Haiku Watery Wordless Wednesday and Love

Watery Whirl ~ Can you guess the water source?

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today we are exploring it all from Haiku, Watery and Wordless.
When you stop and think about it, we need all of these concepts in our day. We need words, water and silence to urge us on through the moments in time. Share with us the poets, the photographers and the other creative bloggers by clicking on the highlighted links to go there. Hope you will take some time and ponder my photo above and my haiku below. There is an Asian saying, 'As above so below.' Something else to contemplate.

52 Photos Project Prompt was for What do we really love. You guessed it ~ I love my Yorkie!

ArtMuse Dog  ^_^

We are linked today to  Sensational Haiku, Watery Wednesday 52 Photos Project and a few Wordless Wednesdays ~ Aquariann's, Dave's and In Him ~ Hope you enjoy each one for their creative and unique presentations.


(links are above and highlighted ~ buttons are just for beauty)

(prompt was the word 'battle')


tai chi no battle
learn to fight, not to have to fight
peace within your self.


no win when fight rages
dead ones silent, living trauma
wasteland of life time.


on and on and on
when will we learn no win fight
losing battle dead.

(carol l mckenna)

Enjoy the week now that you have been fed by poetic words, had some water and enjoyed some silent time and saw love in a little dogs eyes. Thanks for coming by.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Please check out our own blog hop ~ 'Magical Monday Meme' which is open all week ~ Join the fun and meet some new bloggers and feast on all the creativity.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go.' (Louise Driscoll)


  1. Looks like the faucet running in a metal sink to me.

    I think I'd pass on writing anything about battle...or war...or anything related to that, but you did well. :)

    1. Oh yeah... Faucet running. I've been trying to guess. Hah! What difference orientation can make. :-)

  2. Hi Carol,

    I'm guessing that the water source is at the right of the photo. It looks like a piece of ceramic that would have a hole either intentionally or un-intentionally as the water source. Am I right?

  3. It looks like the source is an art sick to me.

  4. I go with Rita regarding the water. Your dog is beautiful and has such soulful eyes.

    And thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. :-)

  5. I'm guessing kitchen faucet with the photo turned on it's side. Cool shot, thanks for stopping by, Laura

  6. Yes - I'm guessing water in a sink as well. Love your beautiful words and poetry. The haiku is wonderful!

  7. Hi! Haiku was born in Japan. Basho's Narrow Road to a Far Province is most famous book in Japan.
    In this hush profound, Into the very rocks it seeps-- The cicada sound.
    Above one is my favorite Haihu. Translated by Dorothy Britton.

    I like your third Haiku very much.

  8. Such an interesting shot! It took me a while to see the bit of drain on the bottom.

  9. to the point! beautifully expressed the futility of battle!

  10. I guessed water in a sink too :)

    Powerful haiku Carol!

  11. Interesting photo angle! The second stanza of your haiku really pulled me into the emotion presented.

  12. Yes it looks like it's from a tap

    Your dog has a lovely face :-)

  13. Love your photos and haiku today. The water source is your kitchen faucet, right? Your Yorkie is adorable.

  14. I enjoyed this series of Haiku very much. The last one is my favourite. All are so true. Sweet dog :-)

  15. and you have every reason in the world to love your Yorkie, he(?) is adorable!

    1. Thanks ~ It is a she and she is a gem ^_^ ~ a real sweetie ~ Everyone loves her !

  16. I was thinking kitchen sink, since there seems to be a light source toward the drain which you wouldn't expect in a bath tub. :) Happy WW!

  17. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and support and Yes, it was my kitchen sink that I took the photo ~ Thought the 'readers' 'viewers would like something different besides the beautiful beaches and harbors of Cape Ann ~ the 'artisty' sprite in me ~ LOL ~ namaste, Carol ^_^ and ArtMuseDog ^_^

  18. Intriguing photo and great haikus!

    Have a wonderful Spring season****

  19. I had no idea until I read your added comment here. But, if you want my opinion, you just can't beat beaches and harobrs!!! Oh, I must say....I too love your little 'yorkie' ---adorable beyond words.

  20. Loving that photo of your little yorkie.
    They are truly the cutest dogs.
    OK, so now I know it was the kitchen sink!!
    Thanks for linking up Carol :) And for always playing each week ~ and for your kind comments. xo

  21. have no idéa were the water comes from. :)

    If you want to join in... I reopen NF Waters next wednesday. And NF Winged next thursday. :)

    Both at nfmemes.blogspot.com

  22. Lovely, as always, and I know all too well the love of the terrier family :)

  23. Lovely, as always! And I know all too well about the terrier family love

  24. Impressive that you can write 3 (three) nice haiku -- its all I can do to write just one for the prompt!

  25. Nice opening photo ... ArtMuse Dog ^_^ is precious!!

    Nice set of Haiku as well ~~ another successful post!!

  26. excellent words to live by, a very good suite.

  27. Great haiku which leads to the question - what is the purpose of battle? Also makes me think that winning/losing can mean different things to different people...


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)