Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise

Asian Type Brush Painting

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Haiku Heights ~ please note ~ click on tab above for Haiku April daily posts of haiku. ~ thanks, namaste. ^_^

Today we are exploring artists' sketches, paintings and photography. Whether viewing or doing something creative, the process brings to the spirit something of beauty and may even enlighten the soul. There is much research available to support the theory that 'art heals'. By art, of course, we are referring to whatever is creative. We will not all agree on what we see as beauty or creative. We each process information that comes in through our senses and is interpreted by our perception. Being similar yet unique individuals, how information gets interpreted depends upon the brain's interaction with our sensation and perception. Probably more information then you want or need to read. So join our exploration by clicking on the links for Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise. The photo below is my interpretation of 'paradise'.


Happy Easter, Happy Spring Equinox, Happy Day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Join us on Monday for our blog hop, Magical Monday and share whatever it is you create ~ It is all magic.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Simple pleasures are the last refuge of the complex.' ( Oscar Wilde)


  1. I love your Asian style painting and your photo does look like my idea of paradise. And, I agree wholeheartedly with the Oscar Wilde quote!

    1. Thank you and isn't that a grand quote ~ am trying to live life simply~ ^_^

  2. Amazing one! Love the little sun!

    1. I couldn't resist putting a face on it ~ yet wasn't sure what effect it would have ~ thanks ^_^

  3. such a beautiful painting, you do these beautifully!
    Thats a wonderful photo as well! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Laurie thanks ~ I am practicing and try to practice daily ~ Happy Weekend to you also ^_^

  4. Lovely post, I like your painting, Carol. Have a Happy Easter!

  5. Your sketch is sunny and warm! Yes we love making Cascarones! How do I link to your Monday Blog Hop - Magical Monday - Happy too.. do i just come here Monday and link? L

    1. Thank you Lenora for your wonderful comments ~ Yes, just come to this blog on Monday later Sunday evening link should be up ~ would love to have you ~namaste, ^_^

  6. Hi Carol!!! I have a weakness for trees!!! wonderful work!!!!

  7. lovely painting and yes, that's paradise!

  8. such a lovely brush painting...
    wonderful weekend to you~

  9. Love your new painting! Awesome work!

  10. Love the Sun...great fun...gorgeous photos too... :)

  11. ...greetings and merry meet! ~ in the sun ~ our golden treasure ~ glowing with blissful radiance ~ thankyoU for today's share! ~ blessed be!...

  12. That's Lovely.
    Drawing some curves and painting some part of sheet. And here we go, We've got an ART.
    I would like to have a try on this.
    Here's my recent works ..
    Cheers !!

  13. I love the sketch and photo today!
    Have a great Easter Sunday!


  14. wonderful!!!!
    thanks so much for the invitation!!!! happy easter!!!

  15. The photo is wonderful!where has she been taken?
    Happy easter

  16. Carol, what a beautiful blog. I wanted to let you know I have added you to the blogroll at Poets United. I apologize for the delay. I very much look forward to following your work through Poets United. Thanks for joining!

  17. This is such a peaceful and restful piece... perfectly suits a beautiful Spring Sunday...xx

  18. beautiful painting....and a gorgeous picture - definitely Paradise!!!!
    have a great week!

  19. what a glorious painting - lovely complex tree!

  20. really like how the sun is looking down at that person. such nice work!

  21. Lovely oriental painting. Fits in very well with your love of haiku!

  22. beautiful Carol..I am loving this poetic style..and pure gorgeousness. This tree is so powerful and magical..very special!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)