Through the Lens Week ~ First Week March 2014 Edition

Through the Lens I see shades of my inner memory ~ carol, xxx

(scroll down for blog links (in pink) you want) ~ Our World Tuesday Meme, Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, Black and White Wednesday, Rurality Thursday,  Alphabe Thursday and Sky Watch Friday, more haiku to follow soon this week )

Another beautiful fishing trawler of Cape Ann MA for Our World Tuesday Meme link.

haiku for Carpe Diem ~ Temple 46 post ~ link: Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

Haiku for #80 Pilgrimage for Carpe Diem Kai link

Two  of the few Fishing Trawlers left on Cape Ann MA ~ linked with BW Wednesday.

Ocean Rurality on Cape Ann MA ~ dragging for eels ~ linked with Rurality Thursday
and P for Plenty of Seagulls for Alphabe Thursday link.

Color in Cape Ann Sky ~ finally ~ Long Winter ~ for Sky Watch Friday link.

We are wishing you the best in each day. xxx

Your posted comments continue to delight us. Thanks ^_^

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.'
~ Socrates


  1. These are all wonderful shots. I love the vivid colors in the harbor but I also like the black and white so much.

  2. fishing vessels are very appealing to me.

  3. Trawling for eels, intriguing! Beautiful haiku, and I always love any sort of waterfront fishing scenes and a perfect calm seascape. You may have just done the perfect blog post!!

    Please don't quit though.

  4. Ah what nice shots.. and the haiku is divine..

  5. Thank you for your wonderful post.

  6. Lovely series of images, Carol! The first one is great I love all the colors and the last shot is another favorite. I love the scene and pretty reflection.
    Have a happy day and week ahead!

  7. Beautiful pictures: blue waters, fishing vessels in harbour and an infinite sky and even an haiku..."seekers travel for answers" (I'll keep it in mind fur sure)!! Thanks for sharing! Happy March, also!

  8. The water looks so calming and who doesn't love a red boat. We don't have to travel far to find answers that are already within.

  9. The big working boats have such interesting lines. And the eeling boat--il didn't know there was a market for eels in the US. Nice photos.

  10. Dearest Carol;
    Wonderful pictures of harbor with varieties of fishing vessels. I LOVED the contrast of with color and monotone♡♡♡ I thought Japanese might be the only people who eat eel; they are delicacy for us p;)
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  11. ...sometimes when we find ourselves we are lost to others...
    wisdom is in the balance?

    1. Yes, Jules I have found that 'wisdom is in the balance' ~ having that 'knowing deep within' so that when chaos is around you can go to that place inside that gives you balance and breath is central to everything ~ ~ takes lots of daily practice like everything that one learns well. Thanks for asking ~ Happy Week to you ^_^

  12. Carol,
    Such intriguing photos-imagine dragging for eels and this is what life is like living along the Cape. Beautiful photos-each one so detailed and interesting-my favorite is the red vessel. Haiku-lovely-
    Have a very pleasant evening-

  13. Your haiku, Carol, reminds me of how much I learned living in VA...:)JP

  14. I wonder if there's ever a traveler-pilgrim who comes up blank when looking for answers within? ;)

  15. I really like the Haiku. And all the photos are beautiful.

  16. Lovely water photos. Maybe one day before too long I'll be living near the water again...

  17. Love all the shots of boats in your harbor!

  18. Wonderful collection of photos.

  19. Love the name of that one boat, 'Miss Sandy'

  20. Lovely shots from the harbor. I agree ... very similar to my picture ... but "your" boat is bigger!

  21. I like the fishing trawlers !

  22. Liked the photos of the fishing trawlers especially the first one.

  23. Sometimes, I think, the highest mountains are within us!

    Kindred Spirits

    1. Most definitely ~ 'own best friend or own worst enemy' ~ all part of the 'human condition' ~ me thinks ~ thanks for your comments ~ carol and artmusedog ^_^

  24. You did get some great pictures! That first one is fantastic!

  25. beautiful harbor photos- and I love the fishing trawlers! The first one with the bright scene fools me into thinking it's Spring or summer...
    a very thoughtful haiku today too.

  26. Cape Ann must give you beautiful photo ops.

  27. A great maritime collection ... love the black&white image :)

  28. Enjoyable series! Love the bright red trawler!

  29. The trawlers are beautiful...sad that they are disappearing ...and scary!

  30. I really enjoyed this post. It reminded me so much of my father. He loved boats and always had them displayed on the wall in his office. I can remember visiting him when I was a little girl, always gazing up at the boats in glass bottles or pictures made of string. :)

  31. Fishing vessel in black and white format is absolutely perfect.
    JM Illinois

  32. That first b & w makes it appear that it is a warm sunny day. I like the angle the shot was framed in.

  33. Ah Carol what a wonderful post again ... those pictures are gorgeous and your haiku/senryu a gem.

  34. Still waters running
    Flight of birds pursuing trawls
    Fish leap, creatures eat.

  35. coming from B&W Wednesday -- I love seeing boats of all sizes -- this photo of the B&W fishing boats great shot and the B&W shades perfect!

  36. fishing boats coming back with their catch?

  37. Your photos are wonderful and your haiku give much food for thought!

  38. Those seagulls love to follow the boats. Beautiful pictures.

  39. Oh my...I do love those fishing boats. Visiting your space here is so "new england" and I just love it!! I also loved the line about the crocuses safe under the snow. Lovely image created with your words!

  40. Am finding photographers are natural philosophers....always love how you mesh your shots with your thoughts♪

  41. I always enjoy when a scene you would normally expect to highlight the color (for example - water) is presented in black/white. Nicely done.

  42. You have a real eye for photography love your pics

  43. The crocuses aren't about to come out from under their snow cover until they know it's safe!

    Thorn by Thorn

    1. hardy crocuses popping up despite the snow and cold ~ need to take another photo ~ thanks for visiting ~ Happy Weekend to you xxx

  44. Beautiful photos, Carol! Happy weekend..

  45. The seagulls must like something that's on that boat!! Great pics -- especially that first one!

  46. Here's hoping the crocuses will be popping up soon.

  47. Your photos make me miss New England....beautiful

  48. Love the shot for skywatch Friday. I do hope the crocuses are popping up soon.

  49. Great series of photos Carole, always love to see the fishing boats and enjoyed reading your haikus.

  50. Fantastic shots. I like that reflection.

  51. wow! I didn't even notice the gulls at first! The trawlers look so nice - it would be fun to go out on one, if I didn't have to work! {:-D

  52. Harbours are a great place to look for pictures!

    Slow reply caused by a trip to Arizona and jet lag!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  53. Came from SWF, Carol. Your haikus and photos are lovely to read and see.

  54. Agree highest mountains are those within each of us at some point (or points) in our lives.

    So thought-provoking.

  55. Hi,Carol. Nice captures. I like your first photo very much. I feel your warm heart from your Haiku," crocuses safe under snow". Thanks for sharing.

  56. Great shots fotos, greeting from Belgium

  57. Classic set of images. I think I'd like to spend time around the waterfront.

  58. There is something special about a harbour, isn't there?!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  59. A fantastic week of snapping- I love the boats in the harbor...that's one of the items on my bucket list- to visit the coast,,, day.

  60. When I am out running errands before a rain storm, I am so puzzled at the hundreds of sea gulls who sit in Target's parking lot, waiting for the rain. Wonderful words and photos, Carol!!

  61. I love your harbor shots, makes me long for summer. Only 105 days away!

  62. Ooh, the first shot has to be my favourite ...So VIBRANT :-)
    I love how everyone has a different pic that stands out to them.

  63. I love your photos of the ships, I miss living near the ocean.

  64. WOW! Your photos are amazing!!

    Btw, it's been a while since I've managed time to visit blogs so I'm not sure how new the changes here are but I'm loving the fresh, clean look to your blog!

  65. Hi Carol....Your photos are sooo breathtaking..they appear like paintings...pure awesomeness!!! hugs ad sparkles...Victoria

  66. love the fishing boats! need a trip to the coast!

  67. Beautiful photos and sketches as always. Have a lovely Sunday


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)