Through the Lens ~ WEEKEND 1

Through the lens I see the 'yin and yang' of life.

(scroll down for the link you want.) Thanks ^_^

An Asian Style Brush Painting greeting card with Haiku for Sunday Sketches link.

Despite the cold, raw and overcast day on Cape Ann MA~ Our favorite ice store was opened!
I just had to take a photo as it gave such hope that one day soon it would be warm enough to sit on a bench and enjoy a delicious ice cream cone ~ for SOCC ( Straight out of the Camera Sunday) link.

I couldn't resist these as they were painted by a little 18 month old girl and they caught my eye as I went to get into my car ~ A macro photo of a sort that delights me for I Heart Macro 2 link.

The Cape Ann MA Yorkie giving the camera a very stern eye that 'she has had enough!' How can you resist that cutie? for Camera Critters link.

Mr. Sea Gull was enjoying the day on Cape Ann MA despite the cold, raw and overcast day linked with Saturday Critters.

Same windy, cold and raw day on Cape Ann MA but the high school sailing team was out on the harbor practicing. I love 'boating' always felt such delight and peace linked with:
Weekly Top Shot
 and Post Cards from Paradise.

We are wishing you the best in each day. xoxo

We love your posted comments as always. Thanks.

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.' ~ Vincent Van Gogh

HOUSEHOLD HINT: ' Spray your plastic storage containers with non stick cooking spray before pouring tomato based sauces and there won't be any stains.'


  1. Dearest Carol;
    Today, I was SO amazed to see the Easter eggs painted by a little 18 month old girl(^_^)v Easter is not so popular here in Japan except cake-shop etc:-) Love your eastern style greeting card as well♡♡♡ Please tell your baby don't be shy posing your camera♪

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. HI Carole Great post and I love the household hint. Didn't know that. Have a great weekend.

  3. Lovely series, Carol! Art Muse doggie is adorable! And I love the gull shot! Your haiku and card is beautiful. .Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters.. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. All your photos are beautiful but....i love your dog!:)
    Have a nice weeekend!

  5. Cute post! Love the Cape Yorkie and the seagull (I love watching the gulls -- such characters). Ice cream -- yippee! It is time for Easter eggs (18 months old ... wow). Happy Critter Day!

  6. your painting is gorgeous! love artmusedog. and that is the cutest ice cream shop!

  7. A lovely post Carol, each one a delight, though I do favor your sweet little dog. Love that expression!

  8. you are full of great tips .. i hate when my dishes get tomato stains - it plain stinks. i will try that next time. so smart!! thanks!! ( :

    i love the ice cream shop. what a cutie.

    you card reminds me of a little book my mom gave to a great friend. they had been friends for years, worked together & before she passed on - she gave it to me for a wedding gift. i love it ... i cherish it so. i will have to send you a shot of it. so peaceful.

  9. Warmer weather is finally shows!...:)JP

  10. Lovely Series! :) Thanks for sharing! :)

  11. can you resist a cute like 'artmusedog'?!!!!

  12. Lovely photos,especially the way the weather has given birth to this interesting image........and of course Artmuse dog is cute as always!

    Happy weekend!

  13. Those Easter eggs are beautiful. I miss painting eggs with my daughter.

  14. Captain Dusty's. How could anyone not go in an ice cream shop with such a wonderful name? If AMD looks a little bored it's just that she's a star and knows it. xx

  15. Art muse dog is so adorable - even when she's had enough. I hope you rewarded her with something yummy for posing for you. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. I love the Easter Egg rocks, how sweet. AMD cute as always, nice water scenes even if is cold, we still have lots of ice here. I love your greeting card Carol, you have a special talent!

  17. so many wonderful things here Carol but I must say -your brush painted greeting card and haiku is gorgeous!! Did you write that haiku on the card or was it done digitally? Love it .

  18. What a wonderful group of photos. I really like the one of the ice cream shop, it reminds me of one on the Southern Oregon coast. I love your sketch for this week.

  19. Frühling ist nun eingezogen..:D

    Danke für die schönen Bilder
    mit einem LG vom katerchen und dem Pauli..mann

  20. I love the atmosphere of the photos! So bright and they have a positive vibe in them.

  21. Through the lens, we know the feeling of Mr. Seagull.

  22. HI Carol..wowness..these are all so the seagull and your sweet pup..adorable! Gorgeous images!
    Lovely to visit your magical world!

  23. Hari OM
    all beautiful and how, indeed, can one resist those little doggy eyes? We have had nearly two weeks of the weather you describe - and THIS is as clear as can be managed with the lens at the moment... The bright news is that Blogger finally let me join your site! YAM xx

  24. lovely spring post, beautiful card for SS!

  25. Love the card and the critters. I wouldn't mind stopping by for an ice cream, but on a warmer day than today. Happy Sunday!

  26. Calling by from iheart macro, lovely selection of photos.

  27. hello,
    your card is lovely, painting and words
    fun also to see your photos and read your captions
    enjoy the ice cream... some day ;-)

  28. Love the Van Gogh quote.

  29. i really love your card with the haiku, and the photos are all so nice! happy SS!

  30. what a beautiful place that you live the photos

  31. Fantastic... "point of view": painted stone eggs!!

  32. Gorgeous pics! I love that little icecream place and the doggy is too cute! :)

  33. lovely photos! beautiful stone easter eggs. like also the seagull.

  34. Beautiful creations and photos. Your painted card looks so beautiful and Artmuse Dog looks adorable as always!

  35. Your brush painting is beautiful. Your little dog always poses so nicely.

  36. The child has a way with colors. Very cute. Artmuse dog sure is a cutie.

  37. Love the beautiful spring colors! The ice cream shop is adorable!

  38. You captured it - the Asian style brush painting - beautifully! Love the Easter creations, and oh, ice cream! I need some. It's boiling in my part of the globe.

  39. Love the asian art work and haiku. The cherry blossoms just finished there full bloom here.

  40. My son's teacher told me that the ice cream parlor at our favorite park has opened already too, and hurrah for it! :)

    Yours looks inviting!! Very beachy. :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)