with:

Camera Critters
Saturday Critters

FRIDAY ~ Haiku My Heart

Haiku for You and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Friday ~ Sky Watch Friday
I love the sharp contrast of the light and dark in this sunset photo over Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ~ Good Fences and Sky Watch Friday (where it Friday when it is Thursday here)

The power of the ocean on Cape Ann MA calls for the necessity of strong fences, (sea walls).
Especially when a n'orester is heading our way.

Sharing with Good Fences

Wednesday ~ 

'A' for Arctic Ice decorating our storm door on Cape Ann MA
We have had radical temperature changes almost daily ~ Climate change???

Sharing with ABC Wednesday

and Wordless Wednesday link

Tuesday ~ 

'Sea Smoke' on Cape Ann MA recently due to the radical change in air temperature.

Sharing with:
Our World Tuesday
(literally 'across the pond') 

We are wishing you the kind of week you choose. xox

Your posted comments add delight to our posts. thanks, ^_^


  1. Carol, such a fabulous job of capturing all the memes in your photos. Each is so unique.

  2. Beautiful captures for the day -- any day!! And the extra shots of my favorite "critter" enjoying a meal are such fun!! Thanks for sharing, as always!! I hope your new year is off to a great start!! Enjoy!!

  3. The artist’s journal sounds like a project that will be more and more rewarding as time goes on. Good for you for diving into a commitment worthy of someone as creative as you. :)

  4. The first photo feels like a clean slate. Most of them are expansive and pull me in and take me along.

  5. All great photos but the sea smoke at Cape Ann is especially beautiful. I have read of "sea smoke" but don't remember seeing a photo of it before. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh how I love that atmospheric sea smoke! Wonderful sketch pages Carol. Fun seeing Zoe again. Gorgeous haiku too!

  7. Great series of shots - I love the sea smoke. Our almost-11 Pomeranian is missing numerous teeth but seems to have no trouble eating - I think it's a small-dog thing.

  8. Lovely photos. My favourite is the 2nd photo of A-for Arctic Ice on your storm door.

  9. is that ice on your front door?

  10. Very nice and beautiful photos!

  11. Hari Om
    Such a range of moods and 'essences' here! Love them all and each for their own reasons. YAM xx

  12. I so enjoy seeing your journal sketches. Isn't it amazing how wind gets us all stirred up! Love your haiku.

  13. Hello, lovely collection of images. I love the quote and your haiku! The art journal is a great idea. The birds would have to hang on tight in the wind. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your new week!

  14. The cold and changes in temperature seem to be so dramatic as explored in your photos Carol. I can only imagine how wonderful your Spring and warming air must be for the landscapes and creatures around you. Have a lovely week.

  15. Great sketch! You can see the wind.
    Your photos remind me of home here (-15 this morning). The cold has its own beauty, but one must be properly bundled up to appreciate it...or indoors. :)

  16. Oh my goodness....great photos. Of course your furbaby is always such a delight...

    But that frosty window pane image steals the show today. BRRRRR

  17. I'd never heard the term sea smoke before, but I know exactly what you mean ... I've seen it in Oregon. Has been weird weather this year. Best case scenario is the El Niño effect, but I'm afraid your guess is right. I can feel the wind rattling as I look at your sketch!

  18. I loved MA when I visited eons ago and would love to return some day. Love the photo of the Arctic ice!

    abcw team

  19. Brrrr....that's a bit too much ARTIC for me.

  20. Hi! Your Haiku is very cool. The sun set photo is stunning beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Brrr...your arctic freeze looks very frigid! Great choice for the letter A!

  22. Nice photos. Thanks for linking up at as well!

  23. Your arctic ice looks like an arctic tree to me with its branches covered in ice. Sea smoke-that is a great title. As always artmuse dog is cute.

  24. The wind is embracing our house tonight and trying to push it around! Love that last photo!

  25. The snow sheet looks cool.
    Great series of pics.

  26. Chilly but lovely! We have had crazy Winter weather on the West Coast too this year. Lots of nights with lows in the middle 20s which is unheard of here in So Cal. We will adapt, I personally have throw blankets all over the house!

  27. Is there still arctic ice? Our winter is almost over and we had one week of ice and slippery roads to such a degree that a lot of people couldn't go to work and stayed home. It was in the north of the Netherlands. I like your photo of the Arctic ice!
    Wil, ABCWTeam

  28. with to much ice last week.... forcast for more this week... winter is here ;-)

    Have a nice abc-day / week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  29. Such a lovely variety of photos for all the memes, and all your photos make me smile. Happy day to you :)

  30. Lovely sketchbook! And things look so cool over there, our Summer's desperately loooong *grin*

  31. I love the beautiful patterns made by ice! What a good sea wall find but I really enjoyed your photo at sunset with such contrasts & a tiny plane leaving its mark in the skies!
    Have a great week!

  32. Climate change? I hardly think so!!! It's beautiful but I'm sure you are tiring of it.

  33. always pretty sea scenes. like that tough old wall, too. :)

  34. Lovely sketch Carol, creative take on the bird feeders. Enjoyed your photos too.

  35. I like your photos. The sea smoke has caught my imagination especially. You've inspired me with your art journal to go outside and draw something, after I visit a couple more blogs. See ya.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  36. Oh I love the angle of the harbour wall fence. All your photos are beautiful. Art journal...what a great idea. Hug B

  37. What a lovely post! I like the big boulders on the sea wall. My critter, a morkie (yorkie/maltese cross)will be 8 in March.

  38. That's a great shot of the seawall, I like the round stones on the top. - The Sea Smoke shot is very pretty. As always your little dog is just adorable.

  39. Ha! So here I am back again for Good fences this time. A strong fence is a must for a sea wall. What are those orbs on top of

  40. many interesting things in your post. I like the stone wall used as a fence :)

  41. I love your art journal. Every year, I think I'll work on mine but I get busy. I should look into this challenge! Happy fences! Hugs, Diane

  42. Hi Carol, such a great post sharing wonderful photos. Love your drawing too. Great fence shots and the ice on the glass is incredible!!
    Have a nice weekend. xo

  43. Beautiful sunset capture! Have a good weekend.

  44. Hello Carol!:) Such a delightful series of shots! The ice on your storm door and the sea smoke capture are beautiful, and the stone fence is original with the stones on top. Some of our sea defence walls have collapsed this year because of violent storms. and flooding has been extensive,causing property damage.

  45. thank you carol- your haiku is a comfort with it's beacon light of love shining the way.

  46. I enjoyed all of these photos, and of course the haiku was outstanding. Yes, just imagine. xo

  47. I really like the idea of having the wind as my guide---and it's a good thing, because there's plenty of wind here in the Southwest!

  48. Beautiful haiku! Your sunset picture is amazing. I just love sunset, and your sketch is lovely! :)

  49. A nice icy photo. The frost has come as a bit of a shock here after months of unusually warm weather.

  50. That last shot is so romantic to me!


  51. Beautiful offerings Carol… your haiku touched me deeply.

  52. So good to visit your world Carol! And I am imagining the wind and that journey home... have a great weekend! Thank you for all these gifts!

  53. Always a delight here...thank you for your visit and words of support

  54. I love the wind, it's not hard to imagine this force as a guiding spirit. Thank you for the beauty of it all...x

  55. Good morning, I love your sweet doggie. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  56. I'm positive that Artmusedog is just smiling at the camera.

  57. your little pup is such a cute critter and a cool fence this week for good fences!!!

  58. Love the collection of ArtMuseDog. She is adorable. That is certainly a unique fence. Beautiful sky shot. The frost certainly does make the windows pretty, even if it is cold.

  59. I like the icy view of your Wednesday.

  60. Love the sketch of the bird feeders and keeping an art journal consistently is a great practice to have.
    Happy SS

  61. Is this winter cold? Did hear news about blizzards.

  62. Carol, the idea of that journal is perfect for you as are your photos and thoughts behind them!...:)JP


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)