52 Photos Project, Haiku Sensational Nature Footstep and Wordless Wednesday

'Outside My Door'

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today, being Wednesday, we are exploring what photography, writing or reading poetry, and being silent and viewing various photographers can do to enhance our inner spirit. Beauty is especially good for the soul. At 52 Photos Project,  the photos are focused on the prompt for the week: ' What is right outside our door.'

Poetry at Haiku Sensational has more wonderful  haiku, Japanese poetry. The prompt for the week was 'happiness' ~ below are my haiku:


sunshine happiness
filling soul warming body
light shining through day.

strolling on the beach
leash in hand, cutey dog romps
happiness each one.

on deck, reading book
lolling the day away, be
happiness abounds.
(carol l mckenna)

 Nature Step is a Watery Wednesday Photo. 

Motif # 1 ~ Rockport MA

The Wordless Wednesday blogs, Aquariann's,  In Him We Live and Dave's Philosophy are rather difficult to predict whether it will be an art creation, a photo or something informative. Whether photographer, poet. writer or artist, they are all very creative and have even more links to more creative blogs. The links to each blog here are highlighted and just a click will send you to the site. Enjoy and have fun viewing and sharing with all these creative people.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Join us every Monday for our blog hop, Magical Monday Meme, and share what you create. It is all creative and magical. Hope you will join the fun in sharing.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Seek silence, gladden in silence, adore silence.' ( Deng Ming-Dao)


  1. I enjoyed your haiku today and the photo for watery wednesday. That is a gorgeous photo of a harbour. I have GOT to get out more.

  2. Hi Carol,

    Your poem and harbor photo are very inspiring. Both of them inspire an inner warmth. I especially love the reflections of the boats in the water. The reflect well, and we too should reflect well on the beauty around us.

    I was looking for your linking tool but didn't see it here. If you have one, let me know where it is and I will link up. I use "inLinkz." I try to get an early start and get my post out there on other sites so others can find me. That's my secret, haha. Plus this week I sent an undisclosed email to last weeks followers telling them that my post was up. I think that helped too.

    Have a great week!


  3. I am your newest follower. Nice to find another blog by someone in Maine. Visiting your state has been on my Bucker List since sixth grade. Perhaps, I will still make it there someday. In the meantime I will be enjoying all your lovely photos and pretending.

    PS. Thanks for the visit to my little yellow frog.

  4. Beautiful grape hyacinth and words too:)

  5. Gorgeous flowers! What is the name of them?

  6. lovely! and I also took Bella's prompt literally, "outside my door"!

  7. What sweet flowers! Your haiku made me smile and want to walk my pup, too. ^.^

    -:¦:- Featured Photo: Pink Magnolia Tree -:¦:-

  8. Grape hyacinths take me back to spring as a little girl. They always sprouted up through the rocks in our driveway which amazed me. They don't grow where I live now, so I loved seeing your photo this morning and remembering them.

  9. Great haiku! Happiness is that little dog walking beside us!

  10. Awesome haikus! I bet Paka and Muse would love to meet up, they both seem like free and easygoing spirits!

  11. i love those little purple flowers, they are everywhere around where i live :)

  12. Beautiful pictures, and I love the happiness in your haiku! Truly sounds wonderful enjoying the sun and water and a dog. Perfect!

  13. very beautiful carol, lovely picture , lovely haiku, lovely thoughts by a lovely lady :)

  14. Your photos and haiku are wonderful! Looks like a perfect day at the harbor!

  15. beach + dog = ultimate happiness

    shifting gears senryu

  16. "sunshine happiness" - very beautiful!

  17. Lovely post, Carol, both your Haiku and the lovely photos. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  18. looks like a peaceful harbor. Nice shot.

  19. What a lovely visit...
    Thanks Carol

  20. What a serene blog, where art and poetry is created with such grace. I'm following your blog! The haiku has such good vibes emanating from it.
    Rosie Gan

  21. what a sweet little peek of spring outside your door :)

  22. A lovely place fare away from me. Thanks.

  23. Love these haikus!
    as usual, a lovely post!!

  24. one of my very favorite little flower friends. i like them with the words in the background.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)