Weekend Through the Lens 53

'Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.'
~ Victor Hugo

We are sharing with these creative bloggers this weekend.

Scuba Divers seen on Cape Ann MA ~

Unique, vintage door seen recently in Rockport on Cape Ann MA

We still have the heat on and many fireplaces are going here on Cape Ann MA ~
Hope you are warmer where you are.

Even the horses around here on Cape Ann MA need blankets. 

A Haiku for you ~ enjoy.

'I really don't want my picture taken!' Can you tell????

We are wishing you smooth sailing in your days. xo

Your comments continue to delight us. Thanks.


  1. Great shot of the scuba divers. I love the patterns on the beach, and the contrast with their dark suits.

  2. wonder what the scuba divers were searching for? Great door, and although I DO NOT like the cold I love a warm fire-and the smell of burning wood. Too bad we don't have a fireplace in our home. And poor ARrtmuse dog does look a bit perturbed today...

  3. Love the streaky light patterns on the beach near the scuba divers. Interesting collection of photos - especially the design of the vintage door.

  4. Hari Om
    OMD AMD - that are one fiercesome fizzler of a focus you got going on there!!! Also a lovely range of non-winter photographs from mum!!! YAM xx

  5. Visual sweets!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  6. Love the scuba divers B & W...a super pic! And yes, it is chilly here too...wool socks, sweats!...:)JP

  7. Very unique pictures today, Carol....Your doggie is always my favorite, Mr. Artmuse Dog.

  8. oh very cool photos! is it warming up there yet?

  9. 'Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.' I need to reminder this! Door and gate are so intriguing. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. A great day with what a lens can tell.

  11. These are all great shots. The black and white is my favorite. Also always like your poetry and quotes. The Victor Hugo one is fantastic.

  12. I love the black and white. I seldom do them. The firey colours are wonderful, though...
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  13. still blankets huh ??Sweetheart looks serious this week

  14. Hope it warms up for you. Glad you told us they were scuba divers because I was at a loss before I read that. Like one of those visual puzzles where once you see it--then it's obvious--LOL! Have a great weekend. :)

  15. Lovely series of photos! Especially I like the first one. Great contrast.

  16. I love that first photo! It's like artwork, done in B&W with that subject matter. Really different! Almost eerie in a way. And the door is great, and the fireplace. Of course the sweet horse. Loved this entire post!

  17. Cool collection of photos, Carol! I love the horse and your sweet Art Muse Doggie.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  18. Interesting shots. , , but the view of the little dog is the best , it says all ;-))
    ♥ly greetings from germany

  19. I love the picture of the horse!

  20. Wonderful photos, Carol! I love the critters.

  21. you always take great photo's.xx Rachel

  22. Came through from the black and white weekend, which is a lovely image and got sidetracked by the adorable dog.

  23. The shot of the scuba divers is awesome. It almost moves, although I know it is a photo. And yes, your little dog looks like he is saying "I'll stand here for one photo, that's it, hurry it up!"

  24. Love your photos. Your dog is so cute.

  25. Smooth sailing here the past few days. It has been dry and warm. Just like I like it. :) I can't imagine scuba diving in those cold waters. Brrrrrrrrrr Happy Spring

  26. Great photos, I really like that scuba diving photo...so interesting

    Thank you for linking up

  27. Lovely series as always and my favorite is the scuba divers coming out of the sea =) #mysundayphoto

  28. Cute shot of your dog. I really like that Hugo quote too.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)