Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise

Note: Blog Hop every Monday ^_^

Note: Haiku ~ click tab above Haiku April 22-30

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Today we are literally 'getting out feet wet, again' ~ We took our artwork, Asian brush paintings, oil pastels, photography and digitally altered photography with haiku over to Kahn Gallery on Rocky Neck to be displayed for the season. Wish us luck and do check out her wonderful gallery. She is a very talented and prolific artist. Today we are exploring Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise. (click on the link to go there)

The above sketch is another of my Asian type brush paintings. She has the makings of being a good one, yet am not happy with my first try with this one. Will do another soon. That is why I tend to do them in my sketch book now and work from there.  The photo below is a photo from a trip to Hawaii. Hawaii is very much a paradise state, at least visually. It can be rather expensive to live there as they are islands thus much is imported in and prices are higher. The weather is wonderful and I wouldn't mind spending a few months in that tropical paradise. Yet, am content here.

Hope you enjoy the artists and photographers at Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially,  ArtMuse Dog ^_^

We have a blog hop every Monday here, Magical Monday Meme for anyone who is the least bit creative and you all are in some way ~ artist, photographer, crafter, poet, parent, and more. Come join us and meet some wonderfully fun bloggers.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul.'
(Book of proverbs 13:19)


  1. I have to tell you something amazing. I'm listening to music and just scrolling down your post reading... Exactly the moment I come to the picture of the beach, the music shifts and a recording of surf washing up on a beach comes on! Serendipity!

    I do love the work you do with those asian brushes. Makes me really want to try it out.

  2. I have always heard it is really expensive to live in Hawaii. It's expensive to visit, for that matter. But so beautiful! You have your own gorgeous spot in the world, though. ;)

  3. Lovely sketch and that photo is special...Hawaii looks amazing from your photo and I would happily lie there I think if I had a view like that...xx

  4. lovely vivid sketch today and wonderful postcard Carol!

  5. Love the card and photo...wish I was on a sunny beach somewhere.. :)

  6. loving your asian brush paintings. and hawaii is one of my favorite spots-- where was that picture taken? it's making me anxious to get back there! :-)

  7. the sketch is bright and beautiful and the photo is idyllic!

    /\ namaste

  8. I think your Little Geisha Girl painting is really good. You are so talented! I can't draw anything. As for Hawaii, I have never been there but have a Facebook friend who lives there. He shares his pictures with me there and it is so beautiful. Personally though, I like my climate here in NY. I can only take summer weather for so long, then I am ready for fall.

  9. beautiful work - i love the asian brush style - best of luck with the gallery!!!!!!! xo

  10. You did a great job, Asian brush style is hard. Making on perfect line after another without sketching them out first. Yikes, hard for me!!

  11. I've wanted to visit Hawaii since I was a child! You're so blessed to have been able to go! I'm really enjoying your Asian art lately. Keep it up!

  12. asian brushes....ummm...might have to try those! She is peaceful and serene.
    cheers, dana

  13. Listening to the surf on any coastline is a longing of mine that's what makes your quote appealing along with your sweet little geisha girl.

    Namaste x

  14. Wow Carol..she is deeply her energy..your style of art is fab..really enjoying all of your beautiful work!!

  15. Carol, I love this brush style. Your way of presenting this little Geisha makes me appreciate Asia more. Sounds quite pompous doesnt it. Somewhat for years Asia hold some dislike for me. Only recenntly I strated to open up and your Geisha has done me good there too!

  16. Good luck on the gallery exhibit!

  17. Hi Carol and art muse dog!
    The Artist's Play Room is posted every Saturday morning, first I wrap up last week by showing the art then I put up the new challenge theme for the upcoming week. Add your artwork throughout the week, from when the theme opens on Saturday morning all the way through to the next Saturday (early, I'm in the westcoast of Canada so it gives everyone east of me time to get last minute submissions in.) I post the new post around noon Saturday Pacific time.
    I look forward to seeing you around APR!
    Jenn of

  18. She's beautiful! :)

  19. all day i have been outside in the garden, the hillsides, between giant boulders removing weeds to make way for all the poppies, iris, sunflowers, morning glories and soon to be summer garden.
    it has been so satisfying following the shade, taking in the fragrance and colours and saving every ones postcards for a well deserved rest. thank you for your beauty and your willingness to share it!

  20. Your card has a very Asian feel to it! It's an interesting style!

  21. Lovely little geisha girl. I just watched Memoirs of a Geisha recently on TV. Wonder what the Universe is trying to tell me.

  22. This is a pretty nice sketch, actually. You should practice your Asian brush art more if you're not satisfied with this yet.

  23. I like your sketch, the brush work is lovely!

  24. I like this girl a lot--her lavender outfit and her peaceful expression.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)