Poets and Photographers Wed and Thurs.

Cape Ann MA, in a section called Rocky Neck, every New Year's Day people have a tradition of being brave (or a little crazy) of taking a 'dip' into the Atlantic Ocean. ArtMuseDog and I decided we were a little bit crazy but chose to take photos of these dear people taking the plunge into the ocean. It was cold and windy enough just waiting to take some photos. So here are 2 fun photos for you. Any of you have any traditions like this?

Yearly (Y) for ABC ~ New Year's Day Swim at Rocky Neck 2013 ~ Temps ~ 30's

Another 'Y' for ABC ~ New Year's Day Swimmers on Rocky Neck MA

'G' ~ Gull ~ Sunning Self on New Year's Day ~ Brrrrr! for Alphabe Thursday and Cool Clicks Thursday

For Sensational Haiku Wed ~ Prompt 'onward'

For Carpe Diem Haiku ~ prompt 'fireworks'

After the Atlantic Ocean plunge photo op, we then went to the Rocky Neck Art Colony Cultural Center for hot chocolate and social repartee. From there we went to my sister's house for dinner with her and her family. Below is a photo of ArtMuseDog taking a liking to Deb who was slicing turkey. Hmmm?

Deb has 'good stuff' she is serving!

We are sharing today with:

abc wednesday
outdoor wednesday
sensational haiku wednesday
carpe diem haiku
creative everyday

alphabe thursday

cool clicks thursday

It has been a busy and delightful day. Guess who is asleep?

Wishing you the best for each day in 2013.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuseDog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.' ~ Agatha Christie


  1. Love the quote today, but I think "dog" is liking the turkey smell more than sister. lol Love the photos of the what I call the annual "Polar Bear Swim." I was going to go watch it today, but well I didn't...lol

    abcw team

  2. Brrr...not quite like that!

    Happy New Year!!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. Happy New Year! Fantastic shots. It blows me away how people can jump into water when it's freezing cold. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  4. A fun start for the New Year Carol. There's a polar bear plunge here in Ft Myers too (but it's so warm that even I could do it if I wanted to!.. your guys up there are way braver. Art Muse Dog has ulterior motives in loving up the cook there ;>)/

    Happy New Year.

  5. What crazy people. I would never be brave enough to get in the water this time of year. Just thinking about it makes me cold.

  6. Today there were two polar bear dips here in Southern Alabama. Luckily for the participants the temp was in the low 70's. I am sure the water was cold though.

  7. A nice YEARLY tradition, which I will NOT be doing. Ever.

    Happy New Year!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. beautiful shots and great choice of words to start the year. Happy 2013!

  9. OOOF! that dip in the ocean is not for me -- but I'll take the little dog any day!

  10. OH my! We just hunt deer and watch football on TV!

  11. I was chilly just looking at those brave souls!...:)JP

  12. Well their tradition is one way to bring on the New Year! We have a tradition of staying in-watching the ball in NYC and ringing it in with bubbly and having our granddaughters stay the night with us. Nothing dangerous-like jumping into freezing water.

  13. My blood nearly froze with just the idea of plunging into icy waters! That's a little nutso for me. :) Artmusedog could probably smell that turkey from a mile away and was hoping that some would fall on the floor. Happy new year, Carol!

  14. I can't believe how long it's been since I've been here. I have not been able to leave comments until I figured out how to get around the problem.

    As always, I love your photos and the one of Art Muse Dog is so precious, too.

    Happy New Year. It's been fun catching up on what you have been posting lately.

  15. Cute poochie! :) Great shots, love the gull, daydreaming away.

    In SoCA, there is the same tradition...and contrary to belief, the weather is not usually warm. In fact, the morning lows at the ocean were just below freezing. I don't participate. LOL

  16. That quote is fabulous. Love it.

    I'd say those people are a little crazy! Great photos. I love how ArtMuse Dog was trying to get a piece of food!

  17. I have lived in a few places where a dip in the winter ocean has been a way to raise funds for various organizations. But, I have never done it myself. I love the Agatha Christie quote!

  18. Brrrr...... people do the same in the Baltic Sea in Poland. Not for me though :-).
    Thank you for visiting Polonica: Home Again.

  19. Folks in the Chicagoland area jump into Lake Michigan. I believe that they are called Polar Bear Club but don't quote me on that name I could be wrong. Pooh is adorable. Happy New Year!

  20. When I saw your first pic I thought you were in Australia like me, enjoying a long, hot summer at the beach...until I realised everyone standing on the shore was rugged up to the eyeballs!!

  21. What a crazy tradition! Not me, I'll stay out of water until it gets a little warmer again.

  22. That jumping in the ocean is just crazy! I think the gull and you had the right idea of just hanging out and watching. What a great thought for your SHW haiku. Each day truly is a new slate.

  23. I thought of taking photos here in Milwaukee of the "polar bears" this year. But, it's usually so crowded and it was only 2 degrees when I woke up on New Year's Day. Maybe next year!

  24. do hope puppy got a little bit of turkey to start off the new year. and you will never catch me plunging into the water in winter!

  25. Yhank you for regularly commenting on my blogs:):) Excited to start a new year of blogginf - you?
    I almost forgot about the tradition of taking a dip into the ocean that is also held here! Love the quote of Agatha Christie, whose married life was not so merry:(

  26. In my opinion it was very smart to be behind the camera instead of taking part in that "Polar Bear Plunge"!

  27. I love the gull photo!

    Y is for...
    Happy New Year!
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  28. Hi again and many thanks for stopping by!

    Yes, New Year's Day dips here in Northern Europe are unfathomable to me, too!
    Have a great Alphabe-Thursday and weekend too,

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  29. I have seen the polar swim I don't know how many times and I still can't believe people do this? SO FREEZing☺

  30. very nice! thank you for the welcoming pictures & poetry for the new year!

  31. brrr - too cold for me. DId you go for a swim?

  32. I wonder how that tradition began? I would have to work up some courage to do that! Brrrrr! And have a hot beverage waiting for me right away.

    Your dog is so cute, love the turkey photo. :)

  33. Great series of shots Carol. Brave souls who go for the "Polar Bear Plunge".

  34. The dip must be quiet cold, lol ! Your doggie looks so cute in his little coat.
    Happy New Year !

  35. I admire those who have the nerve to do those things...but I'll just settle for admiring and stay dry and warm :0) Great photos and I love the quote for the day!!
    Happy New Year!!!

  36. great shots, but just viewing the images, I'm even colder! I haven't been warm since the snow blizzard came our way.
    Art Dog is sooo cute!

  37. Nice haiku - new year new beginnings and love the quote at the end of your post.
    Nice pictures of the "dips" - something I will never ever be doing!
    Wish you an awesome 2013.

  38. Brrrr....those are like those Polar Bear guys!!! Thanks so much for participating in Cool Clicks!!!

  39. Beautiful photos.

    Happy New Year!

  40. is that snow I spy, keeping that gull company? I love the Atlantic, but don't believe I'd take a plunge in January! Great photos. Hope everyone enjoyed the turkey! {:-Deb

  41. Our 13 year old granddaughter took the plunge in our Atlantic ocean. I was shivering in my long underwear! A lovely post, Carol.

  42. Every year, when I see the crowd heading for the water on New Year's Day I shudder and hope they have heated blankets and hot chocolate waiting when they get out!

  43. Oh my.

    I can't imagine jumping in that icy water.

    In High School my Geometry teacher was a member of a Polar Bear club. I always wondered if that's what made him so... ummm... eccentric!

    This was a Grand link for the letter G.

    Thank you for sharing it!



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