Weds and Thurs Photography and Haiku ~

Low Tide on Cape Ann MA for Water World link

Life at Cape Ann MA beach at low tide ~ for My Memory Art and Like Xmas links

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku - 'prompt' - magic fields link

'Red Sails' on Cape Ann Harbor for images by cw link

'N' for Night on Cape Ann MA for Alphabe Thursday link

Seen at Craft Fair on Cape Ann MA ~ for Rurality Blog Hop

Cape Ann MA is really Gloucester which is an island connected by two bridges. It has several beautiful sandy beaches and then beaches with the rocky coast and more sea character where as a child I would search for crabs to put in a pail with salt weather. When the day at the beach was over, the crabs would go back into their home in the ocean. Quite a wonderful place to play as child or as an adult. Now, I like to play with my camera and artmuse
dog at these rocky beaches.

We are linked with the following creative bloggers:

water world wednesday
my memory art
carpe diem haiku
images by cw
rurality blog hop
alphabe thursday

We wish you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments delight us in every way. Thanks.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' Now I have been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come.' ~ Cat Stevens


  1. Carol, Cape Ann looks like a wonderful place to play. A place for the children, adults and the cute puppy dogs like Art Muse. The Red Sail and the moon shots are my favorites. Have a great evening.

  2. green is my valley... ah! beautiful.

  3. nice pictures and
    a serene haiku


  4. Beautiful haiku Carol ... I like that third line "green is my valley" ... really a nice image you have painted with your haiku. By the way an awesome post.

  5. Such gorgeous captures! Cape Ann sounds like an awesome place to spend the day.

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. Such great childhood memories and you are still continuing to make those memories along the beach ~ I love the "red sails" and enjoy the simple pleasure of "walking over nature's gems" LOVE that!! Judi

  7. Lovely haiku and picture.

    Put me in mind of this poem set in Wales, of course:)

    Capt Llewellyn's Poem, from "How Green was my Valley"

    Courage come to me from the height of the mountain, and with it came the
    dignity of manhood and knowledge of the tree of Life, for now I was a
    branch, running with the vital blood, waiting in the darkness of the
    Garden for some unknown Eve to tempt me with the apple of her beauty, that
    we might know our nakedness, and bring forth sons and daughters to magnify
    the Lord our God.


  8. Beautiful take on "magical fields" and awesome pictures; love them all

  9. Blessed are those who live in green valleys!

  10. Hi carol,

    looks lovely in your neck of the woods today..enjoyed my visit

  11. Loved them all, but the night shot~wow! That is something special.

  12. Green is my valley... love that... and I love the pictures of the low tide.

  13. I would love to visit there one day.


  14. These are lovely photos, Carol! I have always dreamed of going to Maine. Maybe one day :)

  15. Lovely shots! Like that green moss close to the water. ^_^

    Thank you for joining Water World Wednesday

  16. Another scenic series, and I love that big dog seen at the craft fair! My own ignorance, I didn't realize Cape Ann was Gloucester. I love Gloucester and Rockport, but haven't been there since the mid 70s. A beautiful area!

    Thanks for your visit and comment on my RBG #28 post.


  17. green is my valley...such beautiful words by themselves. Lovely haiku, Carol! And thank you for your sweet comments. I wasn't able to reply while away.

  18. So many wonderful pictures of your world! The seasonal full moon was certainly spectacular!

  19. Your capture of the moon is rapturous♫ Loved my visit. My Rurality:

  20. Spectacular captures - Cape Ann looks like paradise!

  21. You live in such a lovely area, Carol!

  22. It does sound like a nice place to play, and the pictures are fantastic!

  23. Green is my valley.

    That is good. I like it.

  24. I always enjoy your photos!
    Love the dog -- I guess Artmuse Dog found a friend!

  25. Truly walking outside in nature's gems is more brilliant than visiting any jewelry store.

  26. Beautiful beautiful photos and haiku!

  27. Your pictures are always so bright and lovely :-)

  28. Oh, Carol! I always loved your posts. This one is another cool one, especially the Haiku.


  29. That big stuffed dog is cute... looks quite real... Thanks for sharing on Rurality Blog Hop this week!

  30. That photograph of "Night" is really neat...

    It looks so peaceful and quiet!

    Nice post for the letter "N"...

    Thanks for linking.



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)