Artists, Photographers, Poets Friday

Wintry Photo on Cape Ann MA ~ for B&W Weekend

More Red Heads for Paint Party Friday ~ Watercolor and pen

Just another RedHead for Paint Party Friday ~ Watercolor and pen

Love that Sumac! ~ Winter on Cape Ann MA ~ for Orange You Glad Its Friday

Welcome to Cape Ann MA ~ the 'other' Cape. We are north of Boston and technically an island connected by two bridges. It is beautiful and the ocean is central to our lives. I was  born and reared here then moved away only to come back after twenty odd years. Had to leave to really appreciate the beauty that is right here in my 'own back yard'.  Tis true with creativity also, look within and around you ~ beauty is right there.

haiku for Haiku My Heart and Haiku Friday

for Carpe Diem Haiku

'I really don't like having my picture taken.' Must you? ~  for Camera Critters

We are sharing with these other creative bloggers:

paint party friday
haiku my heart
carpe diem haiku
haiku friday
camera critters
orange you glad its friday

black and white weekend
paula's weekend blog

Hope you have enjoyed your visit and will visit the other creative bloggers listed above. 

We wish you the best in the day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to you have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, 
ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.' ~ Dwight D Eisenhower


  1. very much like your first haiku and love your watercolor and pen art ^^

  2. Beauty, wisdom and wonder all on one page...thank you :)

  3. Loving your Nice interesting blog :)

    Follow me on :

  4. Awesome post. Every day I am looking forward to your post and every day again it's a joy to read your post and look at all those wonderful pictures and paintings.
    Your haiku inspired on the one by Shiki is very well composed. Thank you for sharing with Carpe Diem.

  5. Always a joy to read your posts :-)

  6. Lovely stuff, this. Thank you for being part of Haiku Friday. I love your work. And your Art.

  7. thank you carol
    for sharing
    your fine words & art ...

    i have no idea
    about ~~frozen ground~~
    as i am barefooted in my office
    with the doors wide open
    to the sun ♥

  8. always so much to see and appreciate on your, art, and haiku - all very wonderful, displaying your myriad talents!

  9. You find and share the beauty wonderfully !
    Have a sweet Friday !

  10. Wonderful post, as always. Being near the ocean is a gift!

  11. Looks like your photo on Orange You Glad Its Friday has posted. Sorry if you had trouble. This is the 2nd week in a row Linky Tools has been on the fritz. Not sure what to do. Thanks for your patience!

  12. Gorgeous art and beautiful poems! Lovely post!

  13. wonderful sketches with a dreamy quality!

  14. Lovely combination of portraits, poetry and photography, Carol!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  15. Came for Haiku My Heart. Saw many other meme posts. Do you do brunette mermaids? Looks like your home is a beautiful place.


  16. Your springtime haiku has me longing for warmer days.

  17. Your Haiku is beautiful and loving your ladies with their great expressions Carol. Happy PPF, Annette x

  18. We have something in common as I recently moved back to the place I grew up after a 28 year absence. I thought I was moving up and out for a better life in the big city, but that was not the case. It's good to be back. :)

  19. I'm visiting fro PPF, Carol. I enjoyed seeing your lovely redheads in pen and paint. Very beautiful. Also, I like the haiku that's on what looks like leather.

  20. love your haikus and your ladies are so cute!!

  21. Beautiful frozen waterfall in "Winter on Cape Ann".
    Some kind of press (most of it I would say) came to my mind reading your smart haiku.

  22. So much to see and read and contemplate, a feast for the senses,,,,particularly love your haiku,,, :-)

  23. My -- a full day of memes. So much to look at!

  24. thank you for introducing me to a different kind of haiku! (shiki style)
    what a gorgeous robin image! and the stunning frozen waterfall, so love it!
    may your weekend be full of peace

  25. Sweet bird, I'd like it to visit but I don't think we have them in NZ.

  26. Hello Carol, Redheads and redbreasts today! And your lovely haiku that reveal the cold you are experiencing, but promise of spring, and the truth... Please tell art muse dog how grateful we are that he allows you to take his picture of his sweet face!

  27. I love the way you capture the ice fall. Perfect for black and white. Also like the illustrations, haikus and the photo of the bird as well as the photo of your adorable dog.

  28. Inspiration post. Have a creative weekend!
    Be Creative Mommy

  29. Great in B&W!

  30. Great in B&W!
    -your latest follower

  31. Fantástica imagem da cachoeira congelada, belo p&b! Um abraço!

  32. I think I say this everytime after each visit, but I love your posts! Your redhead series is great!

  33. Awesome post! I love your blog and that things you do here. :)

  34. Great B&W! I also like your haiku.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  35. I think you have all the bases covered -- photos, artists, poetry (love Haiku) and critters. Cute little Yorkie. Happy Critter Day!

  36. cute little tyke of a pup. :) nice redheads. :)

  37. love the robin and the spiffy yorkie

  38. Great post, love the redheads and your cute puppy dog. Have a happy weekend!

  39.'s always so fun to come here and see the various offerings you've made for us. Delightful.

  40. Another lovely post! Your dog is adorable.

  41. Love the monochrome ice! You have the cutest dog!!

  42. I particularly love the photo of the frozen waterfall. How the water freezes like that is a source of wonder to me.

  43. Your redheads are adorable!!! I love the winter photos too. The ice on the rocks is really awesome.

  44. HPPF.. wow.. its COLD looking there. Fun redheads too. Seems we never really appreciate whats right under our noses. Glad you figured it out eventually. :)

  45. I love all of the shots...the Robin is lovely. I am now following you and have joined you everywhere I could.

    I hope to do Paula's blog hop next weekend. My hubby was home this time and I didn't have the time.

    I am playing catch up now. I hope you have a great week!:-)

  46. There is just so much here to like and enjoy. Thank you for all of your creativity! The redheads are just filled with good fun!

  47. thank you for your post of beauty and treasuring what lies in each unfolding moment. so beautiful; acceptance and being present.
    you are so welcoming, with your offerings of awakening and peace.

  48. Beautiful drawings Carol! My favorite is the one with the stars...just something about it spoke to me :)

    Thanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!


  49. Love the icy falls. Your drawings are really cute!

  50. So much beauty here! Love the coming home story too. HPPF !

  51. That photo of the bird is wonderful! I love the ocean too and live on the coast of South Carolina! Happy PPF

  52. Your dog is super cute. Enjoying your artworks, other shots and lovely words.
    Thanks for dropping by :)

  53. That icy waterfall is just unbelievable! Beautiful! I love the shot of the robin as well.

  54. I love that the red-heads
    are joined by a red-breast,
    lots to love here today ♥


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)