Week Through the Lens 53

'The question is not what you look at, but what you see.'
~ Henry David Thoreau

We are linked this week with these creative bloggers:

Captain Dusty's opened for Season on Cape Ann MA ~ There is hope!

A 'Spring' like day on Cape Ann MA ~ Ice Cream place opened! We loved it! Yummy!

Cape Ann MA ice, rocks and shadows at the beach.

A digitally created painting of ArtMuse ~ fun to do.
'U' for Urgent little doggie nap.

'R' for Rose and a haiku for you.

We are wishing you delight in your day. xo

Your posted comments add something special to our blog. Thanks.


  1. That looks a fun place to get an ice cream - and I am glad your weather is finally warming up. Ours is doing the opposite - cooling down a bit - finally! Too much heat is as bad as too much cold!!

  2. I do like the "digital painting" - it takes care to make these things work well.

  3. Beautifully done!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  4. LOVE THAT CUTE LITTLE ICE CREAM SHOP! So good to be seeing this great summery stuff! cute digital rendering of Art Muse Dog, but don't think anything could make him cuter than he is.

  5. Lovely ice cream place!!! and then again Artmuse is so cuuute!!!!

  6. great ice cream place! it looks so quaint and colorful! And then again.... Artmuse is sooo cute!!

  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Love the paining of Art Muse!

  8. Oh I do love your red rose haiku. Hope you shared a bit of that ice cream with Artmuse dog:)

  9. The ice cream place opening is a good sign.. Love the artsy painting of ArtMuse doggie.. Have a happy week ahead!

  10. Wonderful shots and digital art.

  11. I'd think people are fed up with snow and ice, but that shop will do a great business in the hot summer. Great spring photos!

  12. I love the flamingoes at the ice cream shop! Cute digital art of ArtMuse.

  13. Once the ice cream parlour opens then Summer must be close.

  14. Lovely shots have a nice month april,
    Greeting from Belgium


  15. Hari OM
    Well that's it then. Summer's here for sure!!! YAM xx

  16. I wished it would be ice cream time, but it's still so cold !

  17. Happy Easter, Nice set of images.

  18. Spring must be there if the ice cream shop is open! How lovely.

  19. I love the regionalism you've captured in your ice cream shop photos. Hope it warms up soon! I can't imagine having ice like that at the beach!

  20. That ice cream "bar" looks so pretty!

  21. Wonderful crystal captured in the rock shot. And the painting of Artmuse dog is wonderful.

  22. I suddenly have the urge to eat, ICE CREAM! Great pictures!

  23. Love the flamingos. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  24. Lovely pictures, I would love to visit the ice cream shop!!

  25. Captain Dusty must have a very positive attitude to be open in April!

  26. Nice post and pictures, Carol. I had forgotten that businesses close for the winter. I don't know of any like that around here. But then we aren't a tourist area either. Like a resort perhaps, but not open for tourists.
    Art did need that nap. She looks to be sound asleep. I guess you took a picture to the digital picture person to paint from.

  27. The collection is particularly artistic this week.

  28. Fabulous! Have a good week xx

  29. Love the "painting" of ArtMuse Dog! She does look so very comfortable!

  30. I love the digital painting of Art Muse Dog! I'll have to try that sometime....

  31. No snow in these! That's progress! The ice cream shop looks delightfully fun!

  32. Your black and white photo gave me the goosebumps! In a good way, of course. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  33. Your pup is so adorable. Love all of the photos...the ice cream shop seems like a fun place to visit. It is good to see the sunshine! Have a glorious weekend!

  34. Yum, ice cream! It certainly must be warming up there.

  35. Beautiful shares, of course, the ice cream shop caught my attention! LOL! I also love that sweet artistic impression here. An urgent doggy nap is wonderful! I had to have a human urgent nap earlier today! Have a great day Carol and thanks for sharing. Hugs, Anne

  36. I had forgotten. When I grew up in NJ the Dairy Queen closed in the winter. Here we have ice cream and yogurt year round. I guess the opening of the ice cream place means Spring has officially arrived in New England! You've earned some good weather this year.

  37. That ice cream shop is THE cutest. Have a lovely Friday.

  38. There is a face in those ice, rocks and shadows on the beach. Watching it melt itself away.

  39. Boa tarde, fotos com excelente apresentaĆ§Ć£o e qualidade, tem a magia do seu click.

  40. Love your sense of humour about the ice cream shop after the winter you've just had, if I was nearer I would be over in a shot to buy you a treble scoop cookies and cream cone!
    Can see in the excitement of it all Art Muse dog has retired to bed!
    Wren x

  41. Look what I almost missed so glad I came back tonight,
    I have missed this world but really been in a yuk place with pain surgery yuk and more surgery whinge over I promise to try and keep blogging.
    would love to visit ice cream parlor


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)