A Shutterbug explores the surrounding areas of Cape Ann MA each week with her camera and her assistant, most times.

We do look for 'the magic' and sometimes it appears when we are seemingly not looking.
 What a gift. What treasures nature offers to each of us each day.

We start our 'blogland' week on late Monday afternoon for Tuesday and then add posts along the way . Hope you will make a return visit and share with us.

'I long to accomplish a great and noble task,but it is my chief duty
to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.'
~ Helen Keller

This little bird looked so comfortable eating upside down from the feeder.
 Another feeder beside it is a regular one as I have learned some birds can not eat upside down.
Sharing with these links:

Camera Critters
Saturday Critters
Straight Out of the Camera

Another 'magical' looking sky on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Sky Watch Link

Haiku for you and Haiku My Heart

Sharing with Haiku My Heart link

Thursday ~ Good Fences
Not your traditional fence ~ but it caught my eye 

Sharing with Good Fences

Wednesday ~ 1st photo for ABC Wednesday
'Z' for Zoe who didn't want her photo taken again.

Sharing again with Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday link

Tuesday ~ 
Bleek January in our world on Cape Ann MA ~ Still the beauty of nature's season is there.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday link

also sharing with Creative Everyday link

We are wishing you mindful living in each day. xox

Your posted comments add delight to our blog. thanks, ^_^

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  1. Lovely captures as always, Carol!! I hope you have a wonderful new year!! Do give Artmuse a big hug for me!!

  2. beautiful,, thank you for sharing this,,

  3. Beautiful Carol… Happy New Year :)

  4. Lovely images and quote, as well! Warm greetings in the first week of january, 2016!

  5. The yin yang of beach. Very calming.

  6. It probably feels bleak, but it looks lovely ... Rather mysterious, but like a place I might like to I explore ...except I'd probably freeze to death!

  7. As always, the seascape is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing and I hope the new year is a good one for you.

  8. It looks cold by the ocean, but it's still very pretty. Have a wonderful 2016!

  9. gorgeous seascape-even in January! I always thought that a view of the ocean is special anytime of the year:) Happy New Year to you and (my) sweet Artmuse dog!

  10. Blues and browns of nature, perfect match!

  11. Beautiful landscape photo! Stay warm! Happy New year!

  12. Hello, what a pretty scene. It does look cold there though. Enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  13. Hari OM
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes, but it still looks a bit brighter than it does here on the bleak Western Coast of Scotland!!! (Am back in place and ready for the year...) YAM xx

  14. It may seem bleak to you but it is quite beautiful. :)

  15. Great quote and very lovely photo! I hope your new year is off to a terrific start.

  16. cute dog... quit small compared to mine ;-)

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-e-team)

  17. I always thoroughly enjoy your wondrous shots of Cape Ann, MA. Zoe is a cutie even when reluctant to take a photograph. Peace!

  18. There is still beauty in the bleakness of winter. - Margy

  19. Beautiful photos, - love your sweet doggie...

  20. Nice photos! Enjoyed your post.

  21. Zoe is adorable. Such lovely photos!

  22. Zoe is cute :)
    Happy new year to you and yours!
    Happy ABCW!

  23. Nice shots! Best wishes for the new year!

  24. Pretty pictures of your surroundings and Zoe!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  25. Look like her ears are at camera avoidance alert or perhaps she was hoping for an incoming treat.

  26. Zoe is a cutie and a great subject for the letter Z!

  27. Zoe has such a cute little face !

  28. Oh dear, Zoe does look a bit annoyed. ;)

  29. So beautiful in its bleakness. I'd like to step into that photo.


  30. love the rocky shore! and that's a neat screened entrance, too.

  31. It looks so pretty even in winter at Cape Ann! I liked the fence too!
    Have a fun week!

  32. Happy New Year from our house to your house. Cape Ann looks so pretty whatever season it is seems like to me anyways.
    JM, Illinois

  33. Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comment. The photo of that rocky shoreline is so beautiful. Oh and that one in your header is breathtaking! Enjoy your weekend!

  34. Very nice looking home with it's lattice fencing. - Pretty wintery scenes and Chloe is so cute even if she doesn't want her picture taken.

  35. This is a lovely series, as always. I just love your watery scenes. As we're mired in rain and gloom, that shot of the sun is wonderful!

  36. I love the tension of your haiku and the reluctant Zoe.

    Take care!

  37. Great pictures. I love the one from the deck looking down to the water. And your little dog is so cute!

  38. nice opening quote, wonderful way to start the new year

    much love...

  39. that's a great contribution for good fences, interesting for a front porch!! the shores are beautiful!!!!

  40. So nice Carol. Wonderful combination of words and photographs.

  41. I too think your winters are beautiful Carol! I was thinking how I travel through the seasons with you... and because of you I know your Cape in a way that before computers and blogging... would be impossible. You take us beyond the "materialist" and bring us to deeper, meaningful time of being here...

  42. material items, important so briefly, but when young, we think they will last forever.

  43. yes to mindful living-one day at a time!

  44. It's good to be catching a glimpse of your little part of this big, wide world again!

  45. What lovely shots.

  46. Hello, great critters. I love the cute Nuthatch and your sweet dog. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  47. For one who doesn't like a photo taken, it sure is adorable! What a sweet face. I think I'm in love.

    And your sky shot is amazing. LOVE the upside down seed eater!!!

  48. Eating upside down? You have some clever birds in Cape Ann MA Carol. Have a great week ahead.

  49. Ah, that first quote. I have little to achieve, few goals, nothing I need to accomplish. I'm harding finding a purpose. Lots to think about!

  50. I've never heard of an upside-down feeder! But I do see small birds (a nuthatch or a titmouse maybe) clinging upside down on our regular feeders.

  51. Wonderful post! Gorgeous photos, wise words and of course your cute little pup all brighten the day. I never knew birds could eat upside down.

  52. That little bird feeding upside down from the feeder would take away the bleakness of your day. It fitted in so beautifully with the colour of the feeder.

  53. Hee heee, my African Grey also hangs upside down when I cuddle him...
    That sky, that Christmas garden, and the sweet Zoe, pleasing to the soul.

  54. Came by to check out what I missed earlier. Like the unique gate/fence, and loved the acrobatic creeper (I guess that's what it is); a very pretty bird. And of course your wonderful pup, whether or not she wants her picture taken she is beautiful and always camera ready.

  55. Love the Helen Keller quote! That cute little upside down bird and your cutie pie dog were wonderful shots, plus I loved the seashore!

  56. I love all of these pictures, but my favorite is the upside-down bird.

  57. Carol...hi! I'm sure Mom will be contacting you, but I just had to send you a message concerning your comment on Springtime in Magnolia. Tell your son we are proud of him! Know Moyock well (my husband was an instructor at Blackwater a number of years back! :-) ) He is originally from Norfolk/Chesapeake, and we have lived in most of the cities that are part of the Hampton Roads "Tidewater" complex, which includes Norfolk, Suffolk, Chesapeake and Portsmouth. Since it's my hubby's "home" and we lived there over time, we miss it. :-) I hope you will get a copy of Mom's's the culmination of years of hard work, and she did a beautiful job. It's a delightful read. Follow the book club, or join in with reviews if you are so inclined. Have an awesome week, and thanks for writing!

  58. Hi Carol, Marie told me that you had left a message on the book blog 'Springtime In Magnolia' How very sweet of you. My book can be ordered through Amazon if you would like or you can contact me (how is on my blog) I remember seeing you on some of the memes that you are on. Small world.

    Moyock is just south of Suffolk... maybe an hour. I am terrible with distances!! But, it's not that far. When you come for a visit maybe we could get together and have lunch or something. That would be fun.

  59. I've never seen an upside down feeder for the upside down nuthatch! It does keep the suet out of the elements as well. Beautiful images!

  60. Wonderful photos! I love watching those nuthatches and their upside down antics on the feeders. SO happy to see a shot of darling Zoe too! Hope everything improves real soon regarding your eyes. Thanks as always for your visits and comments to me:)


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)