Artists, Poets and Photographers Mon and Tues

Oriental Sketch for Sunday Sketches

for Rebecca's Remembering ~ loving memories of my Dad. He was a hard worker and we were very close until adolescence ~ rather conflictual yet as a young adult we would often have tea together. He adored his grandson and spoiled him rather well. I am grateful for the 'wise ones' ~ not perfect ~ just loving people.

Rain and Sun Rising
for  My Sunday Best Photos, Macro Monday and Favorite Photo

Shortly after Sunrise and Rain
for Our World Tuesday

haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku
(prompt was rough sea)

SUNDAY POST ~ I am integrating my posts as I am having some eye problems due to too much time online. Thus I will post on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Hope you will enjoy each post and I will post reminders on Google + and Twitter. 

We are sharing with these blogs listed below:

Wishing you the best in the week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' Those who pursue learning daily increase results. Those who have heard the tao drop something. They decrease until they arrive at a point of non-doing. In doing nothing there is nothing left undone.'
~ Tao-Te Ching, Verse 48


  1. Great chinese painting sketch. I'm presuming you used ink for this. You have achieved some lovely loose passages.

  2. Pleasant haiku ... we should always learn to face the rough seas !!!

  3. Good day Carol, what a wonderful post you provide us here. Awesome pictures and I love the haiku you have written on rough sea. Life is as a rough sea, but we know that we will arrive safely at home.

  4. What a clever sketch and I just love looking at old photos. The words are ones to set me off thinking..lovely post:)

  5. Hi Carol

    I love the sunset and the rain
    and also your drawing and favourite photo
    actually I love it all!

    Have a good week

    x Fiona

  6. A beautiful Haiku - I need to write that down - and set it above my working desk!
    The picture of the sea, with raindrops on the lens, is very special!

  7. hi sweet Carol :) inspiring as always. love the quote. so sorry about your eyes. I hope you'll get better with some rest. visiting from Your Sunday Best. I'm your new follower. happy day sweetie :) xxo

  8. I love the rain and sun rising photo! Thanks for visiting me and your nice comment.

  9. Love them all but especially the sketch!

  10. You are a very beautiful artist! And your photography is amazing! And the rain drops on the windows are very beautiful and touching.

  11. Lovely oriental painting! And great pictures. We've had a lot of rain here, too. Nice pic of you and your daddy! ;) Don't overdo it with your eyes!!

  12. I love the picture of you and your Dad...nope, nobody's perfect, but their love is!

  13. lovely both your sketch and your photographs
    thank you for sharing~

  14. Hi Carol, lovely quotes and sketch. At least you can see the's just raining raining raining here...:)

  15. lovely sketch, beautiful flowers! Enjoyed your photos and haiku as well.

  16. Always love to see your sketches. Hope your eyes get better soon!

  17. Lovely photos, Carol. And I love your sketch, too. Very pretty. :)

  18. A lovely post, the raindops are wonderful!

  19. Lovely views this morning!!!
    Thank you

  20. Hi Carol. Enjoyed your post very much. Love your pictures and Haiku. Thank you.

  21. great photographic captures Carol, and wonderful treatment and framing!

  22. Your oriental painting. The haiku is beautiful!

  23. take care of your eyes and rest up... spend the time painting and writing rather than being online and I am sure you will come right again soon...xx

  24. What a lovely array of creativity! Take care of yourself.

  25. Beautiful! I really love your sketch and the photo with the raindrops. So creative!

  26. Hello Carol, I loved seeing this photo of your father and your sharing some of your memories... I trust you to listen to what is best for your eyes, and speaking of seeing... it looks like Art Muse Dog has a rhinestone tattoo??? I so love coming here Carol and being swept away by your creative heart!

  27. What a sweet photo of your dad...and I love that quote!

  28. I like your sketch and your shot! Have a great Monday!

  29. Lovely collection of your artistry, Carol. xo

  30. I too have been trying to figure out how to merge some of my favorite memes. Would rather publish three weekly posts that are well thought out rather than scattering random photos around. Am hoping that will also give me more time for commenting which is as important in keeping the connections going as my own postings.

    I always want to see more of your sketches/pen and ink drawings. Loving seeing art in progress. Oh, also really enjoy your water scenes.

  31. Oh I love what you said about not being perfect! wise words.
    Sorry to read that about your eyes, its good to give them a rest. I should take that advise too! your painting is wonderful (the first photo) Is tha sumi-e? really beautiful!

  32. I absolutely love the rainy window shot!

  33. Hi Carol,

    You are very artistic! Your sketch is lovely as well as your wonderful photos of the rain and sunset.

  34. I came here with the intention to go to your PPF entry, but got stuck here instead - beautiful post! The sketches, pictures and words all drew me in today...I can identify with so much of it! Thanks for sharing!

  35. such beautiful work, I have missed following your journey, my blog was attacked and it had to be removed, I have started another blog with lots of protection and hope you might find, me,I have joined to follow you again, wish me luck!!!

  36. You are very talented my friend. I send you gentle hugs

  37. Love your beautiful art ,it's always a delight to visit your blog!

  38. Beautiful photos! I hope your eyes feel better soon :) Computer "injuries" make things difficult.


  39. Hello Carol, love you Art Muse Dog, and all the beautiful work here that you supervise.

  40. Lovely shots and a nice tribute to your dad.

  41. I love your creativity Carol!
    Wish you a nice week
    Warm greetings, Anna ❀

  42. I like the shot through the rainy window - reminds us that what we see is always mediated by something between us and nature.

    Stewart M - Australia

  43. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye problems and do hope that resting them helps big time! I love the photos through the rain. Just beautiful! Joan

  44. Your father sounds like he was a wonderful man! Your haiku really spoke to me today!

  45. Love the oriental flower sketch. Sorry to hear of the eye problems and your haiku is always good to read,


  46. Your sketch does have a lovely feel of the Orient:)

  47. Beautiful flower sketch and great photos!

  48. Great wet sunrise!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  49. Again a lovely collection -- particularly love your thoughts about your dad and the sweet photo. It's a good idea to consolidate the memes ...there are those times when for some reason or another we just canNOT post every day or two but want to stay in touch.

  50. Beautiful! Everything is beautiful! I appreciate the connection I see between your explanation of love of Dad with the haiku. Beautiful!

  51. I stopped by here to your welcome, creative spot of inspiration. i needed this today. thank you.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)