Thursday Photography and Haiku

Massage for 'M" for Alphabe Thursday ~ Held at local Farmers Market on Cape Ann MA

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku ~ prompt 'blessings rain' ~ for 8/15/13 USA time

'Mama Horse' for Rurality Blog Hop ~ photo taken in rural section of North Shore MA

Weather has been absolutely wonderful. Type of weather you would like to have all year. Might get a tad boring but could live with that and find exciting things to do.

We are linked with the following creative bloggers:

alphabe thursday
rurality blog hop
carpe diem haiku

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your comments continue to delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Children must be taught to think, not what to think.' ~ Margaret Mead


  1. Love the mama horse - what a beauty. Glad to hear you're having good weather. Our weather today is perfect!

  2. A massage sounds heavenly right now! ;)

  3. A chair massage is a treat. I would love to get a full body one, someday.

    Pretty horse find, Carol.

  4. What a wonderful series of photos - I would love to sit there and get some massage or treatment - that is lovely - and the water - it is kind of hypnotic isn't it? - what else to say ? The horse is the favourite animal for me. Thanks for sharing and thank you for visiting my blog "The Window" :D

  5. I feel uplifted just looking at the photos.

    God bless.

  6. that massage looks like a wonderful idea! The Haiku with the photo of water is lovely! Such a beautiful horse as well, the weather has been great here as well and I agree, it could stay like this all year, I do not like winter any more,

  7. I always love horses...and massages!


  8. Love your water shot with the haiku! Perfect!

  9. Talk about being blessed with rain - I think we have had almost 20 inches in the last two weeks! We're not complaining, though, because earlier we were in a bit of a drought. This is the greenest August that I can ever remember seeing in the Ozarks!

  10. That massage looks absolutely wonderful! I could certainly use some of nature's blessing rain here.

  11. The flow of your haiku is wonderful. I love its layered meaning.

  12. I love this haiku! What a wonderful thought and feeling.

  13. We've been blessed with just a little too much rain all summer long. It's been unusual for July and August.
    A massage at the fair - not sure I'd pay for one in public but if it were free...... :)

  14. Perfect images for each challenge and haiku. A chair massage would sure feel nice!

    Thanks for your visit and comment on my RBH post.


  15. Love your line "nature nourished soul" Thanks for your visit to my blog♫

  16. Would love that massage - feel better just looking! Thanks Carol!

  17. The massage looks so great right now for me! Fabulous post..

  18. Oh now I have to go find someone to massage my back! The haiku is lovely and the horse is a beauty!

  19. Beautiful horse but boy, could I go for a massage right now! :-)

  20. Hello Carol! It's been a while since I visit your blog. It's good to be here again and I'd love to have a massage too.


  21. Love your haiku.... it's perfect

  22. massage----aaaahhhh....
    lovely horse photo and haiku!

  23. Farmer's Markets are so neat... I have been to quite a few and I have never seen a massage booth...

    It is a magnificent way to get some rest and relaxation though!

    Marvelous post for the letter "M"...

    Thanks for linking.



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)