Through the Lens ~ 2nd Weekend in March

Through the lens I see, at times, 'shades of grey'. ~ carol

It snowed again today on Cape Ann MA so somewhat limited in Photo walking.
ArtMuse Dog was put to work and she was very curious about what I was up to. She had
also just been groomed and had her St Paddy's Day bow and glued on earrings.
For Camera Critters link.

Part of our pilgrim journey with Carpe Diem Haiku link ~

Also Haiku My Heart Link and Haiku Friday Link.

This house and turret caught my eye as it seemed to be built on top of the front building
roof. Yet, believe they are two separate buildings.
For Weekly Top Shot Link.

Outside 'Best in Show' on Cape Ann MA ~ ArtMuse Dog's Groomer's Salon ~
Not a 'live critter' but could have fooled me  for
Eileen's Saturday Critters link

'Bad Hair Day?' ~ Hardy Pampas Grass surviving the Winter on Cape Ann MA for
I Heart Macro 2 link.

Treat Time on Cape Ann MA ~ Art Muse Dog tackling her 'cache' for
Pets Always link.

On Cape Ann MA we are feeling like penguins with this wintry weather in March : for Sunday Sketches link.

Sunrise through bare Winter trees on Cape Ann MA for Postcards from Paradise link

We are wishing you the best in each day. xxx

Your posted comments are always a delight to us. Thanks ^_^

QUOTE TO PONDER: ' It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.' ~ Babe Ruth


  1. The sun was shining here for a few hours again this morning. Now it is back behind the clouds.. but it is there/here nonetheless. Beautiful photos and writings Carol. Love the poodle planter!!! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  2. Wonderful, all of them! I love the topiary poodle!

  3. All Artmuse dog needs is an Irish cap and a pipe:):) what a cutie pie! Really beautiful haikus and adorable penguins. Hope you have a snow-free weekend.

  4. The first photo is sweet :)
    Have a happy weekend :)

  5. Such a cute dog, and I love your winter sunrise.

  6. wonderful photos, the penguins are great and I love to see Muse dog,, such a sweetie,

  7. Great photos and I love the penguins ♥♥♥♥♥ Sorry you got snow again!!! It's been a long winter for sure this year. Spring is coming!!!!

  8. these are seriously amazing shots and a great quote to live by..
    your pup is such a cutie!

    happy weekend~ xo

  9. She's adorable! We're getting more snow too. We could get up to 20 cm which is more than we've had all winter.

  10. ocean's ebb and flow
    pilgrims poignant reminder
    to sail the high tide...x

  11. Carol, wonderful series this week! I love the sunrise.. And all your critters real and pretend are cute. ArtMust doggie is one of my favorites. Your penguin sketch is awesome, love the caption..Spring is in the air.. thank you so much for linking up to my Saturday's Critters.. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. I enjoyed all your wonderful photos. Happy St. Patrick's Day weekend!

  13. ha ha. great poodle advertisement. :)

  14. Terrific captures of great variety.

  15. That's a wonderful quote by Babe Ruth. Muse dog looks beautiful. Sunrise is a blessing.

  16. Your little dog is so cute! That fake dog looks so real with a quick glance till I looked a little closer. Great shots!

  17. Delightful post! Have a good weekend.

  18. The 2nd haiku is excellent. It has that required 'twist' at the end, which is supposed to surprise the reader. Most white people haiku is pseudoku! Well done.

  19. Powerful haiku Carol... I can feel your words like the force that cracks icebergs and sets them floating... thank you for these photos and your sharing here and with me today... have a beautiful weekend!

  20. my goodness! a great post...winter cheer from snowy MN...

  21. I love the penguins.

  22. The poodle. Perhaps a liitle competition for AMD but not a lovely mover or such a sweet smile I guess? Have a lovely weekend despite the continued snow.

  23. ...what a pleasure to pass thru your week....

  24. Thesunrise photo is a stunner! ArtMuse Dog is looking great. What a little sweetheart!

  25. It seemed like it was autumn here this weekend - so it will be spring with you soon.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  26. As the changes continue, so my pilgrimage continues!

  27. I love the photos, and the dog is sooo cute. I also like the sketch of the penguins.

  28. i love to see your beautiful photos and visit for a spell . . . thank you!

  29. love to visit your photos and see your world!

  30. Thank you for this beautiful and varied tour of Cape Ann!

  31. ArtMuse Dog,you're so adorable! I love the Sunday Sketches.

  32. thank you for a lovely visit. you have warmed my heart.

  33. all nice post cards; that dog hedge is really interesting; have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  34. sweet penguins ... I've been watching a lot of nature shows lately, and your penguins look so real.
    visiting from sunday sketches.

  35. aww...loving your penguins today Carol!

  36. ArtMuse Dog is adorable of course, and lovely penguin art!

  37. Such a lovely array of photos, Carol! Your doggy is so cute! That turret looks interesting. I hope things warm up for you soon. xo

  38. Love the sunrise image...I can almost feel the cold air.....hopefully Spring is on it's way!

    Enjoy your week,

  39. I like the sketch of the penguins. I also like the shades of gray you see in the camera. :) I've never read the name of the same...but I'm sure I'd like your version much better. :) Have a great week coming up!

  40. Your penguin painting is adorable. As always, I enjoyed perusing through your beautiful photographs and reading your thoughtful haiku poems. Blessings!

  41. Great penguins, though they make me feel Your pup is adorable. Happy SS

  42. As usual, your post is a feast of delightful visual images! Can't decide which one I like best, I think those penguins are adorable but can't beat your puppy in a St. Patrick's Day bow for cuteness!

  43. A lovely series Carol! A cute "critter" outside the groomer's and a pretty sunrise!

  44. Great pictures I love the sunset, and your penguins are adorable! Happy ss

  45. Beautiful photos and your painting is pretty Carol. Happy week to you!

  46. Powerful haiku, Carol

  47. What a wonderful post Carol ... those photos are gorgeous. The haiku are well composed, but that painting of the pinquins (I don't know if I have written that correct) has stolen my heart.

  48. What a wonderful post Carol, gorgeous photos and wonderfully composed haiku, but that painting of the penquins is stunning.

  49. Both wonderful haiku, but the second really held me. I adore your photos, and the sketches of the penguins!

  50. Wonderful haiku. The second one really held me. Your artwork is amazing; love the penguins!

  51. When I saw the intro picture, I thought of my dog that got trimmed coat yesterday!

  52. That grass poodle is very lifelike. Nice capture of the pampas grass but every time I see it I chuckle because it is a weed and will take over everything if not checked.

  53. Such a long winter. Art Muse Dog was beautiful in her St Pats Day finery!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)