~ Weekend 41 ~ Through the Lens

Through the Lens Weekend 41

'What is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter
 to give it sweetness.' ~ John Steinbeck

Sharing with several blogs this weekend: 

Snow on Cape Ann MA ~ Is it almost Spring? ~ Not to 'rush things' ~ 

Haiku ~ prompt ~ 'lost in the mist'

My 'assistant' on Cape Ann MA ~ perhaps, wondering 'what that gadget is that
I am pointing in her face' ~ always seems wondrous of the gadgets.

Guess 'who came to dine' on Cape Ann MA ~ 

Another wintry scene on Cape Ann MA ~ to paraphrase a great poet,
'if winter is here can Spring be far behind?' Who wrote that?

Watercolor Sketch exploring with whatever I found in the house to sketch. Seems to help keep
my 'hand' in sketching. I basically just sketch with a w/c brush and paints.

We are wishing you the best in each day. xoxox

Your posted comments are gems to us. Thanks.


  1. A beautiful b&w photo in your serie!
    My post at: https://hanshb.wordpress.com/

  2. A very nice winter black and white photo. Spring is coming closer day by day.

  3. Love image #5, have a super weekend. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. The snow and bare boughs in the first photo are magical. And love the icyc shapes creeping across the water world. Your little dog is always a treasure.

  5. The icy scene is amazing, Carol. Brrr.

  6. All of your pictures are lovely, but especially you cute dog.... I could just squeeze him! We will be in Maine this summer, so will look up Cape Ann.

  7. very vivid haiku
    hope you survive the chaos


  8. Oh to be lost in the mist. Good to have a faithful dog to help. ;-)

  9. You live in such a beautiful place! I love your 'assistant' !:) Have a nice weekend!

  10. Hari OM
    Brrrrr.... it is looking pretty similar here on the West coast of Scotland I have to say! AMD is looking cosy though &*> YAM xx

  11. Love the close up of your "assistant"...and the ice shot is amazing. Spring? Not anywhere near it up here--LOL! ;)

  12. You Art Muse doggie is a great companion.. And I love the closeup of the gull. You do live in a beautiful area! Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  13. The light in the last shot is amazing with the ice and thawing ice. Love the dog and the snow scene. Have a great wee.kend

  14. lots of wonderful things in this post Carol! Of course my fave though is your assistant looking so good in that red scarf-and keeping warm I see too:)

  15. A lovely post and a good looking gull.

  16. Aww, I love your assistant, she's always so cute. Enjoy your weekend, Carol!

  17. That next to last black and white winter photo is fabulous. It glows ice. Lovely poem as well.

  18. Wonderful shots from Cape Ann MA. Nice variety.

  19. When we flip over, we will see spring, just the thickness of a page.

  20. A delightful array. And pray tell, is that cute assistant available for hire *wink*

  21. Hui,Carol. I like your Haiku very much.Your icy sea photo is very cool. Shelley's poem is very famous even in our country. Thanks for sharing.

  22. awe, your little watercolor girl looks so blue.....;)

  23. loved your haiku . reading your post was like coming over to your creative harbour .its lovely.thankyou

  24. Great shots and words and I like the watercolor.

  25. I love your latest shot of Mr. Muse with his fashionable red scarf. Happy Sunday Sketches and Blessings!

  26. Beautiful photos of your lovely, winter-kissed seaport!
    And your watercolor sketch is charming!

  27. Wonderful pictures! Keep warm and safe!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)