Sunday Sketches and Photographers

Asian style brush Painting

Today is a special Sunday as we are 'post sharing' with Nancy's Sunday Best Photo Challenge. Link up with us below at end of post. Try to visit as many blogs as you can and join their sites if you don't already follow them. We are trying to help bloggers get more followers and commenters. Thanks so much.

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Sunday Sketches

Post Cards from Paradise

Above is my latest Asian brush sketch and below are two photos for Sunday Best and Post Cards from Paradise. Hope you will enjoy each of these special and talented bloggers.

Oh Beautiful Sky ~ over Cape Ann MA

'After the Storm'

Wishing you a wonderful and peaceful week ahead.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE  FOR THE DAY: 'Everything is relevant. I call it loving.' ~ James Tate


  1. Do you know all the things I could do if I could sketch like that? Beautiful pics too.

  2. Pink and blue sky = gorgeous! Thank you for co-hosting with me at Your Sunday Best this week, Carol. :)

  3. Hello! I'm popping over from Your Sunday Best! I love your sky photos. We're moving to the country and every time we go out to our property I am enthralled by the sky and have so enjoyed trying to capture it. Your shots are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hello! I'm popping over from Your Sunday Best! I love your sky photos. We're moving to the country and every time we go out to our property I am enthralled by the sky and have so enjoyed trying to capture it. Your shots are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Carol, I love the Asian brush painting yet also love what you've done to the photos of the sky & sea!...:)JP

  6. ooo I love bamboo! I always try to have one in my house!!

  7. Visiting you from Nancy . . . I loved this post, the bamboo, postcards and your precious doggie. Our dogs are "face twins" although yours looks like a Yorkie with ears going up and our is a Shorkie and her ears go down. Truly their faces are much the same. Irish Garden House and the Label, Snickers will provide a look . . . I look forward to following you and your art and peaceful way.

  8. beautiful Sunday Sketch and your photos are fabulous!

  9. Congrats on co-hosting!
    Love your harbor photos; the clouds look like mountains.
    (They aren't mountains, are they?)
    Excellent bamboo.
    Just a few strokes and it's perfect.

  10. Congrats on co-hosting!
    Love your harbor photos; the clouds look like mountains.
    (They aren't mountains, are they?)
    Excellent bamboo.
    Just a few strokes and it's perfect.

  11. Nice bamboo! Love your sky shots, as always. Such a pretty pastel sky! Have a super weekend. :):)

  12. Thank you for being the co-host along with Nancy today. I enjoyed looking at your skilful sketch and your last photo in particular.

  13. Nancy is right, you have the sweetest dog one could wish for :) so happy you're hosting Your Sunday Best this weekend. xxo

  14. Beautiful photos! Thanks for stopping by.

  15. love your painting - did you use Sumi paints?

  16. Oh my...what beautiful pictures Carol!! Hope your Sunday is blessed!

  17. Gorgeous skies. The colors are amazing!

  18. Your photos are amazing. Such a beautiful sky so full of color. Natures beauty at its best.
    Art Muse dog is so adorable!
    Happy Sunday!

  19. Your photos are amazing. Such a beautiful sky so full of color. Natures beauty at its best.
    Art Muse dog is so adorable!
    Happy Sunday!

  20. Happy Sunday! Lovely sketch - I so wish I could do something that lovely with brush and paper.

  21. Congrats and I love the brush painting! The photos are gorgeous as well great the processing

  22. beautiful skies
    I love when there's pink in the clouds

    the drawing is lovely

  23. beautiful skies
    I love when there's pink in the clouds

    the drawing is lovely

  24. Thanks for recently leaving such a sweet comment on my blog -- so very much appreciated!

    The Sunday Best photo challenge is very interesting! I bookmarked the link and will try to play along starting next week. Great fun!

    Of course, I would also love to welcome you to my blog. Currently, I even have two giveaways. Details are on the left sidebar of my blog.

    Greetings from sunny Munich,

  25. Thanks for recently leaving such a sweet comment on my blog -- so very much appreciated!

    The Sunday Best photo challenge is very interesting! I bookmarked the link and will try to play along starting next week. Great fun!

    Of course, I would also love to welcome you to my blog. Currently, I even have two giveaways. Details are on the left sidebar of my blog.

    Greetings from sunny Munich,

  26. Gorgeous the sky! And the brush painting is so serene and pretty...thanks for sharing with us!

    Hugs for Muse Dog :)

  27. Gorgeous the sky! And the brush painting is so serene and pretty...thanks for sharing with us!

    Hugs for Muse Dog :)

  28. I LOVE your sketch!! You are very good! :)

  29. Love how delicate the stem and leaves look.

  30. I wonder if you have ever traveled to Asia, you have such a hand for this brush work...just lovely!

  31. Gorgeous shots of the sky over Cape Ann! Love the colors!

  32. Your Asian art is wonderful. Love the bamboo! :)

  33. oh carol,
    what a lovely offering of beauty from far and wide!!!
    you are all welcome at recuerda mi corazon for postcards from paradise where we share intimate views of our own paradise through our lens of the world.
    your painting is vibrant and gorgeous!
    so glad to share sunday with you!

  34. oh carol,
    what a lovely offering of beauty from far and wide!!!
    you are all welcome at recuerda mi corazon for postcards from paradise where we share intimate views of our own paradise through our lens of the world.
    your painting is vibrant and gorgeous!
    so glad to share sunday with you!

  35. fantastic sky pix, and I love that bamboo(?) painting.....I have stopped posting to blog hops that have more than 30 or so links.....but congrats on the co-posting!

  36. Love the delicacy of this bamboo image and the green color is perfect.

  37. Your bamboo is gorgeous... So delicate with beautiful shading. I like how you've framed it on the page, too. Really pretty!

  38. Your bamboo is gorgeous... So delicate with beautiful shading. I like how you've framed it on the page, too. Really pretty!

  39. How delicate the stalk and leaves of your bamboo plant. I love the red square signature too.

  40. I love your bamboo painting and photos. I've visited your blog before, but can't remember if I've linked before. Blessings!

  41. Thank you for allowing us to share our links with each other. The art blog world is so supportive. It's wonderful!

  42. I think the light is best up in these parts from mid-August through the end of September. You've captured what I love the most about late summer beautifully with your end of day shots.

  43. fabulous brush sketch!! lovely colors and handling:))

  44. I love the bamboo! Wonderful job with this style and capturing the sturdy but delicate bamboo. Just the right amount of branches and leaves, and lovely greens. Terrific!

  45. beautiful bamboo! it looks so delicate and right. Cool photos too! what a fun blog hop - may have to participate someday

  46. love the bamboo brush painting. peaceful!

  47. that bamboo painting is perfect... looks just like the bamboo outside my window that is swaying in the morning breeze...xx

  48. I love the 2nd photo. Quite surreal. Your bamboo painting is the best.

  49. Wow, what a wealth of beauty in these pictures! SO much to enjoy:-)

  50. Brush painting and sky photos are definitely paradise. Thanks for sharing.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)