Friday and Weekend Photography and Haiku

Sun setting on Cape Ann MA for Sky Watch Friday Link

Alas ~ a haiku for Haiku My Heart link and Haiku Friday Link

This 'big critter' was outside my living room window sitting on my rose arbor a few days ago ~
 for Camera Critters link.

Boat Reflections on Cape Ann MA for Weekend Reflections link

Abstract Photography for Weekly Top Shot 

Gratefully, my back is almost back to normal. Whew, don't want to feel that pain again soon. I don't make a good 'patient' as there are too many things I want to be and do. Do enjoy my 'quiet time' but too much of a good thing can get wearisome also.  Even got a bit creative with an abstract photo and wrote a haiku. Do hope all is well with you all and that you are enjoying each moment.

We are linked with these creative bloggers:

sky watch friday
haiku my heart
camera critters

weekend reflections
weekly top shot

So hop on over and enjoy the wonderful creativity.

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Hope is a walking dream.'
~ Aristotle


  1. Lovely, golden sunset and a wonderful way to end any day!! Thanks for sharing the beauty, Carol!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Pretty series of images, Carol! I like your Turkey visitor. And the reflections at the harbor are wonderful. And I always enjoy seeing your Art Muse Dog, such a cutie! Have a happy weekend!

  3. What a great post. I love the enormous bird.

  4. Nice shots - that's one huge bird!

  5. Wonderful images. I like that critter.

  6. Glad to hear your back is better.

    What a big critter you had visiting you! And a lovely soft sky shot.

  7. glad to hear you're feeling much better. Gorgeous photos and as always such thoughtful haikus. Happy PPF!

  8. Lovely photographs Carol, it is always a pleasure to visit your blog and see the views in your area.

  9. wonderful haiku. I love the photos. It's a great blog you have

  10. So glad your back is on the mend.
    Love these waterside views and words.
    Happy Friday !

  11. wonderful haiku. lovely photos. It's a great blog you have

  12. Beautiful photos, Carol! And the big turkey is a treat :-)

  13. What a gorgeous sea urchin shot and haiku - very simple, sweet, and pure!

  14. May you AND the sea urchin find the rest you need!

    Sipping Stars

  15. I wish that I could come up with a new descriptive word for your stunning reflections. I've never heard of a turkey visiting such a people inhabited place! I'm tickled your back is better. nonetheless, have a rest-filled weekend!

  16. Great haiku...and photographs Carol.

  17. Loved your Haiku Carol. Beautiful photos. I love where you live. Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. A beautiful sunset and a delightful watery reflection.

  19. So happy you are feeling better! Lovely shots as always!Haiku My Heart with Golden Stars and Sunflowers

  20. so glad to know you are on the mend. thank you for each refreshing water unbelievably hot even in arizona, at 6000 ft! love having you back in the haiku circle!

  21. Nice reflections. Love that Turkey (to look at).

  22. Oh my gosh....that turkey was on your deck?!!! How neat to have this kinda wildlife at your 'doorstep'!

  23. Lovely!!!!
    Hi to your dog from simon!

  24. I'm visiting from Camera Critters - unusual to have a turkey come that close for a visit.

  25. Is that a wild turkey? Sitting on your patio? Awesome, you are lucky to have experienced that. I wonder what Art Muse Dog did. :)

  26. I love the abstract umbrella with leafy shadows. Outstanding!

  27. Glad you're feeling better, and I love all the different photos. So much to enjoy here, thanks! Have a great weekend!

  28. Hello dear Carol, I hope this finds you continuing to feel better... I loved your haiku all the more as I spent yesterday in our west coast ocean. It did wash me anew... your words feel like a blessing. Thank you so!

  29. HA! That's quite the critter to be so close to your home! Lovely haiku about the sea urchin. :)

  30. lovely haiku Carol... is that a turkey visiting?

  31. Great photos. I love the sea urchin and haiku. I'd like to look out my window and see a wild turkey!

  32. my favourite is the abstract shot. No wonder about that as I host an Abstract meme :)

  33. That blue abstract is really interesting - great colour and composition.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)