Photographers and Poets Wednesday

(M) for Moon Rising ~ ABC Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

WEDNESDAY POST ~ Sometimes my 'spirit' take a siesta and I need to listen to it. After all music has 'rests' in its composition for a reason. Have been trying to draw ArtMuse Dog again. She is a real challenge for me to sketch her ~ not sure why. It will come. In the meantime, we have a photo of a 'rising moon' and two haikus for you today.

haiku(prompt ~ 'fresh')

each day fresh time
new life exhilirating
peace within find.

haiku(prompt ~ 'rainbow')

sometimes rainbows visit
rain is their companion, friend
balance of joy, sorrow.

Today we are sharing with:

haiku sensational
abc wednesday
outdoor wednesday
carpe diem haiku

Guess who came to visit outside our window ~ Grasshopper?

Do stop by the wonderful blogs we are sharing with today.

Wishing you the energy and love to enjoy each day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or quesitons to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'What is best in music is not to be found in the notes.' ~ Gustav Mahler


  1. Love the photos and the haiku. I believe that is a box elder bug on the window.


  2. Love the photos and the haiku. I believe that is a box elder bug on the window.


  3. Your moon picture is haunting I keep going back to it. I really like how its just out of focus. are those fishermen's cottages? would be a perfect subject for a watercolour painting:)

  4. Your moon picture is haunting I keep going back to it. I really like how its just out of focus. are those fishermen's cottages? would be a perfect subject for a watercolour painting:)

  5. Lovely haikus. Thanks for sharing :) I love that Mahler quote!

  6. Awesome 'rainbow'-haiku. I am so glad to see your posts here on your weblog ... and that you're participating in Carpe Diem ... I am honored ...

  7. Awesome 'rainbow'-haiku. I am so glad to see your posts here on your weblog ... and that you're participating in Carpe Diem ... I am honored ...

  8. In New York, that bug is called a "stink bug" or officially, called the conifer bug. They live in the conifer trees in the summer and in the fall hibernate in our houses if they can get in. We have tons of them every year!

  9. Enjoyed your haiku....and your fuzzy (haloed?) moon♫♪

  10. The bug on the window reminds me of bugs that decide to take up residence on our security cameras. Every once in awhile we go out and "ask" a bug to leave so we can see what the camera is supposed to show us rather than the underside of a bug. ;)

  11. The bug on the window reminds me of bugs that decide to take up residence on our security cameras. Every once in awhile we go out and "ask" a bug to leave so we can see what the camera is supposed to show us rather than the underside of a bug. ;)

  12. Oh the moon rising is so pretty and both haiku are lovely. Sometimes creativity needs to rest for a while to get centered and re-energize .. have a good night :)

  13. ah, Mahler! great music
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  14. ah, Mahler! great music
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  15. I like the moon shot, even with its blurriness...makes it look very watercolorish.

  16. Love the moon shot!
    I can't seem to draw anything very well--LOL! I have to use photos and trace them to manage anything decent, so I admire anyone who can draw.
    That bug--not a grasshopper. Funny shot, though.
    Enjoy your Wednesday!! :)

  17. Love the moon shot!
    I can't seem to draw anything very well--LOL! I have to use photos and trace them to manage anything decent, so I admire anyone who can draw.
    That bug--not a grasshopper. Funny shot, though.
    Enjoy your Wednesday!! :)

  18. Just love your blog and your little dog. He has stolen my heart.

  19. The picture of moon rising is beautiful !!!

  20. Hi there - I dont think your "bug" is a grasshopper - but it's a nice image anyway!

    Stewart M - Australia

  21. Hi there - I dont think your "bug" is a grasshopper - but it's a nice image anyway!

    Stewart M - Australia

  22. These are pretty cool photos. Love the bug one.

  23. Very creative, Carol! Thanks for your comment on my Mmmmm introduction. I forgot to write my name under it. Sorry!

    Wil, ABC Team.

  24. Very creative, Carol! Thanks for your comment on my Mmmmm introduction. I forgot to write my name under it. Sorry!

    Wil, ABC Team.

  25. I always find peacefulness inside the forest.

    It is a rainbow, a paradise or whatever I may think of.

  26. I always find peacefulness inside the forest.

    It is a rainbow, a paradise or whatever I may think of.

  27. Love the ballence in your rainbow poem. Very nice

  28. Really enjoyed your blog, very thought provoking and creative I will be a constant reader. Thanks!

  29. Nice shot of the moon - Thanks for sharing it with us.
    What a cute little dog.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  30. Nice shot of the moon - Thanks for sharing it with us.
    What a cute little dog.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  31. i love how waking up can give us a fresh start! great!

  32. The moon is huge ! I don't think that the inseect is a grasshopper. They look more funny and not so "disgusting" !

  33. your water shot makes me a bit dizzy. :)

  34. Beautiful haiku about "fresh" and "rainbow", Carol.
    That bug on the window is not a grasshopper; the antennae of a grasshopper are not so long, its legs are different and its head is not so small, so it's not a grasshopper at all! (at least the ones we have here don't look like that one)

  35. Beautiful haiku about "fresh" and "rainbow", Carol.
    That bug on the window is not a grasshopper; the antennae of a grasshopper are not so long, its legs are different and its head is not so small, so it's not a grasshopper at all! (at least the ones we have here don't look like that one)

  36. Nice evocation of the rainbow in your haiku. Love the Mahler quote.

  37. There is always a magical quality about a full moon rising!

  38. Love your photos and the idea that each new day can be exhilirating.

  39. I love music but I'm one of those people who doesn't want background music. I need to actually LISTEN to music to appreciate it. Thanks for visiting my blog :}


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)