'But in every walk with nature one receives far more than he sees.' ~ John Muir

'Sea Smoke' over Cape Ann MA Harbor ~ just yesterday and today snow showers. This is when I wonder why I am not a 'snow bird'.

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai ~ prompt ~ games

'Herself' posing and attentive to her surroundings. She has on her Winter coat ~ and has such great posture ~ I think she, perhaps, does Yoga when I am doing so myself. Ya think?
A bit 'blurry' for Sunday Stills challenge.

On a sunnier but cold day on Cape Ann MA ~ Brrr ~ Winter is here

'ArtMuse Dog' ~ A watercolor sketch ~ Have struggled for several years to capture her 'essence' in a sketch or painting ~ maybe I did it ~ It is not a great watercolor and needs work but was glad to get closer to portraying her essence.

'Ice' on storm door on Cape Ann MA ~ Winter is among us for next few months.

We are sharing with:

Black and White Weekend
Camera Critters
Saturday Critters
Scenic Weekend
Sunday Sketches
Sunday Stills
Carpe Diem Haiku

We are sending you lots of love, hope and joy for each day.

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. Thanks.


  1. Lovely scenes. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Love that sea smoke - if anything, I'd go the other way - I'd love to move to somewhere (in Australia!) that has more of a winter than we do in Melbourne.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Gorgeous shots! My favorite is the first one! The quote is so true!
    A great painting!

  4. I love your picture of Sea Smoke. I'd not heard of this phenomenon, so I had to look it up. I'm familiar with a similar happening on lakes, but this was new to me. Thanks for the education

  5. Wonderful quote, indeed! And so beautiful aspects in pictures, the watercolour sketch is stunning and so, so lovely! With best regards for the New Year of 2015! All the best and a very sunny day and weekend!

  6. Hari Om
    Superb shots again Carol - AMD certainly has great posture!!! That top shot is....a TOP shot &*> YAM xx

  7. I know how cold it is but even so, just seeing the water makes me happy! You did a great job capturing Artmuse dog in watercolor Carol. Stay warm!

  8. Your pictures are lovely, and being a Yorkie owner myself, I always enjoy your pictures of your dog.

  9. I think your little water color is delightful!

  10. I love the pose of 'herself' and the first shot. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Lovely images, Carol! The sea smoke is a beautiful capture.. And Art Muse is adorable. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Stay warm, have a happy weekend!

  12. WOW! That first photograph is gorgeous! So beautiful and magical. Thank you for explaining it too. I like your watercolor sketch of your dog too--very very sweet face :)

  13. I like your last shot of the ice patterns on the storm door. And the watercolor of your little dog is really good.

  14. Lovely post and photos. I especially loved the one of ArtMuse in her spiffy winter coat. She looked rather elegant in her pose.

  15. the snow has just arrived here - all the best

  16. I like your point of view. Have I said that before? I'll probably repeat it again. :-) Your sketch does capture the essence of herself.

  17. Nice post. Cute little dog and some great winter scenes.

  18. I love the sea smoke and the ice. We had a snowstorm during the night and got maybe 6 inches of snow. I wish you a peaceful Sunday.

  19. That sea smoke shot is magnificent - if I headed south I'd miss those cold, snowy days. And of course ArtMuse Dog is cute as always. Your John Muir quote is perfect - I'll be posting photos from his woods tomorrow.

  20. I think your watercolor of her is darling! She does have excellent posture in that sweet photo too. Lovely photographs!

  21. wonderful capture of the ice on the storm door! Happy SS Carol!

  22. Lovely photos as always! Your haiku is wonderful and it's so good to see you! xo

  23. Sometimes when you play well, you keep playing on and on and on!

    One More Round of Poker

  24. Beautiful photography, Carol! I'm seeing a lot of sea smoke along the coast of NH, too! Happy New Year.

    "A Place for Pictures and Memories"

  25. Gorgeous post Carol a beautiful haiku and that photo of the ice on the storm door is awesome.

  26. Your sweet pup has wonderful posture! She is proud of herself as she should be and it shows. The ice door is lovely, as is the whole post.

  27. Awesome post.... your photos are all lovely but I do love Ice on Storm doors...your haiku inspired me...my mind was blank today:) thanks

  28. Love the haiku.. And the pics are poetry themselves.

  29. A lovely post and haiku.

  30. Happy New Year - may 2015 be full of some wonderful treats for you both! Hope you are not in your winter woolies for too long, beautiful as it seems through your lens, and Art Muse Dog does looks delightful in her coat :)
    Wren x


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)