Through the Lens I see the beauty in where I live and am grateful!

(Please scroll down for link you want as I continue to update from day to day all week long)

Haiku ~ sharing with:

Carpe Diem Haiku

The full moon on Cape Ann MA has made for some different skies and weather: sharing with:

Black and White Weekend

Sky Watch Friday

Inner Cape Ann MA Harbor ~ Reflections at night ~ sharing with:

Reflection Weekend

Artmusedog in her etheral state ~ sharing with:

Camera Critters

Saturday Critters

Haiku ~ sharing with:

Haiku My Heart

Haiku Friday

Last of the Summer deck flowers and Buddha Dog will have to come inside. Sharing with:

Friday Photo Journal

Last of the Roses for Summer on Cape Ann MA sharing with:

I Heart Macro2

Finally feeling better and she puts me back to work! Sharing with:

Little Things Thursday

'Quaint' Little Village nearby called Manchester MA ~ part of Cape Ann MA sharing with:

Our World Tuesday

Alphabe Thursday

'Look to a tree on how to live well.' Sharing with:

Black and White Wednesday

'In the River for 'I' ~ sharing with Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's :

ABC Wednesday

Haiku with 'moon' for prompt word ~ sharing with:

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

We are wishing you the best in each day. ^_^

Your posted comments continue to add delight to our day.

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.' ~ Kahlil Gibran

HOUSEHOLD HINT: 'Freeze ginger in a ziplock bag.Makes it easier to grate and will last longer.'


  1. Lovely river photo down in that little village called Manchester ... which seems strange, because for me Manchester is a great, big, busy city over here in England. Have a great week, Bonny

  2. Cape Ann is so lovely! Your little helper is adorable

  3. Wonderful series of pictures Carol, and one with a place name like that close to where I live. (Manchester UK)

  4. As always, Carol, your choices for sharing are delightful!...:)JP

  5. Beautiful captures as always, Carol, and I always love to see your little four-legged friends happy face!! Hope you both have a wonderful week!!

  6. Your little dog is so cute and I always love your photos of the towns and villages along the coast.

  7. The harbor looks a little crowded!! I love the river and the monochrome of the tree. Artmuse is so very cute!

  8. Beautiful shots from your part of the world.

  9. beautiful beautiful!!!

  10. beautiful photos and haiku carol. I do freeze my ginger and yes- it grates perfectly! Amuse dog can greet me with a sloppy kiss anytime if I ever got to meet her:)

  11. dear carol as usual your shots are wonderful. i especially look forward to seeing your furbaby every week.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  12. Beautiful photos as fall starts to arrive. I always love seeing your furry friend.

  13. Good choice on the black and white!
    Cute dog!

  14. Lovely post and that haiku on 'moon' is a beauty

  15. Great pictures Carol Thanks for sharing your world! Have a great day. I do hope that you are not in the area flooded by heavy rainfall.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  16. Manchester is a lot more beautiful than our UK Manchester, a city of millions. So good to see AMD back on form and looking good.

  17. All very, beautiful images today, wishing you a wonderful, happy and peaceful rest of the week.
    Regards K.

  18. I don't know if this got through, so here it is again- All very beautiful images today. Wishing you a happy and peaceful rest of the week.
    Regards K.

  19. Amuse dog is so photogenic. The lake is as stunning as ever although I could never get used to thinking of Manchester as a small village.

  20. Looks so lovely,I like the BW

  21. What a superb blue in the river picture... And so much wisdom in the words of the quote, too! Lovely post as always!

  22. Beautiful shots today. Love them all.

  23. Beautiful shots today, love them all.

  24. Lovely harbour shot. Looks like a great place for you and Art Muse Dog to stroll!

  25. Nice shots. Would love to visit your part of the world someday, it looks lovely.

  26. The wisdom of the moon is for sure universal

  27. Beautiful images. Nice and interesting collection.

  28. ArtMuseDog is looking cute as usual. I enjoy the harbor with the boats and beautiful blue water, and the poetry. Trees are smart enough to rest part of the year, and to put down deep roots.

  29. Dearest Carol; Oh Beautiful pictures and your Art Muse Dog is posing for you like a model(*^_^*)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  30. I love the last picture ! so cute !

  31. Carol, I love the photo of the "Quaint' Little Village" there's nothing like these quaint little New England towns. My Dad grew up in Mattapoisett, MA...another beautiful little town in MA. Most of my family, still live there. Thanks for sharing and also for taking time to visit my blog today.
    @ A Place for Pictures and Memories

  32. It is a beautiful tree in b&w!
    My post:

  33. Nice to hear that your pet is doing better. Nice photos and sentiments.

  34. Love the moody tree shot - I'm going to enjoy the fall...but I'm a weirdo who loves it when all the branches are bare!

  35. love the tree! and always love seeing art muse dog...

  36. Oh wow, what a fine collection of photos. I came for the letter Q your quaint, and of course I got a series of lovely, and just the most adorable with your sweet pup too!

  37. I love the quaintness of Manchester-by-the-sea!

  38. Yes, a very beautiful place to live! Wonderful photos!

  39. The first two are simply great! Especially the tree. Great effect in B &W. Thanks for sharing these. And thanks for your visit to my blog earlier :)

  40. Lovely pics. Very pretty. I like the Haiku & the quotes too.

  41. I like the minimal quality of your river image Carol. And hasn't this harvest moon been amazing.......lovely words!


  42. Lovely shots you capture this week. You have the cutest puppy.

  43. Beautiful shots -- I especially love the quaint village, in the river and, of course, the little miss ArtMuseDog!!

  44. I absolutely love your river shot!!!

  45. Your doggie is adorable. My kids would eat him up!

  46. aaawwww that little dos is just so adorable! great pictures!

  47. I'm glad ArtMuse Dog is feeling better, sorry she's been under the weather. Lovely series of photos again, always enjoy my visits here.

  48. You always do sooo good on these multi-meme posts. You must be in a good mood when you do all these. So, ... when you are in a good mood you post. Save the comment answering (you have lot!!) for your cranky days. :)
    Your harbor at Manchester (village) looks so peaceful. Back in the early 60's when I lived in Manchester, N.H, it was also quaint. Compared to where I came from, it was tiny and quaint (80K vs. 450K+/-). Our top ten Texas towns are,in order,
    Houston 2,195,914, 4.55% Growth (But our Metro area is over 6.3M)
    2 San Antonio 1,409,019, .15%
    3 Dallas 1,257,676, 5.0%
    4 Austin 885,400, 2.02%
    5 Fort Worth 792,727, 6.95%
    6 El Paso 674,433, 3.90%
    7 Arlington 379,577, 3.87%
    8 Corpus Christi 316,381, 3.66%
    9 Plano 274,409, 5.61%
    10 Laredo 248,142, 5.10%

    Galveston is sort of Quaint,
    NASA -
    An image of the Greater Houston area taken from NASA's Space Shuttle during mission STS-55 (STS055-71-43) with Galveston Bay and Galveston Island visible towards the bottom of the picture.

  49. This is a delightful post with beautiful photos. I am not sure which photo is my favorite. Your Assistant is absolutely adorable!

  50. Love the reflection of the boats in the river!

  51. Lovely photos, and your doggie is so cute!

  52. I look forward to your posts. I especially enjoyed the police boat and the river scenes.

  53. I like the moonlight sky shot! Beautiful!!

  54. The full moon was gorgeous here as well...your postings are much more than 'quaint' this week♪

  55. Love your Buddha dog, not as much as ArtMuseDog, but up there....!
    Have a great weekend!
    Wren x

  56. The view of the marsh could have been taken here in Coastal Georgia. Just beautiful! Your Yorkie is considerably bigger than mine--Lizzie only weighs 5 pounds! They are such a pleasure, aren't they?? I love your "Quaint Town."

  57. Love your photos. This week I especially love the "Last of the summer deck flowers".

  58. Hello Carol and ArtMuse dog! I enjoyed following the last petals of from your deck through your sharing this week. I love the image of the sprout springing from the ask and lightening in your haiku. They are universal words of wisdom! Have a great weekend in your beautiful sunsets and sky!

  59. Both haikus are nice, Carol. I like the resilience in the first and the mysticism in the second.

  60. What lovely shots! So glad puppy is feeling better :-)

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  61. BEautiful as always dear Carol… I feel so much peace whenever I visit here.

  62. Interesting to see how the light has changed in your photos as autumn approaches.

  63. What a lovely selection of photos. That b/w of the tree is lovely!

    Have a happy weekend1

  64. Terrific pics from you. I scrolled down slowly to enjoy the different themes. :)

  65. Lovely, peaceful scene in your first photo. Beautiful light.

  66. My little buddy there to welcome me

  67. Beautiful shots. Love the puppy and the boats in the harbor...

  68. I love the roses and the view of the river. Art Muse Dog is so cute. I'm glad to hear that she is feeling better. Happy weekend to you both!

  69. There's always something tugging me to you. Your world is my dream.

  70. Your Yorkie is so sweet! We used to have one, too. They're one of the best cuddly lap dog breeds!

  71. Hello Carol. Art Muse always brightens my day.. She is adorable.. Love the scenic shots and the pretty roses.. Thank you for sharing your post with my critter party. Have a happy weekend.

  72. Love seeing little Artmuse Dog. Such a cutie pie!

  73. Wonderful photos! I love your dog - so very cute! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  74. Such a sweet little dog who steals the show. I enjoyed all your other pics too. :)

  75. A splintered tree, with more to come---lovely!

  76. Artmuse Dog is so sweet! Love all the photos! Had a chuckle over Buddha Dog. :-) Gorgeous roses!~

  77. I rejoice when little shoots sprout from trees we thought were dead and gone!

  78. Wonderful response -- I too felt the joy :)

  79. Great pics! Certainly a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing Carol!


  80. Your roses and black and white tree are stunning.

  81. Your photo of the yellow petals and Buddah dog got me smiling most of all. :-)

  82. Such a lovely series Carol. Late summer is still beautiful on the Cape. I hope Fall lasts a long time

  83. Really love the picture of the lights reflecting on the water. Wish I could be there right now.

  84. Your dog makes such great guest appearances!

  85. Love your roses an the other beautiful photos :-)

  86. I think that rising passion is probably always better than receding passion...

    Wasteland Hot Springs

  87. Love the etheral shot of ArtMuse Dog. So cute! I'm afraid I'm not quite ready for fall yet.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)