Haiku Heights and Your Sunday Best

'Rollin on the River'

Welcome to our blog where I view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and with my assistant, ArtMuse Dog we explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Today we are once again exploring poetry and photography and how the beauty and words bring light to the inner spirit. My photo above was taken from a small draw bridge over the canal on Cape Ann MA. It is truly about 'light', a sunset that was just breath taking. My haiku below is about the prompt 'true' or my version of being true to myself and what I learn from nature.

We are sharing today with:

Haiku Heights

Your Sunday Best


thunder lightening
smash, skies awash with energy
nature voicing true.

after the rain, calm
clouds, puffy white ever true
all around us life.

nature speaking truths
waves, gentle, rolling to shore
ebb flow life story.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

There is a blog link every Monday here at A Creative Harbor, Magical Monday Meme and for all creative people and all creative mediums, (art, crafts, poetry.etc.) Hope you join.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'The tragedy of our time is that we are so eye centered, so appearance besotted.' (Jessamyn West)


  1. That is lovely and looks as if it should be somewhere in europe. Massachusetts is close though!

  2. The aftermath of the storm is beautiful. You have depicted Nature at her finest.

  3. I wonder where you get your influence (haha) ...... Great photo of canal ...and your words show such a connection with the universe

  4. Awesome photo and Haiku. The scene looks like it is from Holland or the likes. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful weekend Carol!

  5. Ur haiku is always as good as floating thru nature's treats :)

  6. Beautiful river shot. Truthful haiku. ;)
    Have a great, relaxing weekend. :)

  7. What a stunning photo!!! The sky has such great energy in it!! Great haikus too!

  8. Gorgeous shot! I can see tiny birds in that pic; very cool!

  9. What a beath taking picture!! Love it...

  10. What a great series of haiku. There certainly are truths of nature.

  11. Such a beautiful shot! I am planning my first trip to MA this fall - I can hardly wait to explore the area! We will be in Dennisport on the coast.

  12. Beautiful set on nature....Enjoyed reading them...Nature is always true :)

  13. That picture is just gorgeous!

  14. Lovely words and a gorgeous photo, Carol.

    Thank you for sharing at YSB this week. xoxo

  15. From "skies awash" to "gentle waves" this is a very image-filled haiku set. Thanks for sharing it!

  16. I'd love to be on that river. It's a gorgeous shot Carol

  17. Gorgeous shot and lovely words.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Wish you a wonderful week.

  18. Beautiful! i wish i was there! :)

  19. glorious photo, reminds me of Thailand!

  20. Fantastic sky photo, and a wonderful haiku!

  21. May we always hear the truths that nature speaks!

    Walking True

  22. 2nd haiku is favourite,. love it!

  23. I love the way you combine haiku with nature ... superb!!!

  24. Beautiful pic, Carol. An equally wonderful haiku set,too!



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)