Through the lens I am seeing home tourist attractions.

(scroll down for link you want, thanks.) 

'Fish on Sunday' on Cape Ann MA sharing with:

Sunday Sketches link

'Cast a Giant Shadow' on Cape Ann MA for:

Shadow Shot Sunday link

Hi all ~ Here I am on the deck, a favorite place for the summer on Cape Ann MA for

Camera Critters link

Artmusedog getting groomed on Cape Ann MA for:

Saturday Critters link

Cape Ann MA wildflower for:

I Heart Macro 2 link

Sky over 'working harbor' of Cape Ann MA ~ sharing with:

Sky Watch Friday link.

Haiku for :

Haiku My Heart link

Haiku Friday link

JUST 'little old me' for J looking for some lemonade ~ They sold out!

sharing with Alphabe Thursday

'Little' dory rowers on Cape Ann MA, also lobster boats and Ice Company on side of photo sharing with:

Little Things Thursday

Two lobster boats on Cape Ann MA's working harbor sharing with:

Our World Tuesday link

A fun haiku ala 'Issa' and prompt is 'O Cooling Melons'

for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai link

Bow of Lobster Boat and working harbor area on Cape Ann MA

sharing with Black and White Wednesday

We are wishing you the best in each day. xoxo

Your posted comments are a joy to us. Thanks ^_^

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'Make your heart like a lake with a calm, still surface and depths of kindness.' ~ Lao Tzu

HOUSE HOLD HINT: No more mosquitoes: Put a dryer sheet in your pocket. It should keep them away.


  1. Great photos - I always especially like the ones of the harbor and the boats - and of course your little dog is very cute!

  2. I recently read an article about how delicious the clams are from Cape Ann, and I immediately thought of you, Carol! Your hometown is so beautiful! Love your haiku and tips!

  3. I do love the water and your water shots!! I miss that about Seattle since I moved back to Portland -- love Oregon, too, but I'm a long way from the coast!! Thanks for sharing, Carol!! Give your little four-legged friend a hug for me and enjoy your week!!

  4. Carol, I am going to try the dryer sheet in my pocket when I go in the woods!!! We just finished our watermelon!!!.:)JP

  5. There is always so much happening on and off the water.

  6. Looks like an idyllic summer there on the water. I believe the pup could use some of the cold lemonade!

  7. Wonderful shots of the lobster boats! Oh and the lemonade stand is such a great sight to see.

  8. Such a pretty place - I love playing tourist in my own town.

  9. Oh, seeing your posts, I always wish I lived close to the harbor :-) Beautiful images, Carol. Love the summer Haiku, too. Yes, BIG Hug to your sweet baby♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Interesting place. Enjoyed the boat shots but gotta say the lemonade shot with the puppy tongue gave me a smile!

  11. Very evocative summer shots and I love the haiku.

  12. Serene and inviting waters...adorable artmusedog! Watermelon haiku makes me want a dish of chilled melon! Your tip for repelling mosquitoes is very welcome, especially here in Texas! Enjoyable post!

  13. Summer living is best! Lovely shots.

  14. A nice place to live where those boats go out and bring back lots of seafood for all that seafood Carol.

    AMD says "Hey, you forgot the N momma"

  15. I love the boats and dorys and the haiku especially "...colorful thirst quencher..."

  16. The very best of days to you to. I always enjoy your posts

  17. Lovely photos, love the pops of red. Puppy is adorable as always. I

  18. Colorful and sticky! Halfmoon or quarter slices? I know folks who like to cut off pieces with a knife using the knife as a fork. EEK! Be careful!

  19. mmmm...I love your views of the harbor and all the boats. Great summertime haiku! Love the lemonade stand photo with ArtMuse dog-he looks like he's desperately trying to reach the water bottle:)

  20. Nice! I would love to visit your part of the country.

  21. Hari OM
    The Haiku made me long for watermelon.... then AMD missing out on lemonade? Thirsty here!!!! YAM xx

  22. I love the photos.

  23. Love the haiku! Very summery post with wonderful images!

  24. I have always enjoyed looking at boats, and sweet little dogs :) Great shots Carol!

  25. My mouth waters when I look at those lobster boats. Hardly ever get to eat Lobster anymore since it has become very expensive. But love your pictures. Sorry Artmuse, no lemonaid (but in truth you probably wouldn't like it). I have used the dryer sheet in my pocket and it works. Great fror when I walk Izzi at night ... she likes to stir up the mosquitos in the bushes and they all come after me. But, not any more:) Be well, Carol ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  26. Great shots! That little yellow row boat is too cute.

  27. I love the boats and the water. Much fun!

  28. Oh, so good to be back here! Grad school kept me away, then a new job and with one grad course left, I DO remain busy. However, I will never stop blogging...I just might be a little slow.
    And every time I come here, I see such wonderful inspiration and creativity and it just makes my heart soar! I hope you've been well. Sending hugs. xo

  29. A beautiful set of images. Love the Miss Carla boat. :)

  30. Hurrah that they sold out. I'm sure it made the lemonade seller very happy. :)

  31. I agree about the watermelon. The sweetness is a bonus.

  32. I'm not sure the dog would really like lemonade.

  33. Awesome post ... you always stay to surprise me ... I wonder how you do that ... what a wonderful haiku (haiga) you have shared with us Carol.

  34. Love how our New England coast is such a working coast - so much going on! The fishermen and lobster-men seem to be always working hard! Great bunch of shots!

  35. Shame they sold out "refreshig lemonade" haha. I do love your images...always.

    Melody and Olivia

  36. Great photos, Carol, especially the lobster boats! YUM!!!!

  37. So sorry the lemonade was sold out. What a bummer! Is there no JUSTICE??

  38. Beautiful series. Such a shame they were out of lemonade. Love all the boats.

  39. Poor guy needs his lemonade! Love the boats and I would really love some lobster!

  40. Bummer the lemonade was sold out!!

  41. I'll have a large glass of lemonade, please!

  42. Love that lemonade stand....haven't seen any in the neighborhood, but we usually see one♪

  43. Your dog is the cutest little thing! Looks like he was looking for some cold refreshment.

  44. Great pics. I always love those water shots and the shots of the boats. Thanks for coming by and visiting my Joy post. It was a delight to write it. I am glad you enjoyed it!

  45. Any sea-sky view, whether sunny or overcast, is just fine with me! Happy SWF!

  46. Looks like you've had a few overcast days. Love and busy harbor!

  47. skywatching by the water is really nice.

  48. I always love the harbor and boat scenes.. And your ArtMuse doggie is so sweet! Lovely series! Have a great weekend and happy skywatching!

  49. BEautiful summer photos and poetry Carol.

  50. It must be divine when a soul is warmed.

  51. If I was asked to choose which image I liked the best, mmmm, I would have to say the harbor in the b/w format. I giggled at the lemonade stand sign. Nice job! Have a great week-end.
    JM, Illinois

  52. You never disappoint me with your wonderful photos and uplifting words!

  53. Every once in a while I experience the shining you write about...

    Another Haiku My Heart

  54. 50 cents for lemonade! a bargain!
    The sky looks a bit gloomy but the colors on the boats brighten the scene.

  55. resting here in your beauty is a comfort, thank you.

  56. Great post as usual. Loving the watermelon haiku.

  57. I'm coming east, heading for NY and the Hudson River. ArtMuseDog looks hot, but I thought the highs were only in the 80s? He's lucky he's not in Oklahoma. I'm leaving 100+ weather! {:-D

  58. Carol, just stopping back to say thank you for linking up your post with my critter party.. Enjoy your weekend!

  59. Wonderful series of images. I like it.

  60. I love the coneflower and Art Muse Dog looks beautiful after her grooming session.

  61. Your photos are wonderful, as always. And your dog is so cute :))

  62. Ah Artmuse Dog, already 67 comments I see and to be sure, many just loves to see your sweet face!
    A pleasure to stop by Carol as always, thanks for sharing!

  63. lovely images and a darling dog!

  64. I had to smile at Artmuse Dog hanging out at the lemonade stall - a little too late

  65. I wish I was one of those little dory rowers.~May

  66. Happy Sunday loving your photos as always but that dryer sheet in my pocket - that could change my life!! :) Great tip thanks
    Wren (who the mossies love) x

  67. Such a great little assistant you have help with!

  68. Never fail to just love your little sidekicks shots! Such an adorable little friend you have. I am going to be up in your area in a week or so and so looking forward to seeing the ocean.

  69. Superb Haiku! A piece of beauty as much as your images.

  70. Love you dog in the 'no lemonade' shot. Also all the lovely bats on the water. Water Melon is a great fruit to quench your thirst.

  71. lovely collection of fish sketches for SS. Happy Sunday Carol!

  72. Love all the shade under that big, old tree! Wish we had such in the desert!

    Shadowy Cleft

  73. zen calm blue peace poetic lemonade

  74. So much wonder in your posts! I love the fish paintings and artmusedog looks so sharp getting groomed! Wonderful photos and haiku too!

  75. Another wonderful post filled with great photos and art! Nice quote and thanks for the tip! Artmusedog is as cute as ever. :)

  76. I just love the watercolor fish you've been working on lately. Your photos are awe inspiring as usual too. Blessings!

  77. Really nice collection of photos.

  78. I enjoyed your haiku and goldfish! sweet week to you:)

  79. I love your haiku! And that lemonade stand looks just adorable.

    Thanks for linking to the letter J.



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)